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(Andreas Malfisto Emmanulas)
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Regardless, the Regent and his immediate family never leave the Central Government Building of Syntha Prime (for security reasons) and rarely make public appearances.
Regardless, the Regent and his immediate family never leave the Central Government Building of Syntha Prime (for security reasons) and rarely make public appearances.
Current Status: Andreas Malfisto Emmanulas is believed to have been assassinated by Palestinian insurgents.
===Emmanulas Family===
===Emmanulas Family===

Revision as of 15:01, 9 April 2007

Ruling Class

Andreas Malfisto Emmanulas

Elected Regent Andy. ERA. Ruler of Nag Ehgoeg. Since its creation Nag Ehgoeg has been ruled by this man with only minor disruption to his reign, but very little is known about him. Nag Ehgoeg holds elections every ten years, and Andreas has been continually re-elected. He has outlived entire dynasties of other nations and rules with an unprecedented amount of support from the Nagian populace and elected officials. But who is he really?

Nag Ehgoeg has been pioneering longevity processes almost from its creation, and has made great strides in the fields of cryogenics, cloning and limb and organ replacement. The quasi-official stance of the Nagian government is that Andreas has been at the forefront of these life prolonging techniques and has lived for far longer than any other human being on record.

This, however, does not fit with those more critically minded who point out that the longest lifetime of a human being on ACO’s “juvant” program was one hundred and thirty one years of age and that the Regent has by far surpassed this.

Conspiracy theorists suggest that the Regent is an immortal alien, vampire and/or robot, but those more realistically minded point out the secrecy under which the Malfisto and Emmanulas families operate under and suggest that “Andreas Malfisto Emmanulas” has become as much a part of the Nagian leaders title as “Elected Regent” – that any person to be Elected Regent, should take that name for themselves.

Regardless, the Regent and his immediate family never leave the Central Government Building of Syntha Prime (for security reasons) and rarely make public appearances.

Current Status: Andreas Malfisto Emmanulas is believed to have been assassinated by Palestinian insurgents.

Emmanulas Family

While Nag Ehgoeg is lacking in Royalty, there are two "first families" who hold possitions of great power and influence. Unlike a convensional Royal familiy they are not funded by the state, but like a royal familiy the primary reason for their possition is that they are related to the ruler of Nag Ehgoeg. Both families tend to be very discreet and the Nagian News Network is very hesitant to disclose any information on these families - celebrity they are not.

One of these families is the Emmanulas familiy. The Emmanuli trace their ancestry to before the birth of Christ to a group of Pagan healers and wise folk. Little is known about the Emmanulas familiy, other than the fact that they are somewhat renowned for their embrace of Catholicism before it was declared to be a recognised faith and for their fraternization with those they deem to be influential. The Emmanulas familiy hold a reputation for being elitist snobs, which while not universally deserved, is not entirely baseless. The Emmanuli do not waste their time with those they deem "unworthy" though what makes someone "worthy" of an individual Emmanulas's attension varries greatly between familiy members.

Furthermore the Emmanuli have something of a reputation for sexual indiscretion though the wise do not attempt to spread "slander".

The Emmanuli are firmly entreched in the Nagian religious processes, as one might expect from a familiy of Catholics, however the families main power comes from being firmly entreched in many levels of the Nagian administration and inteligence agencies.

More information can be found on the Nagian Bloodlines page.

Malfisto Family

The second "Royal" family of Nag Ehgoeg. The roots of the Malfisto family are similar to those of the Emmanuli - pagan "wise men". But where the Emmanuli quickly accepted the teachings of Christ, the Malfistos where far less ready to give up the "Old Ways". Furthermore, Malfisto "worship" had always tended towards the more primal side of spirituality. The Malfisto family, however, are more famed for their lack of spirituality in favour of cold, hard science.

The Regent is typically thought to be closer to the Malfisto side of his family (believed to be his father's side), and neither the Regent nor the Malfisto family at large tend to make public appearances.

Like the Emmanuli, the Malfistos are entreched in government agencies but their main power comes from the Private Sector. It is believed, though unconfirmed, that 70% of Nag Ehgoeg's leading company ACO is owned by members of the Malfisto family.

More information can be found on the Nagian Bloodlines page.

High Parliment

Details of the current High Parliment.
Description of the High Parliment.

Movers and shakers


“John Doe Number Two Hundred and Forty Four”, or “John Doe Two Four Four” does not exist. JohnDoe#244 is not a name and it is not a title. It is an urban myth, nothing more.

But it is a persistent myth. If rumour is to be believed, JohnDoe#244 is a man or position in the Nagian Intelligence Agency. The Agency assigns a three digit alpha numerical cipher to all of its agents: one of the codes it has never used, and seemingly has purposefully skipped over is “244”.

It is said that if an Agent 244 is created, then that agent, John Doe, would wield supreme authority in Nag Ehgoeg; acting with the highest clearances of all functions, and given a carte blanche to ignore due process and even pass their own laws.

Given as Nag Ehgoeg is a nation based on freedom, it is little wonder that such a “bogyman” would exist to threaten your personal freedom. Yet legal professionals who care to research the matter find that such a position could, in theory, exist.

John#214, Amy#201 and Sarah#251

Nag Ehgoeg’s three most famous special agents, all of which on close personal terms with the Regent. Like all aspects of the Regent’s personal life, little is known about these three agents, other than all of them are on the most advanced course of life prolonging drugs offered by ACO – paid courteously of the tax payer and Nagian Government.

Both John and Amy are officially retired. Sarah, however, remains on foreign soil on active duty.

Fernando Emmanulas

Fernando (aged 22) is, as one might expect, a firm supporter of the Schismatic Church – though like most Emmanuli, he believes the New Church is in dire need of reform. The Custodian of New Nag Ehgoeg, he believes that (other than in matters of religion) isolationism is the best course for New Nag Ehgoeg – the better to reflect inwardly on religious truths. A supporter of more political and civil freedoms, slightly anti-business.

Sharon Dowler

Aged 41 and the recently elected custodian of Swiss Nag Ehgoeg and founder of the Swiss Amazonia party. Wishing to separate Swiss Nag Ehgoeg from Nag Ehgoeg proper. Supports building up the Swiss Army and joining the Poitiers Pact, and forging a closer relationship with the Holy League until separation is possible.

Catholic Powerhouse

Cardinal David Graffin

Son of Nag Ehgoeg’s first Catholic Cardinal, Gregory Graffin, David is the leader of Nag Ehgoeg’s sizable Catholic population. A man of moderate action, but extremist beliefs, David is a people’s leader and holds sway over the some one and a half billion Catholics of Nag Ehgoeg.

Graffin, like his father, is fiercely loyal to Genesis City. He sees his duty first and foremost to God, but accepts the Pope as the manifestation of God’s will on Earth and would find a way to incorporate almost any command from Catholic Europe into his own personal doctrine. Graffin, however, is a man of high moral standards and a man of peaceful actions. However, he gladly ministers to many who can only be described as terrorists and personally holds confession and offers absolution in accordance with the scriptures to any who accept Christ as their saviour – regardless of their transgressions on the laws of man.




The Black Pope and High Priestesses of the Church of Satan

The Black Pope is a position, not a person, created to rival the Catholic Pope in matters of politics and moral beliefs. A champion of the views set forth by Anton LeVey, the Black Pope stands in opposition to the mainstream religions of Nag Ehgoeg.

Satanism has existed as a key philosophy in Nag Ehgoeg since its creation. Nag Ehgoeg has always stood for challenging the conventional “wisdom” of religion, taking the path of the Accuser. LeVey’s Church of Satan was embraced by a large proportion of Nagian’s on it’s creation as it espouses what is common wisdom in Nag Ehgoeg.

Both the First and Second Black Pope’s of Nag Ehgoeg actually held political power and the position of Regent and it was the First Black Pope who ordered the construction of the Central Government Building – a huge gothic fortress cum cathedral in a city of sensible skyscrapers. However the position of Black Pope has long since lost all of its power within the Nagian government and is now much more of a social title comparable to “rock star”. Female heads of Nag Ehgoeg’s Satanic Church are known as High Priestesses, with Satanic “ministers” taking the title of “Low Priest” or “Low Priestess” out of reverence when a woman is leading the Church.

The Yan Familiy

One of the high profile families of Nag Ehgoeg. While the Yan surname isn't held in the same regard as the Malfisto or Emmanulas names (which are synomas with the Royality of other nations), there have been many prominant Yan's - most famous being the former Minister of Defence, responsible for the arming of Nag Ehgoeg - General-Sir Thomas Yan.

Currently famous Maria Yan holds the Nagian spotlight for her ground breaking work in cloning and the tragic death of her brother.