Terror Incognitia

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Terror Incognitia: (Past Tech) A nation of the Indonesian archipelago, Terror Incognitia sprawls across almost the entirety of Indonesia, the island parts of Malaysia, and New Guinea, along with further small islands around the place generally.

Politically, Incognitia resembles somewhat the English system of the late Middle Ages, having a series of quasi-feudal lords, owing loyalty to the High Seneschal; and a consultative body, the Consilium, which is looked to for approval of certain legislative activities. Consiliar approval also shows ‘popular’ support for a measure.

However, in important differences, the succession is not directly hereditary; rather the Consilium selects the most suitable candidate of royal blood to succeed the throne. Equally, as a maritime nation heavily dependent upon trade, the merchant class have substantial political influence, and Consiliar representation. And though the ruler can ignore the Consilium, he would be somewhat unwise to do so too often.

This system has grown up as a result of the slightly bizarre circumstances in which Incognitia was founded. An extremely lost Roman merchant with Republican sympathies found somewhere vaguely congenial to settle; he was soon joined by an assortment of nationalities, and (voluntarily) local tribes. The resulting nation grew steadily over the following centuries, and never lost a consultative aspect to its government that initially resulted from one merchant’s distaste for Augustus Caesar.

In terms of population, totalling some 20 millions, though censuses are irregular and imprecise, this is concentrated on Borneo, where is located the capital, Nescia, and on New Guinea, where the most significant sea-port MenZerte is to be found. Nescia is a city of over a million people, approaching the practical limit for any pre-industrial city, and MenZerte has hundreds of thousands of denizens. The vast majority of the population are however rural, and the substantial urban and maritime minorities are outnumbered by a peasantry free from serf status and in the throes of a revolution in production for sale rather than personal consumption. Arable crops mix with rice to amply sustain the people with locally grown foodstuffs, generating a regular surplus.

In the cities a growing number rely on trade, both internal and foreign, for their welfare. And apart from certain specialised manufactures, such as ‘Damascene’ steel and Austian silk, Incognitian products compete with the best in the world in quantity, quality and price. This has led to an ever-growing merchant fleet, often considered in the absence of certain figures the largest in the world. What is certain is that almost all Incognitian and a substantial quantity of third-party trade is carried in Incognitian bottoms.

As befits a maritime, island based trading nation, Terror Incognitia’s navy is large, well funded, well trained, and up to date with the latest technology and tactics. To protect trade, the lifeblood of the nation, they have to be. The Marines are equally effective, in ship to ship and limited shore actions. However, they rarely operate in units of more than 1000 men, and have no cavalry arm. The army is generally less well supported than the Navy, and has seen less recent action. However, with transferred Marines and Incognitian who have served abroad as mercenaries providing a disciplined core, and the slow development of new pike and arquebus tactics, it may well become a force to reckon with. Having no proud recent tradition, it is open to new ideas and technologies rewriting the rules of war.

Diplomatically, Incognitia has recently been emerging from a period of splendid isolation, to develop an active foreign policy. Protection of trading interests, along with security fears, has prompted new enmities, and new alliances. Where this will lead is far from certain. What is quite clear is that we live in interesting times.

Incognitia is surrounded, or almost so, by other nations. China to the North, Kirisubo and Frozopia to the North East; far to the East but coming closer is Caladonn, somewhat closer is Angermanland; to the South is Aust; newly to the South West, Kilani. Being a maritime power, Incognitia can bypass these to reach virgin territories; the question is whether she should. Great opportunities await; as long as the independent trading and economic development of the nation can be sustained. This may call for wars of conquest, colonisation, and captive markets. It may require diplomacy and peaceful trading. There may be wars to prevent piracy and enforce trade terms. In conclusion, Terror Incognitia is racing not for territory and tribute, but for trade and the Industrial Age. Barring catastrophe, she will reach it first; and parlay that advantage into a power on the world stage unmatched by any larger, more populous, but far more backward state.

(Sorry for making you wade through that, but it gives some idea what I'm all about).

First rough cut. Any comments etc please TG me.