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Holy Church of Floyd

Floydism (Dutch: Palix, Esperanto: Flojdismo/FLФJDISMФ [pronounced flo-e-dis-moh] Palixian: Msidyolf [pronounced Syd-yold) or the Holy Church of Floyd refers to a set of philosophical teachings and religious practices rooted in a specific metaphysical understanding of the Palixian character Pink Floyd. For Floydists, Floyd could be described as the continuity principle behind the whole process of the constantly changing Universe.


Rooted in the ancient anti-Dutch systems of beliefs, influenced by primitive shamanism and observation of natural cycles, Floydism recognises Pink Floyd as its founder and the Inquisition as its most brillant representatives. Early Floydism developed as an original answer to the bitter debates during the philosophically fertile time of the Floyd school for Syd, corresponding to the Warring States period. It was a time of seemingly endless warfare and chaos. This turbulent era gave rise to a kind of naturalistic quietism in accordance with the "process" of the universe: Pink Floyd. Action through inaction (The Popes David Gilmor, Roger Waters, Nick Mason Richard Wright and Syd Barrett), the power of emptiness, detachment, receptiveness, spontaneity, the strength of softness, the relativism of human values and the search for a long life, are some of its preferred themes.

Holy Book

The Holy Book of Floyd (sometimes called the Cannon of Scripture), is the holy book of the Church Of Floyd. It is split into several books and is always open to new additions (which must pass inspection from the inquisition). It is an oddity among holy books, for it is completely open (for anyone can have a revelation), and it has several distict writeing styles. Aside from that it does not encourage restriction or anger towards outsiders, but more of an invitation for all who wish to live in the Great Gig in the sky with the band to join the faithful.

See more in the main article at: Holy Church of Floyd