User:RightWing Conspirators

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The Conservative Empire of RightWing Conspirators is a Represenative Republic Monarchy, having been founded that way by William H. Vickson, who lead Conservative Pilgrims from the Liberal Lands of the South into unchartered territory so that they could escape persecution.

They soon formed their own colony, and established their own Government, even creating their own currency. It was not long after they had established all of this that they declared their Independence, which brought retribution from their oppressors. A long and bloody war was fought, known as the War of Independence, and the Conservative Empire eventually won, and began to make themselves known for their strong military presence, and bolstering economy.

King Vickson the First, died of heart failure at the age of 71, and the people not knowing how the country might react to a new King, moved towards a Represenative Republic, removing the Monarchy completely. They thrived for hundreds of years, electing a President, Vice President, and a Senate every 6 years. That was until 45 years ago when President Tymaine Griffin, attempted to abolish the Senate and declare the Country an Athiest Nation. The citizens revolted, and several massacres were carried out against the populace under the orders of Griffin. A small group of citizens, lead by Vice President Jason Conners soon worked to overthrow Griffin, and restore order to the nation.

Upon the final overthrow of Griffin, he was banished from the country and the region, and the populace saw fit to allow the return of the monarchy, naming Jason Conners, to be the second King of the Conservative Empire. He ruled for 40 years before dying from diabetes.

His son, Nathaniel Conners became King and ruled for 5 years, he died from complications arising from gun shot wounds to the abdomen, that were accrued at a battle against terrorist forces outside the capital city of Conservatoria D.C. He was survived by his mother, Queen Mother Heather Conners, his daughter Princess Emma Caroline Conners, his sister Regent Sarah Conners, and his brother Steward of the Throne Noah Conners.

There is currently a struggle between Queen Mother Heather Conners, and Steward Noah Conners regarding the Steward's attempt to crown himself King, and take the birth right of Princess Emma as Monarch.