Talk:The South Pacific

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Watch what you say in their forum. If you are not one of the "Elite" and they don't care for what you say, or the role you create in a role play, you will be 86ed so fast it will make your head spin.

Well I would say that was a somewhat unfair portrayal of the South Pacific...The membership has developed over time, and yes the majority of the more established members do get on very well...But that is not to the exclusion of everyone else...Anyone is free to integrate themselves into life in the South Pacific and make what they like of their time there...Frequently in the government elections newcomers stand for election and do not make it, but most persist, get involved with things and in time they are trusted with positions of responsibility, and I speak from personal experience...

So don't judge us harshly on the comments above, stop by and make up your own mind...But I warn you now...That Welcome Wagon comes directly from the asylum... ;)