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Saint Michele has only been considered a holy city by the rest of Sicinia Salis, and one has only to look back into the city's history to determine why. For almost two hundred years the Kingdom of Sicinium was ruled a dynasty who to this day remain so mysterious that they have left behind no family name. They were diplomats and generals, administrators and uniters, but most amazingly, men of a faith so strong that they were able to perform acts the like of which have never been seen before or since in Sicinia. They were the Priest Kings.
Saint Michele has always been considered a holy city by the rest of Sicinia Salis, and one has only to look back into the city's history to determine why. For almost two hundred years the Kingdom of Sicinium was ruled a dynasty who to this day remain so mysterious that they have left behind no family name. They were diplomats and generals, administrators and uniters, but most amazingly, men of a faith so strong that they were able to perform acts the like of which have never been seen before or since in Sicinia. They were the Priest Kings.

Revision as of 14:48, 7 September 2005

Saint Michele has always been considered a holy city by the rest of Sicinia Salis, and one has only to look back into the city's history to determine why. For almost two hundred years the Kingdom of Sicinium was ruled a dynasty who to this day remain so mysterious that they have left behind no family name. They were diplomats and generals, administrators and uniters, but most amazingly, men of a faith so strong that they were able to perform acts the like of which have never been seen before or since in Sicinia. They were the Priest Kings.

In 1291, the high tide of the Sicinii, the city of Sicinium found itself in dire straits. The Salis had flooded twice that rainy season, swamping the city and spreading disease and pestilence. To make matters worse, a force of brigands so strong as to number in the tens of thousands had encamped outside the city, demanding tribute. Sicinium's army, decimated by plague, could only muster five hundred men against the enemy. The King, Massanger II, called the city elders together to discuss their plans. During the discussion a man, one of the city priests, stepped forward. He had been in Sicinium for no more than a year, and most turned in surprise when he spoke. Their surprise turned to shock when he declared that God had been displeased by the king and had brought the pestilence down upon the city in revenge. Only if he lead the men against the brigands could he redeem the city. Massanger, furious, ordered the man executed, but as the guards touched him their fingers burned and they were forced to let go. The pestilence would disappear when the king lead the five hundred men to battle. The council, in their desperation, decided that it could do no harm if the king lead the men against the brigands. Massanger, still livid, agreed but on the condition that this strange priest follow him into battle. The man agreed and, with only a helmet and sword and still clad in his habit, the five hundred soldiers marched out the gates against the 30,000 brigands.

The battle looked as if defeat would the Sicinium's, yet the five hundred tore a swathe through the enemy. Evey swing, slash, or thrust struck home, and by the end of the day the pathetic remnants of the brigands fled, leaving more than 20,000 of their number dead on the ground. As the five hundred returned through the city gates, the sounds of gaiety echoed from the walls. As the last enemy had been cut down, the afflicted had sat up from their beds in perfect health. Massanger, astounded fell to his knees before the priest and offered him his crown. He would take it, the man responded, but only if his brother would be freed from prison. Massanger agreed and the strange priest, together with his brother Auguste, became king of Sicinium. His name was Michael, or Michele.

-from The Narratives of the Struan by Gilford Farr

A Path to Glory

Michael lead his people on to greatness, his miracles too many to name, but which may be found in the Festival of the Lilies and the Maillion. With the help of his brother, Michael expanded the kingdom, brought wealth and prosperity to the people, and built fabulous structures for the public to use. He never married, and so Auguste's son Frederic became king. The two brothers were sainted, and Michael's Enumerari became an important religious text. In his memory the citizens renamed their city Saint Michele and began constructing a Cathedral that also bore his name. Frederic continued the work of his father and uncle, as did his son Pascal. The Priest Kings were all known to be wise, just, brave, and humble, and the people loved them. They were also great conquerors, and expanded the kingdom north to Mont Remy, west to Saint Auguste, and east to Tête Pierruse and Martinique. The great grandson of Auguste, Robert, had always dreamed of seeing the fragmented Sicinii unified once more under a strong leader and made a single nation. In 1474 he saw his dream become to be a reality as he marched east, intent on bringing the whole of eastern Acheron into a strong, united Sicinia. The War of Unification took two years, the last city to fall being Chanaud. It was during the storming its walls that Robert was killed, having known for but a moment that his vision had become real. The line of Priest Kings had ended, but in their span of history they helped unify the Sicinii into one of the most powerful countries the world has ever seen: Sicinia Salis

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