The Neo Deus

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Neo Deus
Unknown (Claims to be immortal)
6’10”/200 lbs.


“We seek to convert the world, so that it is in our image and likeness." ~Neo Deus

Little is known about the man known as Neo Deus, mainly because so much has been told about him. Some call him a god, others call him a psychopath. Regardless, his creating Neo Deus (The Nation) proves that the most accurate description of this man was made by “Modern Politics” magazine when they called him “the most powerful and influential man of the 21st century.”


The first reference to a man who refered to himself as the “Neo Deus” came about in 1478, in a small village in Senegal. According to inscriptions inside of a cave, “The tall one walked across the river’s water like as though it were stone. With a wave of his hand, the wilting plants became alive again. He spoke in a language that we did not speak, and yet we understood. Those who bowed before him were given great strength. Those who stood against him were killed.”

Several other sources all make reference to a tall, gaunt man with long hair of “white gold.” They come from the world over: South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. One Medeival scholar wrote of Neo Deus as such: “A man, a god, and a devil, all bound together by the robe he wore. White and violet, it reminded me of what my teachers have told me of the emporers of Rome. He was flanked by two giants of men who wore the Roman style of armor. Our warriors believed that they would be easy targets for slings and arrows, but they proved to be quite the adversaries. And the one who called himself God. He performed miracles not seen since the days of Christ. What mortal could do such things? I shudder to think.”

Neo Deus, or several men claiming to be him, have been traversing the world for over 500 years. He claimed to become more powerful as his following grew. As of now, he has been recorded to have done the following:

-Walk on water


-Raise the dead

-Kill a person with but a touch of his hand

-Leap large distances and run at record speeds

-Show feats of extraordinary strength

The most recent showing of Neo Deus’s claimed power was during a 2004 parade that he headlined. As he walked in the parade, a rogue fired a rocket-propelled grenade at him. Before anyone could react, Neo Deus took the excess of his robe and caught the RPG within its folds. The explosive went off, but was containtained within the robe. Neo Deus was completely unharmed, and gained even more followers after that day.

Many have produced theories about who Neo Deus actually is. They claim that he is not immortal, but merely a human who orchestrated a plot to make himself seem great. Some believe he was a renegade European general who went insane; others believe that he was a scientist who fell victim to one of his own experiments. The most popular belief is that Neo Deus is actually Francis Brohemium, the man who created a process to extract the soul from the body. This theory would explain why his nation’s currency is the soul.

Neo Deus does not give into any of these theories. His name, Latin for “New God,” understates Neo Deus’s ego. Not only does he believe he is a god, he believes he is five gods, all joined together into one body: Caelius, the god of the sky; Terranius, the god of the earth; Marenius, the god of the sea; Inflamius, the god of the flame; and Agnitius, the god of knowledge. Because of this, Neo Deus will always refer to himself in the plural (As in “We are Neo Deus. We are pleased to meet you.”).

Until 1987, Neo Deus was known only as a crazy religious figure by most of the first world nations. That all changed on June 5th of that year, when he made his first televised appearance, live from a small village in the Czech Republic. In the showing, he claimed that he would make the sun bleed as he bled. Standing upon a stone alter, he raised his hands and gave himself what reporters called “a self-induced stigmata.” As the drops of blood fell upon the stone, the sun and the rest of the sky turned a deep red for 18 minutes.

At that point, Neo Deus’s following increased more than 500-fold. People flocked to him, would sacrifice their own children for a glimpse of the man-god. He relished the attention. Soon enough, he was told that he should create an empire out of this following. He wholeheartedly agreed.


Since that time, the Holy Empire of Neo Deus (appropriately for his ego, he named the nation after himself). Has slowly but surely been consuming the rest of the world. During the nations beginning, however, they faced many difficulties, the most pressing of which was a lack of a national currency. All forms of money had been scoffed at for their relative worthless. It was then that Neo Deus decided to extract human souls from their bodies.