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(Parthian Invasion of Ort)
(Ort bombings)
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===Parthian Invasion of Ort===
===Parthian Invasion of Ort===
Seeing the country in utter disarray, with the liberal coaltion tied up fighting Pudite forces in the East, [[Khosru III of Parthia|Shah Khosru III of Parthia]]] decided that it would be easy for Parthian forces to jump in and seize Chitzeland as a colony. 550 Parthian divisions were sent to overwhelm the country, destroying all resistance it faced until Western Chitzeland belonged to Parthia.  
Seeing the country in utter disarray, with the liberal coaltion tied up fighting Pudite forces in the East, [[Khosru III of Parthia|Shah Khosru III of Parthia]] decided that it would be easy for Parthian forces to jump in and seize Chitzeland as a colony. 550 Parthian divisions were sent to overwhelm the country, destroying all resistance it faced until Western Chitzeland belonged to Parthia.  
The first step was to seize the city of Ort. Thousands of Parthian aircraft and hundreds of ships bombarded Ort for hours, setting off vast firestorms which wrecked the entire city and scourged it of nearly 90% of it's former civilian population. Into the malestrom, the Parthians landed, taking some casualties from PROHT forces bombarding the city with shells, while also taking more casualties from aircraft sent by the PROHT.  
The first step was to seize the city of Ort. Thousands of Parthian aircraft and hundreds of ships bombarded Ort for hours, setting off vast firestorms which wrecked the entire city and scourged it of nearly 90% of it's former civilian population. Into the malestrom, the Parthians landed, taking some casualties from PROHT forces bombarding the city with shells, while also taking more casualties from aircraft sent by the PROHT.  
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===Parthian Advance on Bearmish===
===Parthian Advance on Bearmish===
With Ort secured, 150 divisions led by Parthian Field Marshall Ardeshir Farmanesh moved towards Bearmish, held by Zanski forces. As the Parthians advanced, a campaign of destruction began on the second Chitzi city, this time, not to occupy, but to eliminate. Thousands of missiles and incindiary bombs were dropped on the city, causing massive firestorms and provoking the Zanski defenders to fire radiological bombs on Parthia. In response to this escalation, the Shah ordered the use of gas on Bearmish, shelling the city with a destructive combination of VX, Sarin, Lewsite, cyclosarin, and soman. So much gas was used on the city, that it took five years of clean up effort after the end of the war to make the city safely liveable, and even then, many of the ruins and topsoil had to be specially incinerated due to the toxins.
Fearing destruction, Zanski forces fled the city, leaving behind a chemical wasteland of rubble and ash which the Parthians had no interest in holding, beyond to kill off Chitzi civilians, if any were left. The PROHT relief column sent to aid Zanski forces moved back towards Pelsgord to defend it against Parthian assaults.
===Landings at Shetterdan===
===Landings at Shetterdan===
As Bearmish was annihilated and the hordes of Field Marshall Farmanesh moved towards Pelsgord, a second army, under Field Marshall Bijan Ahgari moved towards Shetterdan with 275 divisions. Along the way, small towns were emptied of people, sending them to the holding camps at Ort for 'processing.' Within days, Parthian forces reached the city of Shetterdan, setting up an impressive array of guns and MLRS and opening up with a barrage which unloaded 20 kilotons of explosive an hour.
As the barrage continued on Shetterdan from land, a Parthian Naval force attacked from the sea, fighting off attacks from Nod vessels, the Parthian ships added to the carnage, doing their part to obliterate the city of Shetterdan from existence.
As Parthia started to snuff out yet another Chitzi city, a vast Chitzi army, supported by Wanderjarian forces, attacked the Parthian beseigers, forcing the Shah's men to the defensive and turning the navy's attention to bombarding the new attackers. Parthian forces tried to hold firm, calling in air support, while, meanwhile, the fleet prepared to seize the city from another direction.
===Ort bombings===
===Ort bombings===
The Coalition grew desperate to push the Parthians out, deciding to strike at the heavily fortified base at Ort. Leading the way, Wanderjarian and Chitzi aircraft set off a series of EMP bombs, blinding Parthian radars and giving the chance for PROHT and Dephirian forces to attack Ort. Parthia responded by quickly pulling any workable planes into service along with extra SAMs, pushing the invaders back, but taking heavy casualties in the process and suffering extensive damage.
At the same time, the Parthian 6th Immortals division, one of the Shah's finest, landed in Shetterdan, cutting deep into the city with ease and massacring the civilian population. All appeared well, until numerous high explosives detonated in the sewers of Shetterdan, all across the city. The sewers collapsed, letting seawater flood in, which quickly overwhelmed the rest of the city, causing the whole thing to collapse into the sea, leaving only tiny islets, and merely 55 of the 10,000 Immortals who landed.
===Parthian Reprisals===
===Parthian Reprisals===

Latest revision as of 18:32, 28 September 2007

The Chitze Revolution Summary
Date: January 15th 2006 - Febuary 6, 2007
Locations: Chitzeland
Outcome: Western Chitzeland Coliation Victory,
Casualties (approx.)
Military: To be determined dead
Civilian: To be determined dead
Total: To be determined dead
Main Participants
Coliation and Rebels Invaders
The Lone Alliance
Hurtful Thoughts
The Black Hand of Nod.
Emporer Pudu

The Chitze Revolution was a long term conflict in the former nation of Chitzeland.


The Liberty Pamphlet

Chitzeland released a so called "Liberty Pamphlet" which described Muslims as terrorists and told people how to spot one.

Below is an important excerpt from the pamphlet:

Terrorists can often be difficult to distinguish from normal people. Fortunately, there are some telltale signs of a terrorist that are easily noticeable to those who know to look for them:

Terrorists try to make themselves look more human and spiritual by following a constructed faith called Islam. Islam is made of bits of stolen Christianity that have been perverted to suit the terrorists’ evil agendas. Followers of Islam, who call themselves Muslims, are terrorists.

Terrorists often speak Arabic, which was formed originally as a secret code language for their operations. It is made to look like gibberish chickenscratch when written, so most people would think nothing of it. Someone who possesses knowledge of Arabic is almost always a terrorist.

Terrorists often wear towels (or similar items) on their heads. Why they do this is unknown, but then again, the mind of a terrorist is too evil to understand. Anyone wearing something such as a towel on their head without a practical reason for it should be turned in to authorities.

Terrorists often hide out in lairs called mosques. Mosques are easily identifiable by their oddly phallic shaped towers and domes. These buildings should be destroyed and their residents apprehended.

Terrorist leaders are easily identifiable because most have the title “Muhammad” somewhere in their name. Another indicator in the name of a terrorist is having the prefix “al-” in front of part of their name.''

International Response

The response from the International Community, with a few exceptions, were almost overwhelmingly negative. Many countries and even some selected Terrorist groups condemned the Pamphlets as nothing more than anti-Muslim Propaganda. (To be continued)

Prologue:Chitze Civil Unrest & threats of war to Lasqara

With the death of Pope Rolland, the populace rioted and stormed the Mansion of President Copeland, searching the building for the leader, planning his execution. However Copeland was no where to be found in the Mansion, instead he had fled to a hideout outside the city. (To be CNTD)

Phase one:Invasion Imminent

With threats of invasion of Lasqara and of exterminating over a million muslims, many nations including Zanski, Pythogria, Liberated New Ireland and Wanderjar started making plans to invade or stage a coup in chizeland. Amid this, Zanski tried to hold a Peace Conference in the Zansk capital city Xanka. This was mostly unsuccessful.

Phase two: Invasion

Coliation invasion

East Chitzeland

East Chitzeland is a sparsly populated land of flowing grassy fields and large stretches of unoccupied forest. Its population is concentrated in it's major cities; Locke, Accen, and Zarzor. In the north, it is a dense swamp, which extends south almost to the capital city of Providence, ending at the Central Mountains range.

Locke is primarily an industrial city, with large fuel depots and port facilities, which made its job as one of Chitzeland's primary trade ports easier. It was the industrial center of the East, and railroads connected it to it's more southern counterparts.

Accen is a moderatly populated city, built in the very shadow of a large, active, volcano. Unfortunatly, as the war progressed, this whole city was leveled to the ground, and is now only remembered as a great plain of stone and steel. Rubble.

Zarzor was the southern center of the East, and another important trade port. This city, altough never directly fought over, inspired possibly more animosity than any other Eastern Chtizi city, as Pudite, Dephirian, and other forces converged on it towards the end of the war.

Primary Pudite landings and Advance

The Dominion of Emperor Pudu entered Chitzeland with the stated aim of "Peacekeeping". The exact message and force composition that first brought the Emperor into Chitzeland survives today:

To: Administration of Chitzeland From: Mr. White, Pudite foreign affairs officer Subject: Peacekeeping Message: The Dominion has noticed that in recent days your nation has been overcome by undesireable elements of rioting and revolutionism. We are offering the services of our armed forces and administration in keeping a reign on such elements. We request permission to land a force numbering fifty-thousand men strong at a port of your choise. Our men will be in the service of you, untill such a time as you can hold control of your areas.

The peacekeeping force will contain such items as are listed below:

-1x Calypso Class Super Dreadnought -1x Forrest Class Aircraft Carrier -4x Roydia RefitA Class Battleships -3x Carthage Class Cruisers -2x Helina Class Battecruisers -3x Portlandia Class Cruisers -12x Swiftsure Class Destroyers -6x Adari Class Destroyers -7x Class Lionfish Class Friagtes -10x Monitor Class Heavy Cruisers -20x Mephistar Class Troop Carriers

-3,500x GT-6 Main Battle Tanks -2,000x ST-37K1 Mekhev Class Main Battle Tanks -4,000x Z-38 Panther Self-Propelled Howitzers -1,350x Tunguska M1 Low-Level Air Defence Systems -4,500x SIV-25 Next Generation IFVs -8,000x LV-08 Light Infantry Vehicles

-40x DAS-6 Scimitar Fighters -35x DAS-4 Strike Aircrafts -10x DAS-5 Vulcan Strategic Bombers -55x DAS-9 Sparrow Attack Helicopters -15x DAS-11M Swallow Light Anti-Submarine Helicopters -40x DAS-10 Commorant Transport Helicopters

We hope you will consider our offer.

Good day, Mr. Grey

These forces were accompanied by fifty-thousand of what were then called 'Orthae', the elite warrior-fanatics of the Emperor. Today, they go by the name Praetorians, but are no less deadly.

This force, called Task Force Zero-One, accompanied by the 54th Cruiser Squadron, landed in the center of industrial Locke. Transports took the Orthae directly into the city center via the massive piers, and there they immidiatly began to consolidate their position. Patrols were established running through the entire city, and a pair of small warships, the Gift of Faith and the Eternity of Pain moved into the dock area as a show of power. This was all accompanied by the shelling of the city by the fleet's Calypso-class dreadnaught, the Conflagration. No casualties were sustained as the Pudites advanced through the city, although it is generally assumed that anywhere between fifteen and eighteen thousand civilians died in the initial rioting, the prolonged shelling, and the often violent Pudite patrols. Fires that also broke out did no help.

Only days after the initial landings, the formation of a second Task Force was underway in the Dominion. This force would bring another one-million soldiers in-country, supported by ninty-six combat ships.

At the same time, a series of hostile communications set up the foundation for the future hostilities between the Pudite Emperor and the Wanderjarian Emperor. Only hours later, the first shots of this future war were put forward, as Wanderjarian Spetznaz operators attacked the Pudite fuel depots near the docks with RPGs.

As the ground forces of Task Force Zero-One set themselves up, the commander, General Rabositz, established his forward command post. From here he coordinated his counter-attacks against the Wanderjarian forces. Small tactical units of LV-08 light infantry vehicles were disptatched to harry the supply lines and depots of the Wanderjarians. Modified for prime speed, the raiders were meant to be the preleude to a larger attack.

At the same time a Pudite naval task force was dispatched to the town of Yuri to bombard the Wanderjarian forces there. A single fleet carrier, seven heavy cruisers, and a battleship made up the core of the force, and bombarded large portions of the city, most probably killing hundreds of civilians.

Soon after, Wanderjarian radio broadcasts were made to the effect that it was not the Coalition who were the enemy of Chitzeland, but the Pudites themselves. From then on, there was a strong anti-Pudite feeling across the nation, although that may only have been a natural Chitze distatse for foreigners, as it is not exactly known how receptive they were to the radio message.

Wanderjarian forces at this point were fully occupied with countering what was seen as a growing Pudite threat, and so only minimal forces were sent to occupy the more central Eastern cities of Dosseldor and Uphelzor. Operation: Market was the Wanderjarian codename for the drop of ten-thousand paratroopers into Dosseldor and the capture of Uphelzor. Later that day, the Wanderjarian 3rd Motorized Infantry Battaltion rolled into Uphelzor, and helped to put down some violent riots that had broken out there. Insurgency was consistent in both cities.

Further Coalition presences were manifested as Zanski dropped thirty-thousand paratroopers into Yrttl, to the south-west of the Pudite landings. Civilian casualties occured. Over the next few days upwards of thirteen-hundred more paratroopers were flown in, to secure the city. Later a large prison would be established. Also, the airbase here was seeing increacing use as more Coalition troops were ferried in.

In Locke, the Wanderjarian air force staged a second raid. A large "daisy-cutter" style bomb was dropped in the downtown area of the command post,

Roughly two miles outside Locke, a large armored force was being established. Eighteen-hundred Mekhev main battle tanks, supported by nearly three-thousand APCs and artillery peices. Thousands of LV-08s also accompanied the force on their way south to Accen.

Ahead of them, the Wanderjarians were deploying as many mines and tank-traps as they could, in a frantic effort to slow down the attack. Helicopter and fighter clashes overhead were common between the two forces.


Naval War against Pudu

First ceassion of hostilities against Pudu

The return of Wanderjar

Final annexation of East Chitzeland

Establishment the Democratic Christian Socialist Republic of Chitzeland

Western Chitzeland

Parthian Invasion of Ort

Seeing the country in utter disarray, with the liberal coaltion tied up fighting Pudite forces in the East, Shah Khosru III of Parthia decided that it would be easy for Parthian forces to jump in and seize Chitzeland as a colony. 550 Parthian divisions were sent to overwhelm the country, destroying all resistance it faced until Western Chitzeland belonged to Parthia.

The first step was to seize the city of Ort. Thousands of Parthian aircraft and hundreds of ships bombarded Ort for hours, setting off vast firestorms which wrecked the entire city and scourged it of nearly 90% of it's former civilian population. Into the malestrom, the Parthians landed, taking some casualties from PROHT forces bombarding the city with shells, while also taking more casualties from aircraft sent by the PROHT.

Eventually though, the city fell, allowing the Parthians to pave over it, building missile assemblies, railguns, and other weapons designed to project power across the region. A small extermination camp was also set up, intended on cleaning Chitzeland of Chitzis so the minerals could belong without issue to Parthia.

Parthian Advance on Bearmish

With Ort secured, 150 divisions led by Parthian Field Marshall Ardeshir Farmanesh moved towards Bearmish, held by Zanski forces. As the Parthians advanced, a campaign of destruction began on the second Chitzi city, this time, not to occupy, but to eliminate. Thousands of missiles and incindiary bombs were dropped on the city, causing massive firestorms and provoking the Zanski defenders to fire radiological bombs on Parthia. In response to this escalation, the Shah ordered the use of gas on Bearmish, shelling the city with a destructive combination of VX, Sarin, Lewsite, cyclosarin, and soman. So much gas was used on the city, that it took five years of clean up effort after the end of the war to make the city safely liveable, and even then, many of the ruins and topsoil had to be specially incinerated due to the toxins.

Fearing destruction, Zanski forces fled the city, leaving behind a chemical wasteland of rubble and ash which the Parthians had no interest in holding, beyond to kill off Chitzi civilians, if any were left. The PROHT relief column sent to aid Zanski forces moved back towards Pelsgord to defend it against Parthian assaults.

Landings at Shetterdan

As Bearmish was annihilated and the hordes of Field Marshall Farmanesh moved towards Pelsgord, a second army, under Field Marshall Bijan Ahgari moved towards Shetterdan with 275 divisions. Along the way, small towns were emptied of people, sending them to the holding camps at Ort for 'processing.' Within days, Parthian forces reached the city of Shetterdan, setting up an impressive array of guns and MLRS and opening up with a barrage which unloaded 20 kilotons of explosive an hour.

As the barrage continued on Shetterdan from land, a Parthian Naval force attacked from the sea, fighting off attacks from Nod vessels, the Parthian ships added to the carnage, doing their part to obliterate the city of Shetterdan from existence.

As Parthia started to snuff out yet another Chitzi city, a vast Chitzi army, supported by Wanderjarian forces, attacked the Parthian beseigers, forcing the Shah's men to the defensive and turning the navy's attention to bombarding the new attackers. Parthian forces tried to hold firm, calling in air support, while, meanwhile, the fleet prepared to seize the city from another direction.

Ort bombings

The Coalition grew desperate to push the Parthians out, deciding to strike at the heavily fortified base at Ort. Leading the way, Wanderjarian and Chitzi aircraft set off a series of EMP bombs, blinding Parthian radars and giving the chance for PROHT and Dephirian forces to attack Ort. Parthia responded by quickly pulling any workable planes into service along with extra SAMs, pushing the invaders back, but taking heavy casualties in the process and suffering extensive damage.

At the same time, the Parthian 6th Immortals division, one of the Shah's finest, landed in Shetterdan, cutting deep into the city with ease and massacring the civilian population. All appeared well, until numerous high explosives detonated in the sewers of Shetterdan, all across the city. The sewers collapsed, letting seawater flood in, which quickly overwhelmed the rest of the city, causing the whole thing to collapse into the sea, leaving only tiny islets, and merely 55 of the 10,000 Immortals who landed.

Parthian Reprisals

Seige of Automati

Battle of Pelsgord

Parthian Evacuation

With the Parthian advance at Automati halted, and due to the massive destruction wrought during the battle, and the general and complete loss of any chance at profitability the war had left in it, the Shah ordered a mass evacuation of all Parthian forces out of Chitzeland, pulling all forces out through Ort or Shetterdan as quickly as possible. Casualties suffered by the Parthians in the evacuation were relatively minimal, but, the war had cost the Shahdom an estimated 150,000 men and over $100 billion, rendering it one of the costliest miscalculations of the Shah's revenue gathering imperialism.

Nod, Ustian, and PROHT forces kept pursuit of the fleeing Parthians, finally being stopped by hastily constructed entrenchments outside the ruined Shetterdan and held up until the evacuation finished outside Ort.




Dephire, in a small deal with the Hurtians, managed to lease the old firebases in the Northern Swamps of Chitzeland as remote bases for their new and vaunted Dominator Class Rail Cannons. They called their land "New Louisiana" due to the swampy nature of the land. They also set about conquering nature, cutting trees, and making the land more suitable for military operations in the future.

The Black Hand of Nod consolidates itself as the main victor of the war, by performing the largest show of force during the aftermath, which was a stark contrast to other western districts under the protection of other nations.

The Zansk government has created a "true government" of Chitzeland, styling itself the Republic of Chitzeland. However, all attempts by Zanski to claim territory in Chitzeland have been blocked by threats of military force by the other parties.

Ustia claims a reletively small portion of Chitzeland for itself.

The Parthian Shah, upon hearing of their recent failure to hold their ground in Chitzeland, vowed to get their revenge. But decided it was best to sty out of Chitzeland as their attempt at turning a profit turned into a loss.

The Hurtians controled a narrow strip of land, between the border of East/West Chitzeland and sectioning off the Northern swamps. The sunken ruins of Pelsgord became a monument to the countless many who died in the war. A private firm, Hurtful Outcomes Incorporated, had a training camp erected nearby, and planned on drawing in masses of able bodied men and women to help rebuild their country and to fight wars for the next 150 year in order to waiver the fee that the Hurtian government (working through Hurtful Outcomes) would have issued.




Revolt and Revolution