Sovereigns of Little India

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A comprehensive list of the Sovereigns of Little India.

The term "High King" is one that was granted posthumously to Ithilanor, and was passed onto his daughter, High Queen Donna I. The office of High King symbolises the unity of the separate Kingdoms of the Little Indian people.


Ruler Number Name Ruled From Ruled to Relation to previous Sovereign Notes
1 Ithilanor 1 5 NA
2 Donna I 5 17 Daughter
3 Silbria 17 23 Son
4 Nithron 23 48 Son
5 Suiadan 48 49 Brother
6 Adanessa 49 78 Daughter
7 Cugechilon 78 100 Son
8 Alyemaldir 100 134 Son
9 Vanya 134 166 Daughter
10 Daugon - acting as Regent 166 178 Brother
10 Tegalad I 166 211 Son of Vanya, with Daugon as Prince Regent
11 Donna II 211 258 Daughter
12 Donna III 258 267 Daughter
13 Donna IV 267 300
14 Darius I 300 350 Son
15 Darius II 350 367 Son
16 Donna V 367 385 Daughter
17 Alaric I 385 412 Son
18 Darius III 412 448 Son
19 Herenya I 448 460 Daughter
20 Donna VI 460 482 Daughter
21 Eruansanthronn I 482 491 Brother
22 Darius IV 491 530 Son
23 Donna VII 530 569 Daughter
24 Alaric II 569 599 Son
25 Donna VIII 599 642 Daughter
26 Alyemaldir II 642 659 Nephew
27 Beridhren 659 687 Son
28 Meldarion I 687 701 Son
29 Meldarion II 701 702 Son
30 Donna IX 702 763 Sister
31 Donna X 763 775 Daughter
32 Darius V 775 800 Son
33 Alyemaldir III 800 837 Son
34 Donna XI 837 901 Daughter During Her rule, Donna instituted the Law of Succession, allowing only females to the throne. For a full description of the law, click here
35 Christian I 901 927 Son First Lord Protector of Little India
36 Christian II 927 930 Brother Second Lord Protector of Little India
37 Donna XII 930 952 Daughter
38 Christian III 952 978 Son Lord Protector of Little India
39 Donna XIII 978 983 Daughter
40 Donna XIV 983 1000 Daughter Died Andar/1/1000

The first 40 Little Indian sovereigns are considered Legendary - although all are known to have existed and whose actions are well documented, they are considered to be the members of the House of Vís who contributed the most to the foundation of Little India, and who secured Sovereignty. The remaining Sovereigns, with the exception of High King Ithilanor II, are not considered legendary. Only the most notable of these sovereigns are spoken of here.

Ruler Number Name Ruled From Ruled to Relation to previous Sovereign
999 Silina III 39,968 40,000 Daughter
1000 Ithilanor II 40,000 Incumbent Son