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{{Asgarnian Biological Weapons}}

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The Motumba Virus is a virus found in nature that closely resembles the Ebola Virus. It is a genetic mutation of the Ebola Virus that was first found in Macaques in the tropics of Asgarnieu. The infected animals were transported to a government testing and research facility in the Thatcher Desert. There, the virus was isolated and synthesised.


The only practical use of this virus is the most destructive of all. Its possiblities as a weapon are endless. It is an extremely debilitating virus, causing Motumban Hemorrhagic Fever.


The Motumba Virus is a fast-spreading virus that is transmitted via the air from coughs, sneezes, normal exhaling, and evaporation. It is recieved via the pulmonary system, but subjects can also be infected by skin contact, for if suspended in a liquid matrix, it can be released by evaporation of saliva, blood, and other internal body fluids.


Electron micrographs of the Motumba Virus show them to have the characteristic thread-like structure of a filovirus. The virions are variable in shape and may appear as a "U", "6", coiled, circular, or branched shape, however, laboratory purification techniques, such as centrifugation, may contribute to the various shapes seen. Virions are generally 80 nm in diameter. They are variable in length, and can be up to 1400 nm long. On average however, the length of a typical ebolavirus is closer to 1000 nm. In the center of the virion is a structure called nucleocapsid it is formed by the helically wound viral genomic RNA complexed with the proteins NP, VP35, VP30 and L. It has a diameter of 40 – 50 nm and contains a central channel of 20 – 30 nm in diameter. Virally encoded glycoprotein (GP) spikes 10 nm long and 10 nm apart are present on the outer viral envelope of the virion, which is derived from the host cell membrane. Between envelope and nucleocapsid, in the so called matrix space, the viral proteins VP40 and VP24 are located.


Each virion contains one molecule of linear, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA, totalling 18900 nucleotides in length. The 3’ terminus is not polyadenylated and the 5’ end is not capped. It codes for seven structural proteins and one non-structural protein. The gene order is 3' - leader - NP - VP35 - VP40 - GP/sGP - VP30 - VP24 - L - trailer - 5'; with the leader and trailer being non-transcribed regions which carry important signals to control transcription, replication and packaging of the viral genome into new virions. The genomic material by itself is not infectious, because viral proteins, among them the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, are necessary to transcribe the viral genome into mRNAs, as well as for replication of the viral genome.

Symptoms of Infection

The incubation period of the Motumba Virus is around 36 hours. Symptoms are varied and often appear suddenly. The most common symptoms are:

  • Extremely High Fever (104°F)
  • Severe Headache
  • Muscle Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Lethargy
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Weakness
  • Exhaustion
  • Sore Throat
  • Hard Cough with Blood
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit with Blood
  • Bloody Eyes
  • Subcutaneous Bleeding
  • Purpura
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Bleeding Through Orifices (Anus, Vagina, Urethrea, Nose, Ears)
  • Hypotension
  • Hypovolemia
  • Severe Organ Damage
  • Necrosis
  • Death

The virus is usually fatal, with a 99% mortality rate. The survival rate is much higher with the use of the cure, E11-01.


The only known method of completely immunizing the human body to Motumba Virus and treating it once infected is the E11-01 Vaccine. It is only produced and stocked in Asgarnieu. Also, all citizens are required to recieve the vaccination at birth. This protects them for life.

Asgarnian Biological Weapons
Motumba Virus | Virus X