The North Pacific

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The North Pacific
Official forum*: TNP Forum
News Service: TNP Wire
Population: c. 4500 nations
Regional Power: Extremely High
Delegate: Chodean Kal
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

* as noted in the regional World Factbook entry

The North Pacific is one of the game's feeder regions, known collectively as the Pacifics, and a birth region.


The North Pacific enjoys a democratic, constitutional government, which is directly elected by Registered voters of the region. The Constitution can be viewed here.

In May 2007 the following ministers, and other government officials, took office, and form the current government:

  • Security Council:

  • Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Eluvatar

The Region also has a legislative arm of government formed by the Regional Assembly, who can vote in elections, propose new laws, serve in juries during trials, and run for office. More information can be found on the official forum at this topic


Origins and First Conflicts

The origins of the North Pacific are lost in the mists of time but in October 2003 The Twoslit Experiment created a forum for the region on Invisionfree. This forum: “Old Blue” or “S2” as it came to be known, served as the region’s home until November 2005.

The First few months of the forum’s life are remembered by many as a “Golden Age” of The North Pacific. The region enjoyed a clear identity, largely defined by being pro-defender, pro-ADN and anti-NPO, but also it benefited from what was probably the best Out of Character forums in the whole of NationStates at the time. Another feature of this era was the lack of a constitution, government, or any bureaucracy of any kind; a sharp contrast to the region in later times!

This era came to an end when the delegate Magicality was succeeded by a relatively unknown player: UPS Rail. UPS Rail (thought by many to actually be the Sir Paul) unilaterally reversed the foreign policy of the region, declaring allegiance to Franco’s NPO, and went on a banning spree, ultimately resigning the delegacy in favour of Great Bight, who many still suspect to have been a NPO puppet (Mammothistan).

Great Bight founded ALSO – designed to be the new government of the region. But few of the natives of the region took to the new regime, and a fierce opposition arose, bringing to TNP the first, though not the last, taste of conflict. Natives of the region engaged in an unendorsement campaign, and also kept the original forum of the region active, forming a government in exile around Thel D’ran. While this was going on, other plans were afoot, and on 28th July the region awoke to find that a combined force of ALL, ADN, and other defenders spearheaded by Free4All (Ballotonia) had wrested the region from Great Bight. Free4All handed the delegacy over to Thel D’ran, and the natives of the region.

However, the Great Bight era had left deep scars in the region. First, there was a legacy of conflict and argument which remains to this day. Second, despite the role of the ADN in liberating the region, relations between some in the region and the organization were soured in this period, and within six months TNP would leave the ADN and lose much of its active defender role.

TNP under Pixiedance

The delegacies of Thel D'ran, Sydia, and Cathyy (as Pixiedance) were marked by attempts to recover from the trauma of Great Bight, and also to safeguard the region from rogue delegacies, largely by the adoption of constitutions and legal codes. Sadly, it is a truism that “where you get laws, you get lawyers” and this period of TNP life became characterized by suspicion, factionalism and infighting.

Eventually, all of this came to a head, and Cathyy performed an act of desperation, or betrayal, depending on whom you talk to: On 8 January 2005 Pixiedance handed over control of her nation, and hence the delegacy, to Pierconium (Borogravia Moldavi) of the People's Republic of the Pacific. This new delegate immediately suspended the constitution and declared martial law, ejecting and banning the nation placed second in the region in endorsements (Better Times, aka Free4All). Later that week, Pierconium restored the nation to Pixiedance's control at her request. The constitution was restored to full effect.

On 18th January Pixiedance herself declared a state of emergency and suspended the constitution. She also dissolved the region's alliance with the ALL, which had become increasingly confused since the A.L.L. refused to recognize the Delegate/Government as being able to act on behalf of the region. Two days later, she gave her nation once again to Pierconium/Moldavi.

As soon as this change of delegacy was confirmed, The Underground arose in the region, a resistance movement based at the region's original forum The Underground later changed its name to The North Pacific Confederation, and became the home of a revitalized Constitutional government from the region. In response, Pierconium established the North Pacific Directorate with himself at the head. The NPD attempted to create a constitutional form of government with increased powers for the delegate but were stymied by the efforts of the NPC and constant plots for its overthrow by various defender organizations (foremost, the ADN). More political controversy arose when the West Pacific Intelligence Agency discovered that several high-ranking members of the NPD were actually powerful members of the Union of Sovereigns under different aliases, leading to greater condemnation of the NPD as simply a political puppet for the PRP and its allies.

Several months later , Moldavi returned the nation Pixiedance to its original owner Cathyy, who immediately passed it on to Insane Power, a high-ranking Directorate member and at that time Minister of External Affairs in the NPD. In turn, Cathyy received IP's nation Insane Legends to avoid having one player control two UN nations. Moldavi objected to the passing of Pixiedance and stripped Root Admins status on his forum from the then Delegate, Insane Power. Moldavi had agreed this and non-forum interference as part of the handing back of Pixiedance.

In response to TNP yet again being held to ransom by a forum owner Insane Power created a new forum and continued with his planned founding of a new government known as The North Pacific Government(TNPG) and named his new cabinet the North Pacific Government (NPG). This Government took many steps towards what had been demanded by members of the region under the NPD. But there were those in the region who were intensely suspicious of Insane Power, given that he had been an active supporter of the NPD.

The Aftermath of Pixiedance

On 26th of May 2005, history was again written in the North Pacific as Insane Power resigned Pixiedance from the United Nations, leaving TNP without a delegate. Insane Legends (then second in the endorsement ranking) was immediately resigned also, thus creating what can only be termed a power vacuum as the endorsement cap had long prevented any other nation from coming close in endorsements. The day until the next update was marked by vigorous endorsement and unendorsement campaigns, mostly supporting one or the other of the nations Thel DRan and Lungwallabad, who were the most likely successors. Below are the top contenders ranked by endorsement at that time (hours before the update):

Notably, Insane Power still held the Regional Controls, and used this power to endorse Thel DRan in the World Factbook Entry, as well as ejecting several active contenders, among them Leonardo Da Vinci and Stars of Sky. Mere seconds before the update, he ejected Lungwallabad (then holding the most endorsements), perhaps to ensure a victory of Thel DRan. However, this was too late, and Lung became delegate at the same time. He unbanned himself and cleared the banlist, ejecting Cathyy and Poltsamaa. This day, as Lungwallabad became delegate, marked the first time since 25th of October 2004 that a nation other than Pixiedance held the regional delegacy.

The following day Stars of Sky gained the delegacy from Lungwallabad. She had been avoiding the update, in a practice known as update surfing. She held around 250 endorsements, and moved back into the North Pacific.

In June/July 2005 a New Constitution was adopted for the North Pacific, and the Forum known affectionately as "S2" or "Old Blue" was confirmed as the official forum of the region, continuing a tradition begun in 2003. Government and delegate elections followed, and a peaceful transfer of the delegacy followed. The state of emergency that had existed in the region for some months was finally at an end.

Other Delegate Troubles

An unendorsement campaign briefly led the Vice Delegate Emperor Matthuis to the delegacy on February 10th, 2007, displacing the Delegate Great Bights Mum. An action likely perpetrated by the joint efforts of several groups, it is unclear what was supposed to be achieved from this mission. Great Bights Mum, with Emperor Matthuis' cooperation, was able to quickly return to the Delegate's seat. It has since been discovered that the people responsible for the displacement were the North Pacific Destroyers.

List of Officials in the New Government

August 2005 - November 2005

In August 2005 the following ministers, and other government officials, took office and served until November 2005:

November 2005 - February 2006

At the end of November 2005 the region voted to move away from the S2 forum which had been its home for two years. This was sparked by a dispute with the root admin there, the Twoslit Experiment. A new forum was established and is now going from strength to strength.

In November 2005 the following ministers, and other government officials, took office and served until February 2006:

February 2006 - May 2006

In February 2006 the following ministers and other government officials took office and served until May 2006:

May 2006 - August 2006

In May 2006 the following ministers, and other government officials, took office, and served until August 2006:

  • Prime Minister: Hersfold (Chosen after Tresville withdrew before taking the oath of office.)

August 2006 - November 2006

In August 2006 the following ministers, and other government officials, took office, and served until November 2006:

November 2006 - January 2007

In November 2006 the following ministers, and other government officials, took office and served until January 2007:

February 2007 - May 2007

In February 2007 the following ministers, and other government officials, took office, and served until May 2007:

Delegate time line

  • Mikestonia, according to Nastic, was in delegacy prior to Nastic.
  • Nastic has been delegate of the North Pacific with different nations several times (spring 2003, November/December 2003).
  • Treenudity took over from Nastic around the summer 2003.
  • the twoslit experiment held the delegacy in the NP for quite a while after Treenudity.
  • Wilkshire held the delegacy from 16 February-15 April, 2004
  • On April 21, 2004, Blackshear was unseated ("due to someone tampering with his access to the game") [1]
  • Magicality then obtained the delegacy, but was later surpassed by UPS Rail when she mysteriously disappeared for an extended period of time, never to reappear in-game.
  • On June 29, 2004, then-delegate UPS Rail declared allegiance to the NPO.
  • On July 28, 2004, The North Pacific was liberated from the delegate Great Bight and his ALSO organization.
  • Thel D'Ran
  • On September 8, 2004, Sydia took the Delegate position.
  • Pixiedance took the delegacy of the North Pacific on 25 October 2004. The nation was then in the possession of Cathyy. It was later:
    • in the possession of Borogravia Moldavi (8th January 2005)
    • back in Cathyy's possession (around June 2005)
    • in the possession of Insane Power (around June 2005)
  • Lungwallabad (26th May 2005)
  • Stars of Sky (0615 GMT, Friday the 27th of May)
  • Flemingovia (Friday 19th August 2005 - Sunday 13th November 2005)
  • Former English Colony (Erastide) (Sunday 13th November 2005 - Thursday 23rd February 2006)
  • Hepzibah II (Honeysheep) (Thursday 23rd February 2006 - Tuesday May 16th 2006)
  • Former English Colony (Erastide) (Tuesday May 16th 2006 - Wednesday August 9th )
  • Unterwasserseestaat (Wedesday August 9th - Thursday September 7) Was a caretaker Delegate until the elected Delegate, Great Bights Mum, could attain the Delegacy.
  • Great Bights Mum (Thursday September 7 2006 - Saturday February 10 2007 )
  • Emperor Matthuis (Saturday February 10 2007 - Monday February 12 2007 ) Emperor Matthuis attained the Delegacy prior to the end of elections, as a result of an outside-backed un-endorsement campaign against Great Bights Mum that supported Emperor Matthuis. It is likely several groups were behind this.
  • Great Bights Mum (Monday February 12 - Monday February 19) - With the support of the WPLF and with no resistance from Emperor Matthuis, she gained the Delegate's seat back in short order.
  • Chodean Kal (Monday February 19 - current) - Declared the elected Delegate in a run-off election.


All alliances are now null and void.