The Paper Bag

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The Paper Bag
Forum: None
Population: 3 nations
Delegate: None
Founder: Tempers
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

World Factbook Entry

The Paper Bag Region is so named because Sky and Beryl decided it should be, and ignored Keegan's opinion. Our region is unusual in the sense that it seems to exist in no particular time period or reality but rather is an in-between place, much like Avalon only between more places/times.

"Res est forma fugax!"


These nations currently reside in The Paper Bag:

  • Mmmphm, the Morally Confused Nation of
  • Tempers, the Commune-like Matriarchy of
  • Weserkyn, the Confederacy of un.gif

These nations have lived and ceased to exist in The Paper Bag: