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[[Category:Armed forces]]

Latest revision as of 02:56, 6 October 2006

Comprised of several branches, the Incorporated Sarzonian Military is both the first line of defence of the Incorporated States of Sarzonia and a projection of her power. Sarzonia's military services are all volunteer and the family members of each man or woman serving receive a stipend toward meeting daily needs.

Incorporated Sarzonian Army

Long saddled with a reputation for having the dregs of Sarzonian society in their midst, the Incorporated Sarzonian Army was originally a well-funded, professional unit that simply hadn't seen live combat. However, years of budgetary and governmental neglect turned a unit with potential into an ill-equipped, poorly-led military service that regularly was prevented from improving its lot by political red tape. The army's disasterous performance in the Inkana Civil War forced the Senate to take up reform legislation and enact many changes, the fruits of which were demonstrated in the Sarz-Panteran War.

Today, the Army is comprised of two units, including a 10 million man Ready Reserve and a five million man regular army. The five million regulars are divided into five geographically-based Armies, with the First Army based in the Military Command Centre, the Sarzonian version of the Pentagon. This building is located in the Woodstock suburb of Saugerties. The Second Army is located 10 kilometres from Portland, Somerset at Fort Kittrick, where it guards the nation's financial centre. The Third Army is based in Fort Gage, which is just five kilometres from Nicksia, Benatar, where it monitors the largest population centre of Sarzonia. The Fourth Army is based in Fort Olympia on the outskirts of Tacoma. The Fifth Army is technically based at the Military Command Centre, but it refers to the extranational postings of the ISA. During wartime, the first four numbered Armies are readied for deployment to combat theatre, while the Ready Reserve prepares for homeland defence.

Incorporated Sarzonian Navy

Long the most prestigous and best-funded of the military services, the Incorporated Sarzonian Navy draws on the naval histories and traditions of both the United States of America and the United Kingdom for inspiration and example. As a result, Sarzonian naming conventions often include elements of both the Royal Navy and the United States Navy. More to the point, however; the newly-dedicated Naval University in Rypien trains young men and women on all the skills necessary to serve the ISN with excellence. Prospective rates are expected to attend Nicksia's Maritime College to learn their duties and responsibilities to serve on their postings. Students at the Naval University are expected to stay for five academic cycles (also known as academic years), beginning in the second week of August and ending the third week of June. Students at the Maritime College are expected to enroll for at least three academic cycles and are encouraged to remain for a period of four years.

Among Sarzonia's greatest naval heroes is Admiral of the Incorporated Navies Marcus David Patinkin, the first Sarzonian to be promoted to the rank of admiral based solely on his exploits in the fleet. Most of Sarzonia's warships are constructed by the Portland Iron Works, a worldwide leader in military equipment production. The Navy is supplemented by the Defence Cutter Service, which patrols Sarzonian waters to interdict local terrorist or piratical acts and performs search and rescue operations.

Incorporated Sarzonian Air Force

The least populous of the three primary Sarzonian branches, the ISAF is known as a highly professional unit that is remarkable for the skill of its pilots and the leadership of its officers. Since Inkana, the ISAF has received a massive increase in funding for Research and Development projects and has undertaken a major programme of recasting its role from a homeland defence-oriented force to a power projection arm of the Incorporated Sarzonian Military. It works with the newly-established Air Guard, which assumed much of the ISAF's previous defensive mission and allows the ISAF to undertake tactical and strategic offensive operations.

Home Guard

Recently established under former Air Force Chief Bill Lighton, the Home Guard consists of three sub services, the Ready Reserve (ground combat), Defence Cutter Service (maritime patrol), and Air Guard, whose mission it is to defend the Sarzonian homeland against invasion and threats large and small. Lighton's title, Vice President for the Home Guard, elevates him to Cabinet level and allows him to report directly to President Mike Sarzo or Lieutenant President Nicole Lewis. Parliament is considering legislation to elevate Vice President for Defence John Newman to the newly-created title of Senior Vice President for Defence, thereby requiring Vice President for Naval Operations Kathy Bunhall and Lighton to report to Newman directly.

Other units include Naval Infantry (Marines) and the Blue Cobras (Special forces), which reports to the Army.