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Communist Pirates of Vladslepland
Коммунистические Пираты Владслепланд
National motto: Country of Tomorrow, Oppressive Values of Yesterday!
National anthem: Vlad Is Great!
Region Federation of Allied Nations
Capital Berkaterinsburg
Largest city Berkaterinsburg
Official languages Russian, English
• As Protectorate
June 23, 1978
 • 2006 est.
 • Total
 • Per capita
As of 2006
Currency ruble
NSTracker Pipian XML


This highly oppressive nation came under Typophilean 'semi-rule' after a military coup almost became successful. Dictator Vladimir I, Secretary of the VCP (Vladslepland Communist Party) nearly lost control of his nation after his Cadets of the Red Banner legion tried to topple his regime. Although Vlad put down the uprising, his government soon sank into the form of a corrupt, sprawling morass. Typophiles offered rebuilding assistance in return for it becoming a protectorate, and Vlad agreed.

The Berkaterinsburg Treaty

After Typophiles extended its financial help and advisor services to Vladslepland, Vladimir I and Typophilean Prime Minister Edwin McDowell issued the Berkaterinsburg Treaty, which in effect stated that: 1) Vladslepland, unlike other Protectorates, would have almost complete control over its domestic affairs; 2) Vladslepland's military of 1.5 billion can be used by Typophiles at any time, for any mission; 3) Vladslepland cannot wage war against Typophiles or any member of the Empire. The Berkaterinsburg Treaty can be cancelled by either side given one year's notice.

Troops of the Central Vlad Command Corps march in the annual All-Vlad Day Parade on June 23.

Vladslepland Today

Vladimir I still rules with an iron fist over his populace, which number almost 2 billion strong. Vladslepland spends an astonishing amount (roughly 75%) of its budget on law and order and the military, which is the finest in Wellesley. It is widely regarded as the safest nation in the Wellesley region. The capital, at Berkaterinsburg, is a large city of almost 120 million, and it mostly consists of tenements which house the military. The military numbers upwards of 1.8 billion. Although many inside Typophiles Proper would like to see this oppressive nation not a part of the Empire, most agree that it should stay for reasons of military protection and intelligence gathering. Regardless, its ideals and governing system are an interesting contrast to that of Typophiles Proper's. Some have questioned whether Vlad would consider rebelling against Typophiles, but it is important to note that Vlad voluntarily submitted to the terms of the Berkaterinsburg Treaty, and he can cancel it at any time. As an attempt to placate Vlad further, the Typophilean Presidium voted Russian an official language of Typophiles.

Daily Life

There are two national holidays in Vladslepland: Vlad Is Great Day on December 23 - which also happens to be an empire-wide holiday, celebrated elsewhere is Day of the Worker. The other holiday is All-Vlad Day, which is celebrated on June 23. Both are almost the same, except Vlad is Great Day is a bit bigger. Both involve massive parades and military displays in Berkaterinsburg.


Most of the jobs in Vladslepland are in either the military or law and order sectors. Those who do not work in those areas usually work in the uranium mining sector. Vladslepland has a total of 61 nuclear power plants, as well as an additional 15 breeder reactors. Some of this power is sold to other nations, but most is used in Vladslepland or other protectorates.


The climate is mostly cool, with freezing winters and warm summers. Higher temperatures are experienced near the coast, but the further inland areas are colder. Berkaterinsburg, the capital, is situated roughly in the middle of the nation. Its summers average about 71˚ and its winters average about 23˚.