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==The Council of Tribes==
==The Council of Tribes==
-Aerion was composed of 20 nomadic tribes, containing many hundreds of clans, that wandered the plains of Aerion
- Aerion was composed of 20 nomadic tribes, containing many hundreds of clans, that wandered the plains of Aerion
-Each tribe had a representitive to the Council of Tribes, that met in the capital, Astevane. The leader of the Council was the First Elder Wasterin V'i
- Each tribe had a representitive to the Council of Tribes, that met in the capital, Astevane. The leader of the Council was the First Elder Wasterin V'i
-9 of the 20 nomadic tribes split off from the Council of Tribes to support Emperor Leshloan, who wanted a "Corporate imperialist" government. 5 Tribes remain neutral and just sort of wander around. The Corporate Imperialists advocate corporaitons, and modern development in Aerion. They are supported by Menelmacar. The Council of Tribes is traditionalist, advocating staying to traditional cultural ways.
- 9 of the 20 nomadic tribes split off from the Council of Tribes to support Emperor Leshloan, who wanted a "Corporate imperialist" government. 5 Tribes remain neutral and just sort of wander around. The Corporate Imperialists advocate corporaitons, and modern development in Aerion. They are supported by Menelmacar. The Council of Tribes is traditionalist, advocating staying to traditional cultural ways.
- Aerion goes into a civil war between the Traditionalist (The Council of Tribes) and the Corporate Imperialists
- Aerion goes into a civil war between the Traditionalist (The Council of Tribes) and the Corporate Imperialists
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-Great battles ensue, and finally a cease fire is declared.
- Great battles ensue, and finally a cease fire is declared.
==The Republic==
==The Republic==
-Following the cease fire, Emperor Leshloan of the Corporate Imperialists and the Kha Khan of the Traditionalist meets in the northeastern capital of the corporate imperialists to decide on a government. They choose an "old republic" style of government (Following the Roman system), with themselves as co-Consuls of the republic. Each tribal leader of the 20 tribes and leaders from within the tribes will become part of the 300 member hereditary Senate for life.  
- Following the cease fire, Emperor Leshloan of the Corporate Imperialists and the Kha Khan of the Traditionalist meets in the northeastern capital of the corporate imperialists to decide on a government. They choose an "old republic" style of government (Following the Roman system), with themselves as co-Consuls of the republic. Each tribal leader of the 20 tribes and leaders from within the tribes will become part of the 300 member hereditary Senate for life.  
-The capital city of Astevane is modernized, and takes on the architecture of Greece and Rome with some Renaissance elements. A grand Curia (Senate House) is built for the Senate, the Forum is established, etc.
- The capital city of Astevane is modernized, and takes on the architecture of Greece and Rome with some Renaissance elements. A grand Curia (Senate House) is built for the Senate, the Forum is established, etc.
-The Consuls decide to leave some of the nomadic life behind, and establish twenty provinces to correspond with twenty tribes, and a modernized capital city for each province to be the capital of the tribe.
- The Consuls decide to leave some of the nomadic life behind, and establish twenty provinces to correspond with twenty tribes, and a modernized capital city for each province to be the capital of the tribe.
-The Consuls instituted "State improvement programs" that seem fascist. These include requiring citizens to carry a "Citizen's Handbook" containing songs, parables, chats, and writings about the "glory of the State". Massive persecution begins of those labelled "subversive", and religious leaders are expelled. This leads to a massive nationalism among the people, and all the tribes of Aerion becoming a bit more coherently united into one nation.
- The Consuls instituted "State improvement programs" that seem fascist. These include requiring citizens to carry a "Citizen's Handbook" containing songs, parables, chats, and writings about the "glory of the State". Massive persecution begins of those labelled "subversive", and religious leaders are expelled. This leads to a massive nationalism among the people, and all the tribes of Aerion becoming a bit more coherently united into one nation.
-Consul Leshloan (previously Emperor of the Corporate Imperialist Tribes) declares himself Emperor (once again), takes 7,000 traiterous Senatorial Guard (Out of 10), The Second Consul (The previous Kha Khan, leader of the Traditionalist) disappears. 200 Senators are killed, around 100 are saved as they fleed south with the help fo 3,000 loyal Senatorial Guard. 8 Provincial Governors, and provinces (previously tribes) remain loyal to the Republic Government with Senate, 9 support the Emperor. The powerbase of Emperor Leshloan is once again in the North, with the Republic Government fleeing south.  
- Consul Leshloan (previously Emperor of the Corporate Imperialist Tribes) declares himself Emperor (once again), takes 7,000 traiterous Senatorial Guard (Out of 10), The Second Consul (The previous Kha Khan, leader of the Traditionalist) disappears. 200 Senators are killed, around 100 are saved as they fleed south with the help fo 3,000 loyal Senatorial Guard. 8 Provincial Governors, and provinces (previously tribes) remain loyal to the Republic Government with Senate, 9 support the Emperor. The powerbase of Emperor Leshloan is once again in the North, with the Republic Government fleeing south.  
==The(Un)Holy Republic==
- The Republic survives as the Holy Republic.
- It is discovered after the strange disappearance (kidnapping) of 10 senators that most of the Aerion Elite in government, academia, military, and religious positions as well as many businessmen are part of the [Cult of Gethsenes], a large secret society/cult dedicated to the worship of an ancient Aerion Demoness. Members included 245 Senators (Of the 300 Senate), All Admirals, All Generals except 2, All Bishops of each province of the Aerion Christian Church, All Provincial Governors, All Presidents of Aerion's 12 different banks, 40% of all top level executives in Aerion corporations. 20% of Aerion's police force is in it as well, but is in it through a secret subordinate cult, a Police Fraternity, and do not know of the main one.
-A few temples are found with pits of bodies, and strange things. It is discovered the Cult killed the senators (among many other sacrifical victims)
- Praetor Erne Morne (Basically Supreme Justice of Aerion), head of the High Court of Aerion, is the High Priest of this cult.
- Praetor Erne Morne uses the Cult to seize power through the Senate by electing him Dictator (in the Roman sense of the word), to (officially) grant him "emergency powers"
- Dictator Erne Morne (previously Praetor) uses these emergency powers to take control of the nation as a real dictator by taking over infrastructure, seizing all communications for government only, restricting travel, forming a secret police, etc.
- A new branch of the military, the [[Erne's Honor Guard|Honor Guard]] (HG) is instituted, with special powers. They have the power of the police, the military, and their ultimate authority is the Dictator Erne Morn. They are beyond local, or provincial authority. A garrison of HGs will be established in each city, and large town. They will be known by their black uniforms, and the patch on their arm bearing the HG Symbol, a Fortress with a mountain the background from which fire emerges. (Actually the secret headquarters of the [Cult of Gethsenes])
- Dictator Erne Morn decides he will become Prince of Aerion.
==The Principality==
- Prince Erne Morn is coronated in a massive ceremony attended by several national delegates. The ceremony becomes an outrage when the Prince, as he is becoming coronated in a traditional ceremony by the Archbishop, takes the Archbishop and slits his throat before the entire government of Aerion, takes the cross, throws it on his body and spits on it. He then took the crown, and crowned himself. Oddly enough the crowd of mostly Aerion government officials breaks out into cheers, and amused smiles. (not so odd considering the now forgotten influence of the Cult of Gethsenes still on the government).
- The event actually goes on ignored by most of the international community despite having some reactions of oturage, and Erne Morn is allowed to continue.
- Prince Erne Morn starts construction on a MASSIVE estate (The Royal Villa) to rival any, with 1000 rooms, gardens, buildings, etc. Every member of the Royal Senate is invited, and granted apartments at the Princely Estate, as well as other major political leaders. Mostly all go.
- The Prince resides with msot of the social elite in the estate, and the leaders of the government of Aerion spend their days at the state in debauchery, and pleasure. (Similar to Versailles)
- Provincial Governors become more as sovereign lords over their own provinces because the government becomes more decentralized due to the national leaders spending their days in the estate and ignoring everything else. Even though many of the Senators are descended from the tribal leaders that formed the first Senate, they do not even care about their origins any more. Some Provincial Governors do not even govern their own provinces, leaving it up to others, and enjoying their own days at their Governor's Palaces in the provincial capitals in a similar way the Prince is in debauchery at his estate with the Royal Senate.
- All this debauchery by the Aerion elite leads to communism's popularity growing throughout Aerion, and the communist party gaining power by being funded from outside nations. The Prince does take notice, cracks down on the Communist Party of Aerion along with capitalist power blocs, but this causes quiet a bit more dissension.
- The Prince dies of alcohol poisoning, forcing the Senate (who were drunkards themselves) to sober up, and go to the Curia to vote on the situation.
- The Prince did have a long designated heir, but no one ever saw or knew him. The Grand Royal Advisor, a very sinister mysterious figure, was the only one he had contact with as well as one maidservant.
- The Grand Royal Advisor becomes Royal Regent, much to the disturbance of some in the government.
- The massive estate, and the Royal Villa have been cleared out. All the Aerion elite living there were forced to return to their own mansions, and the Royal Senate to their own extravigant townhouses in Aerion's capital. The only ones remaining living at the Royal Villa will be the Royal Guard, the Royal Heir, the Regent, and a small staff of servants. Many have complained that the Royal Heir will live in his "own private world, far removed from reality, and the reality of Aerion's people."
- The Royal Senate makes some decisions along with the Royal Regent. Many Provincial Governors are replaced by the Royal Senate, sending shockwaves through Aerion's power structure.
- The Provincial Governors are left alone to manage their own provicnes for the most part. The government of Aerion is now even more decentralized as many of the government leaders who all lived together at the Royal Villa now have returned to their own homes, resulting in many separate "courts" throughout Aerion where intrigue is taking place.
- The Communist Party has an estimated 80 million members out of Aerions now 404 million population.
- In a terrorist bombing, placed upon the Communists, the Royal Villa explodes killing the Royal Heir. The mysterious Royal Regent cannot be found.
- The Royal Senate meets in emergency session. Royal Legionnaires of the Royal Legion (Army) arrest all Provincial Governors, and their families. (Presumably to prevent civil war).
- As the Royal Senate was meeting in Emergency Session at the Curia, a man known as Divosus and twenty men in black uniforms machine gun down the Senators. The Lord General of the Royal Forces, and the Captain of the Royal Guard back Divosus. A military coup occurs.

Revision as of 19:43, 2 October 2004

Aerion's history as a nation did not begin until the twenty tribes of Aerion were united under the Council of Tribes, and later national governments. Before this, Aerion was composed of loose nomadic tribes which wandered the lands of Aerion. Because of this, the history of Aerion as read here is organized into the period of regimes.

The Council of Tribes

- Aerion was composed of 20 nomadic tribes, containing many hundreds of clans, that wandered the plains of Aerion

- Each tribe had a representitive to the Council of Tribes, that met in the capital, Astevane. The leader of the Council was the First Elder Wasterin V'i

- 9 of the 20 nomadic tribes split off from the Council of Tribes to support Emperor Leshloan, who wanted a "Corporate imperialist" government. 5 Tribes remain neutral and just sort of wander around. The Corporate Imperialists advocate corporaitons, and modern development in Aerion. They are supported by Menelmacar. The Council of Tribes is traditionalist, advocating staying to traditional cultural ways.

- Aerion goes into a civil war between the Traditionalist (The Council of Tribes) and the Corporate Imperialists

- Tribal Chieftan Uson executes First Elder Wasterin, previous head of the Traditionalist tribes, calling him an "ineffective, weak old man". Uson then declares himself the Kha Khan, and orders each tribal chieftan to take the war title Khan. He conscripts almost all of the people of the tribes into the war, except women and children.

- Great battles ensue, and finally a cease fire is declared.

The Republic

- Following the cease fire, Emperor Leshloan of the Corporate Imperialists and the Kha Khan of the Traditionalist meets in the northeastern capital of the corporate imperialists to decide on a government. They choose an "old republic" style of government (Following the Roman system), with themselves as co-Consuls of the republic. Each tribal leader of the 20 tribes and leaders from within the tribes will become part of the 300 member hereditary Senate for life.

- The capital city of Astevane is modernized, and takes on the architecture of Greece and Rome with some Renaissance elements. A grand Curia (Senate House) is built for the Senate, the Forum is established, etc.

- The Consuls decide to leave some of the nomadic life behind, and establish twenty provinces to correspond with twenty tribes, and a modernized capital city for each province to be the capital of the tribe.

- The Consuls instituted "State improvement programs" that seem fascist. These include requiring citizens to carry a "Citizen's Handbook" containing songs, parables, chats, and writings about the "glory of the State". Massive persecution begins of those labelled "subversive", and religious leaders are expelled. This leads to a massive nationalism among the people, and all the tribes of Aerion becoming a bit more coherently united into one nation.

- Consul Leshloan (previously Emperor of the Corporate Imperialist Tribes) declares himself Emperor (once again), takes 7,000 traiterous Senatorial Guard (Out of 10), The Second Consul (The previous Kha Khan, leader of the Traditionalist) disappears. 200 Senators are killed, around 100 are saved as they fleed south with the help fo 3,000 loyal Senatorial Guard. 8 Provincial Governors, and provinces (previously tribes) remain loyal to the Republic Government with Senate, 9 support the Emperor. The powerbase of Emperor Leshloan is once again in the North, with the Republic Government fleeing south.

The(Un)Holy Republic

- The Republic survives as the Holy Republic.

- It is discovered after the strange disappearance (kidnapping) of 10 senators that most of the Aerion Elite in government, academia, military, and religious positions as well as many businessmen are part of the [Cult of Gethsenes], a large secret society/cult dedicated to the worship of an ancient Aerion Demoness. Members included 245 Senators (Of the 300 Senate), All Admirals, All Generals except 2, All Bishops of each province of the Aerion Christian Church, All Provincial Governors, All Presidents of Aerion's 12 different banks, 40% of all top level executives in Aerion corporations. 20% of Aerion's police force is in it as well, but is in it through a secret subordinate cult, a Police Fraternity, and do not know of the main one.

-A few temples are found with pits of bodies, and strange things. It is discovered the Cult killed the senators (among many other sacrifical victims)

- Praetor Erne Morne (Basically Supreme Justice of Aerion), head of the High Court of Aerion, is the High Priest of this cult.

- Praetor Erne Morne uses the Cult to seize power through the Senate by electing him Dictator (in the Roman sense of the word), to (officially) grant him "emergency powers"

- Dictator Erne Morne (previously Praetor) uses these emergency powers to take control of the nation as a real dictator by taking over infrastructure, seizing all communications for government only, restricting travel, forming a secret police, etc.

- A new branch of the military, the Honor Guard (HG) is instituted, with special powers. They have the power of the police, the military, and their ultimate authority is the Dictator Erne Morn. They are beyond local, or provincial authority. A garrison of HGs will be established in each city, and large town. They will be known by their black uniforms, and the patch on their arm bearing the HG Symbol, a Fortress with a mountain the background from which fire emerges. (Actually the secret headquarters of the [Cult of Gethsenes])

- Dictator Erne Morn decides he will become Prince of Aerion.

The Principality

- Prince Erne Morn is coronated in a massive ceremony attended by several national delegates. The ceremony becomes an outrage when the Prince, as he is becoming coronated in a traditional ceremony by the Archbishop, takes the Archbishop and slits his throat before the entire government of Aerion, takes the cross, throws it on his body and spits on it. He then took the crown, and crowned himself. Oddly enough the crowd of mostly Aerion government officials breaks out into cheers, and amused smiles. (not so odd considering the now forgotten influence of the Cult of Gethsenes still on the government).

- The event actually goes on ignored by most of the international community despite having some reactions of oturage, and Erne Morn is allowed to continue.

- Prince Erne Morn starts construction on a MASSIVE estate (The Royal Villa) to rival any, with 1000 rooms, gardens, buildings, etc. Every member of the Royal Senate is invited, and granted apartments at the Princely Estate, as well as other major political leaders. Mostly all go.

- The Prince resides with msot of the social elite in the estate, and the leaders of the government of Aerion spend their days at the state in debauchery, and pleasure. (Similar to Versailles)

- Provincial Governors become more as sovereign lords over their own provinces because the government becomes more decentralized due to the national leaders spending their days in the estate and ignoring everything else. Even though many of the Senators are descended from the tribal leaders that formed the first Senate, they do not even care about their origins any more. Some Provincial Governors do not even govern their own provinces, leaving it up to others, and enjoying their own days at their Governor's Palaces in the provincial capitals in a similar way the Prince is in debauchery at his estate with the Royal Senate.

- All this debauchery by the Aerion elite leads to communism's popularity growing throughout Aerion, and the communist party gaining power by being funded from outside nations. The Prince does take notice, cracks down on the Communist Party of Aerion along with capitalist power blocs, but this causes quiet a bit more dissension.

- The Prince dies of alcohol poisoning, forcing the Senate (who were drunkards themselves) to sober up, and go to the Curia to vote on the situation.

- The Prince did have a long designated heir, but no one ever saw or knew him. The Grand Royal Advisor, a very sinister mysterious figure, was the only one he had contact with as well as one maidservant.

- The Grand Royal Advisor becomes Royal Regent, much to the disturbance of some in the government.

- The massive estate, and the Royal Villa have been cleared out. All the Aerion elite living there were forced to return to their own mansions, and the Royal Senate to their own extravigant townhouses in Aerion's capital. The only ones remaining living at the Royal Villa will be the Royal Guard, the Royal Heir, the Regent, and a small staff of servants. Many have complained that the Royal Heir will live in his "own private world, far removed from reality, and the reality of Aerion's people."

- The Royal Senate makes some decisions along with the Royal Regent. Many Provincial Governors are replaced by the Royal Senate, sending shockwaves through Aerion's power structure.

- The Provincial Governors are left alone to manage their own provicnes for the most part. The government of Aerion is now even more decentralized as many of the government leaders who all lived together at the Royal Villa now have returned to their own homes, resulting in many separate "courts" throughout Aerion where intrigue is taking place.

- The Communist Party has an estimated 80 million members out of Aerions now 404 million population.

- In a terrorist bombing, placed upon the Communists, the Royal Villa explodes killing the Royal Heir. The mysterious Royal Regent cannot be found.

- The Royal Senate meets in emergency session. Royal Legionnaires of the Royal Legion (Army) arrest all Provincial Governors, and their families. (Presumably to prevent civil war).

- As the Royal Senate was meeting in Emergency Session at the Curia, a man known as Divosus and twenty men in black uniforms machine gun down the Senators. The Lord General of the Royal Forces, and the Captain of the Royal Guard back Divosus. A military coup occurs.