ViZion World Corp

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ViZion World Corp
Headquarters: ViZion City, ViZion
Nationality: ViZion
Specialty: Weapons, Food Products, Computers, Research, Drugs, Much More
Storefront: None

ViZion World Corp is one of ViZion's oldest corporations, and is the largest in ViZion. Mr. Tom Kaloon founded ViZion World Corp as a small shoe store, making his own shoes to sell. Within years, VWC was the largest shoe manufacture in ViZion.

When VWC finally went public, he sold out to a board and chairman, who turned the shoe company into a corporation. VWC, within 25 years, was a multi-national, multi-billion dollar company making clothing, shoes, weapons, and was entering into the drug business.

Today, VWC spans tens of different industries, and is a multi-trillion dollar corporation.

More info will be added at a later date.