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'''[ Regional Map of Q102]'''
== The Constitution of Q102 ==
== The Constitution of Q102 ==

Revision as of 22:14, 8 December 2004

Forum: [1]
Population: over 50 nations
Delegate: The Prime Minister of Q102
Founder: Schotze, Nevareion
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Regional Map of Q102

The Constitution of Q102

Written by the first nations to settle the region and used as a basis for regional government.


Q102 is to be run as a Parliamentary Democracy. Members elect a Prime Minister/Un Delegate who appoints Government Ministers

General Description

An election is held with as many candidates as wish to stand. Candidates must be a UN member. Each candidate may choose to announce before the election who their Ministers might be (all, some or none) and what their policies are. They MUST provide a list of people they propose as Members of Parliament.

The candidate who gets the most votes is Prime Minister and forms the Government. The others form the opposition. Each group is awarded a proportion of seats in Parliament equivalent to their proportion of the vote (e.g. if the winner got 50% of the vote they get half the seats etc). It is up to each candidate to decide who gets the seats from their list. They may add others if needed but equally they must lose some if they got too few seats. If the largest party has less than 50% of the seats they can either form a minority government or try and form a coalition with another party.

The Prime Minister appoints a Cabinet of Ministers. These have to be from Members of Parliament but can be anyone the Prime Minister wishes (this may be part of the deal to form coalition governments). The Cabinet can propose laws or decisions but all Members of Parliament can vote on a law and a simple majority of MPs is required to pass it.

The Cabinet votes to make decisions. The Prime Minister may at any time have a Cabinet Reshuffle to reallocate Ministries. This may mean some members leave and become ordinary Members of Parliament new Ministers come in from amongst Members of Parliament. In an emergency the Cabinet can act unilaterally without asking Parliament. This Emergency Law must be referred to Parliament as soon as possible.

Parliament can call a vote of no confidence in the Government, if such a vote is requested by one third of members at one time by petition presented to the Co-Founders. A vote must then be held in Parliament and 67% of the votes must be in favour The Government loses the vote and a new election is called.

The parliamentary system requires that the government has to be elected by the region and depends on the confidence of the region. Parliament may be dissolved and an election called by popular vote. Such vote may happen when one third of all Q102 members submit a petition to the Co-Founders. This may not happen until at least 15 days after the last elections. The parliament is dissolved when 60% of all the Q102 members vote in favour, not simply 60% of those who voted. The dissolving of parliament requires the resignation of the whole government and a new general election

Constitutional Rules

2004.1.0 The Co-Founders

Schotze, Founder and Duke of Windsor

Nevareion, Administrator and Ambassador of Serenity

2004.1.1 General Role The Founder and the Board Administrator will advise and assist the Government. They will act as the Supreme Court in all matters. The role of the Co-Founders is to be neutral and to safeguard the existence of Q102 and the constitution. Neutral means not favouring one nation over another, except that they may vote in Parliament and general elections.

2004.1.2 Supreme Court Any nation that the Government charges with a crime and votes to expel, that wishes to appeal, must present their evidence by Personal Message to the Co-Founders within 24 hours or be expelled by them. The Co-Founders will ask the Government to present their case privately and in concert with them pass judgement.

The Co-Founders will also investigate cases of disputes between any members or of alleged discrimination against a nation. All rulings will be published for all members to see. If Parliament votes unanimously they may overrule the Supreme Court.

2004.1.3 Other Responsibilities The Co-Founders are also responsible for recruitment. When the size of the region demands it the Co-Founders may appoint Judges and/or Deputies to delegate some of these tasks to.

2004.1.4 Overruling The Co-Founders may only overrule the Government if supported by a popular vote of all members of Q102 unless acting in the role of Supreme Court.

2004.1.5 Expelling Offences Spying for another region. Being persistently insulting or disruptive. Cheating in any Q102 election.

2004.1.6 Exception to the Constitution Note the board administrator and the appointed moderators reserve the right to warn and ban forum members who break the board guidelines as required by the board host, Invision.

2004.2.0 Elections

All elections are to be opened by the Co-Founders together with Parliament.

2004.2.1 Method of Voting Elections are to be by sending a Personal Message to the Co-Founders. The Co-Founders will nominate one of themselves to receive these prioir to each election.

2004.2.2 Election Duration There will be a three day campaigning period after the announcement of elections followed by a further three period in which votes may be made. Any votes received outside the larter three day period will not be counted. The Co-Founders will announce the results on the board and in the region.

2004.2.3 Frequency of Elections Elections are normally to be held every two months unless the Government is forced from office as outlined elsewhere in this constitution. One vote per player member (not per nation).

2004.3.0 Parliament

Initially Parliament will consist of 11 Members of Parliament. As the region expands the Government may increase the number of Members by passing a Constitutional Law to do so. Elections are to be every 60 days.

2004.4.0 Ministers

The key Ministers are to consist of:

2004.4.1 Prime Minister Head of the Government, UN Delegate. Appoints the Cabinet as he wishes/as stated prior to an election. Has casting vote in the Cabinet. May hold one other post if there are insufficient ministers.

2004.4.2 Internal Affairs Minister Responsible for maintaining the Constitution and Laws of the region. Makes official Government Announcements.

2004.4.3 Hospitality Minister Responsibility for ensuring the board remains active and entertaining. Charged with encouraging members to register for the board. Responsibility for assisting the Co-Founders with recruitment.

2004.4.4 Security Minister Responsibility for finding spies and regional security, for gathering information and finding potentially hostile regions. Also responsible for overseeing military roleplays.

2004.4.5 Foreign Minister Responsible for contact, negotiations and relationships with other regions. Responsibility for appointing Ambassadors and chairing negotiations.

2004.4.6 The Government may add new posts by passing a law in Parliament

2004.5.0 Inactivity of Government or Parliament Members

2004.5.1 If the Prime Minister is absent (does not post in Parliament/Cabinet) for more than one week without prior notification to the Cabinet then the Internal Minister becomes Prime Minister and the previous incumbent is demoted to being an ordinary Member of Parliament.

2004.5.2 If any Member of Parliament is absent (does not post in Parliament) for more than two weeks without prior notification to Parliament, then the Candidate who appointed them as a Member must replace them with a new nation, they then become an ordinary member.

2004.6.0 Changing the Constitution This constitution may be changed or added to by Parliament passing a Constitutional Law with a 67% vote in favour of the change. The Preamble, General Description and 2004.1.x (The Co-Founders) are exempt from alteration.

Authors of the Constitution: Anti Pop Dust Bowl Lanacale Mieders Nevareion Raedwald Richmo Schotze Tharain