UN Timeline

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This page used to contain commentary on the passed resolutions; in the interest of article size and clarity, that has been moved to History of the United Nations.

The United Nations works to form a body of International Law. The UN members vote to accept proposals and thus make them into resolutions, and push for repeals of existing resolutions. Here is the history the United Nations.

The UN logo

UN Timeline

The official chronology of the United Nations only makes note of the passage of resolutions. There is no official UN record of failed resolutions, nor of proposals that were removed from the queue prior to reaching the UN floor. Several UN resolutions that did pass have also been purposefully removed from the official record of adopted UN resolutions. Typically, removed resolutions or proposals violated the Enodian UN rules or game mechanics.

The following chronology has been assembled by meticulous study of forum topics past and the recollections of UN members and observers. Since game time tends to be somewhat fluid, this list has been indexed into annual quarters. The numbers express the 'official' chronology.

Legend to Colours

These colours appear as background for each resolution, showing its proposal category.

International Security Global Disarmament Political Stability
Environmental Furtherment of Democracy Free Trade
Social Justice Repeal Moral Decency
Gambling Gun Control Recreational Drug Use
Advancement of Industry Human Rights Education and Creativity

Legend to Statuses

  • Passed