Southern Carteria

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Southern Carteria
Region: Carteria
Population: 6 nations
Sub-regional Delegate: Uzbekistan and Solomon

The sub-region of Southern Carteria is made up of the six southern-most nations of Carteria: Elphabaleah, Gwan Chimone, Hammer2026, Sapphire Coast, Uzbekistan and Solomon and The Melanesian Islands. The sub-region is bordered by the Carterian Mountains to the north and the South Carterian Sea to the south. It is the warmest part of Carteria, with warm temperatures year-long. Long a posh tourist region, the area has a rich economy and the five mainland nations are all members of the United Nations. Furthermore, The Melanesian Islands are the economic powerhouse, and are home to the University of Southern Carteria. Uzbekistan and Solomon is the sub-regional delegate and they represent Southern Carteria in Mount Carter.