Treaty of Honoured Blood

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The Treaty of Honoured Blood.

Liase^en Cirasi Beloria

Part I Boundries of Sketch

The boundries of Sketch shall be determined as follows: Sketch shall no longer have sole claim to all lands of Europa. All lands seized by Sketch over the course of this conflict shall be returned to their former holders. The holdings of Sketch on Europa shall at no point in the course of time exceed more than half of the moon. A secured access border shall be established with Kaenein assests based on Europa.

Part II Political clauses

The governing body of Sketch shall allow the establishment of Kaeneian and coalition ebassies within the territory of Sketch. The governing body of Sketch shall also maintain a political liason with Kaenei and each of the coalition members. The conditions of this clause may be dismissed on an individual basis by Kaenei and/or the coalition members.

Part III Reparations

The governing body of Sketch accepts the responsibility for and acknowledges having caused loss and damages to Kaenei in the Ardan war. Furthermore, Sketch shall undertake and render compensation for damages done to Kaenei during the Ardan war. As compensation, Sketch shall render unto Kaenei 1% of the national GDP until damages have been paid in full.

Part IV Econonmic clauses

Sketchian industries shall be put under the purview of a Kaeneian run economic committee for a period not to exceed that of Kaeneian occupation. This committee shall oversee the the introduction and application of new technolgies into Sketch and ensure that such technologies are not used for the enhancement of the Sketchian military technology.

All Sketchian economic sanctions against Kaenei and coalition members shall be lifted to allow free trade.

Part V Military clauses

Sketchian armed forces shall be demobilised and reduced as perscribed hereinafter. By a date which most not be later than five cylces after the signing of this treaty, the Sketchian armed forces must not comprise of more than 0.01% of the current Sketchian population. After that date, the total number of effectives in the Sketchian armed forces must not exceed 0.001% of the total Sketchian population, including officers and establishments of depots. The military shall be devoted exclusively to the maintenance of order within the territory and control of the frontiers. After that date, half of the Sketchian prime bases must be decommissioned and be made available for Kaeneian inspecion. Sketchian space assests shall be reduced and restricted to no more than that required to maintain order within the territory and control of the frontiers. Universal compulsory military service shall be abolished in Sketch. The Sketchian armed forces may only be constituted and recruited by means of voluntary enlistment. The Sketchian military budget may not exceed 2.5% of the overall national GDP

Part VI Guarantees

As a guarantee for the execution of the present Treaty by Sketch, the remaining Sketchian prime bases and immediate terriotires adjacent to Sketch will be occupied by Kaeniean forcesfor a period no less than ninety-nine years from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

If the conditions of the present Treaty are faithfully carried out by Sketch, the occupation referred to in the previous paragraph will be successively restricted as follows: At the expiration of twenty-five years, the following will be evacuated: half of the Kaeneian occupied prime bases. At the expiration of fifty years, the following will be evacuated: the remainder of the Kaeneian occupied prime bases. At the expiration of ninety-nine years, the following will be evacuated: the Kaeniean occupied territories immediately adjacent to Sketch. These territories shall remain neutral and no nation be allowed to postition military assests with them.

Part VII Miscellaneous Provisions

The Serene^Union may at anytime request a re-negotiation of the conditions set forth within this treaty.