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''From the four corners the winds will blow and with them bring the hatred of their masters. This alone will bring forth the last war of man and it will endure the lifetime of many children. Only one born from the enemies of two great houses will be able to end the war and can only end it in the blood of the one dearest.''
''From the four corners the winds will blow and with them bring the hatred of their masters. This alone will bring forth the last war of man and it will endure the lifetime of many children. Only one born from the enemies of two great houses will be able to end the war and can only end it in the blood of the one dearest.''

Revision as of 23:52, 7 July 2006

The Prophecies of God as told by Alexander according to Sacred Queen Chloe

A child born to be king but orphaned at birth will rise in the shadow and secrecy of Kingdom built to house the throne of God on Earth. It is from such a Kingdom he will travel and return to unify that which was broken and rule the mighty kingdom of his ancestors

The kingdom built to house God’s throne on Earth shall be poisoned by a great evil. The poison must be purged away, so the land can be reborn.

When the river wakes, stirred once more to the city's side, three vipers will return to their nest in the sky. When the vipers try to peer through the kingdom gates, a sword of light and fire will appear in the heavens. Should the sword strike, the kingdom will burn and its gates shall be cast open forever.

From poverty will the kingdom grow until darkness brings forth man’s fire to crush the kingdom once more.

They will come to the palace, carrying a chalice, filled with sweet spring wine and offer it to the King which sits upon the throne of God on Earth. The King must not except such a chalice and instead cast out they who work for evil or the Kingdom will face great danger

He who sits on God’s throne on Earth will face a great trial, and he will be forced to choose. One will bring eternal happiness and the other will bring eternal despair

Only someone touched will bring forth the end needed to save his children.

From the land of old man’s Titans will rise and bring about the Great War. Many of his children will die in the service of their masters and by the hands of their enemies. Only by the fire of man shall one Titan bring about the war’s end. Should the fire be cast from the hand of the righteous Titan, an era of peace shall be born. Should the fire be cast from the hand of the devilish Titan an era of despair will rise.

A son of Adam shall be born which will bare the blessing of Emanuel. Should he take God’s throne on Earth, the children will endure great happiness for his lifetime.

The vipers shall develop a new fire to be cast upon man from a vulture in the sky. Should the fire be release many will burn though in the end the vipers will be betrayed and die for the sins of their greed.

One will come baring the heritage of eve and bring happiness to the world but will bare the burned of hiding from the demons which will hunt her.

A son of Adam will divide the great houses of God’s throne on earth and their fate will rest in the hands of the one who has lost their way.

Upon the resurrection of an old demon a great plague will be reborn.

An undiscovered treasure awaits the children in the new world but only if their faith guide them.

A great deceiver will be discovered within the knights swore to protect God’s throne on Earth. He will be banished from the knighthood and the children will trust the knight no longer.

The great fire of man will be cast from the hands of a faithful against the wishes of the King who sits upon God’s throne on earth. A great war will be raged and a dark age will ensue until a victory is claimed.

For the lifetime of a great king, his people will starve and his kingdom will crumble. Only from his death will his people be able to rebuild what he has lost.

A great flood will come and wash away the sins of the shore.

Born to be king, a prince shall come from the land of far and bring back that which was taken by an old enemy.

From the four corners the winds will blow and with them bring the hatred of their masters. This alone will bring forth the last war of man and it will endure the lifetime of many children. Only one born from the enemies of two great houses will be able to end the war and can only end it in the blood of the one dearest.