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An insectoid species originally found on the S-14 colony ship and now only found in the "S-14" nation, more accurately known as the Coordinated panNorm Hives. There are four main races of panNorm, mostly classified as to their carapace color: Blue, Red, Green, and Mini. While this would normally be considered racist, these races are actually nearly distinct species, each particularly adapted to specific tasks. The color of their carapaces are a secondary attribute, as they will be the first to admit, but it is also the most obvious.

Physical Attributes

Universal panNorm Traits

All panNorm are generally ant-like in appearance, insectoid, with hard chitinous outer shells that make up three major body segments (the head, thorax, and abdomen) and six appendages that extend from the thorax. The most forward of these appendages have three major joints and are equivalent to arms and end in bony manipulator claws, four to a 'hand.' The four appendages behind these have four major joints and act as legs and end in multi-clawed feet that can grip porous surfaces easily.

All panNorm have complex compound eyes, each facet of one similar to a normal human eye but with a much more durable lens, placed on the sides of their heads for stereoptic vision to the front and nearly 360° monoptic vision all around. They all have two antennae that extend from their heads anterior to their eyes, and their mouths all have two sets of external "teeth"--two mandibles, which are large grinding and cutting teeth, and multiple maxillae, which are smaller teeth for processing food. It is generally disconcerting for humans to watch panNorm eating solid foods.

Internally, all panNorm have internal load-bearing endoskeletons that are connected to their exoskeletons via structural members that resemble the inside of bird bones. Their anatomy is quite complex, with spiracles all over their body leading to multiple respiratory systems and highly evolved nervous systems. They are by no means related to Terrestrial insects but only resemble them externally.

See the entire article at PanNorm