UN Counterterrorism Initiative

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#168: UN Counterterrorism Initiative

Category: International Security
Proposed By: Cluichstani UN Mission
Strength: Significant
Status: Passed
Adopted: 2006.07.24
Votes For: 8,359
Votes Against: 3,910

Resolution Text

BELIEVING that the deliberate killing and maiming of innocent civilians by terrorists is a despicable and heinous crime;
CONVINCED that terrorism that is conducted, instigated, supported or aided across national borders is a valid and critical concern of the international community;
FURTHER CONVINCED that concerted international action is required to stem this menace, and;
BELIEVING that terrorism conducted by or on behalf of recognized governments is a complex issue best addressed by separate legislation related to the laws of war,

The United Nations
1. DEFINES, for the purposes of this resolution, terrorism as the use or threatened use of violence by persons or organizations other than national governments for the purpose of achieving political, religious or ideological goals by primarily and deliberately targeting members of the civilian population;
2. DEFINES, for the purposes of this resolution, a civilian as a person who is (1) not a member of a military, paramilitary or law-enforcement organization of a nation, or (2) a member of such an organization, but not under arms or performing military duties or functions;
3. DEFINES, for the purpose of this resolution, international terrorism as terrorism that is conducted, instigated, aided, or abetted by persons or groups from outside the borders of the nation in which it takes place;
4. CONDEMNS all acts of international terrorism;
5. DECLARES that every state has a duty to refrain from organizing, assisting or participating in international terrorism or acquiescing in activities within its territory which further such acts.
6. MANDATES that all member states shall:
A. Criminalize and suppress the financing, solicitation of, planning, preparation for, aiding, and perpetration of international terrorism;
B. Freeze, without unnecessary delay, funds and other assets of persons who commit, conspire to commit, or demonstrably intend to commit or facilitate the commission of international terrorist acts, of entities owned or controlled directly or indirectly by such persons, and of persons and entities acting on behalf of or at their direction in this regard. Nations shall develop legal mechanisms to ensure that proper due process is provided in such cases where appropriate, but shall ensure that action is taken quickly enough to prevent removal of liquid assets from their jurisdictions.
C. Refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or persons participating in international terrorism;
D. Deny, to the best of their ability, safe haven or refuge to those who finance, organize, support or engage in international terrorism;
E. Afford one another the greatest practicable assistance in connection with criminal investigations and legal proceedings related to international terrorism.
7. URGES all member states to cooperate in suppressing international terrorism and in taking action against it though administrative and judicial means and the exchange of intelligence, especially regarding the actions and movements of international terrorists, the use of forged or falsified travel documents, the use of communications technologies by international terrorists, and traffic in arms, explosives, or other sensitive materials – particularly weapons of mass destruction – by international terrorists.
8. SUPPORTS the commitment to address significant causes of terrorism, such as poverty, inadequate education, etc.

Additional Material