Thorin International Council

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The Thorin International Council (TIC) is a deliberative international body created to provide a means of discussion between nations in the region of Thorin. Its primary goals are to promote non-violent resolutions to conflicts and improve international cooperation in solving the problems of the region and the world. Its secondary purpose is a discussion panel for deciding the region's vote in UN decisions.


The Thorin International Council, the brainchild of wartime allies Lugonomeks, Xerconia, and Thingamajiggers, was ordered into existence as part of the Treaty of Parma, the treaty that ended The Second Thorin War.


TIC has been accused of not being able to in any way promote its goals. Indeed, the council was a non-issue in both the Thingamajiggeri Civil War and the unchecked and controversial Xerconian expansion, both of which occurred in the fallout period after Thorin War II. It also was ineffective in deciding any policies on voting in the UN. Furthermore, no countries outside of the three charter members every joined.

The failure of TIC was not intended as a commentary on the ineffectiveness of the real world's UN, but was instead a result of the failure of the role-play topic to ever take off.