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*'''Emmaline R. Harris (GP)''' http://uchuukaizoku.net/npc/Img/bt.jpg
*'''Emmaline R. Harris (GP)''' http://uchuukaizoku.net/npc/Img/bt.jpg
The Holy Empire of Naktan and Commonalitarianism  completely condoned Elenore, supporting and funding her campaing.  However, the supporter of Harris, Alkazar's smear campaign began to swing into action. Video footage of Romney injecting heroin was delivered to several news publication companies, as well as being spread on the internet. Although it was faked, it was incredibly convincing- Helfaer's Homeland Department had plenty of experience.  Elenore was able to convince the public it was totaly fake because of her time spent in and out of Parliment and the R.S. and she even showed her arms right in public and went around with sleveless tops for a while.  Commonalitarianism also helped with multiple interventions  
The Holy Empire of Naktan and Commonalitarianism  completely condoned Elenore, supporting and funding her campaing.  However, the supporter of Harris, Alkazar's smear campaign began to swing into action. Video footage of Romney injecting heroin was delivered to several news publication companies, as well as being spread on the internet. Although it was faked, it was incredibly convincing- Helfaer's Homeland Department had plenty of experience.  Elenore was able to convince the public it was totaly fake because of her time spent in and out of Parliment and the R.S. and she even showed her arms right in public and went around with sleveless tops for a while.  Commonalitarianism also helped with multiple interventions  

Revision as of 21:18, 8 October 2006

Elenore Amy Romney
February 1, 1981
Current Prime Minister of Kanami
Republican Socialist
Time In Office

Elenore Romeny is the second youngest Prime Minister ever elected in the Republic of Kanami, outranked only by Yasashii Himura. Meeting the minimal age range to even run for office, Elenore proves to be very wise beyond her years, leading her nation through good times and bad. She's well respected in her party and in the general public, as well as internationally.

Early Life

Elenore Amy Romney was born in Carmina Gadalica on February 1, 1981 to her parents Alexis and Mitch Romney, and at this time she was the youngest, having three older brothers and one older sisters. When Elenore was about 3, her father walked out on the family, leaving them all alone. With her father absent Elenore really looked up to her older sibblings; always following them, always wanting to play with them. Elenore was already proving to be rather intelligent, and was allowed to start pre-school early. Alexis Romney was very oriented in her family, especially Elenore. She always tried to be there for her kids regardless of how hard she had to work to make end's meet, Elenore grew very attatched and barley missed her father at all. Although angry about his leaving, it seldom botherd her in her grade school years.

Whenever Alexis couldn't be with all her kids, their grandfather would come and stay with them. Elenore learned a lot from her grandfather, including ethics. Pretty soon she was a very moral person and very active in her religion. Whenever she faced prejudice she made attempts to stop it, all by the lessons with her grandfather. Unfortunatley her grandfather died soon later, leaving the family alone yet again.

As time was growing the once close family of 5 was growing distant. Elenore could sense change in her brothers and sisters. Then one night tragedy struck the family yet again, Elenore's eldest sister, Lacey was broadsidded by a drunk driver, who was extremly intoxicated on illegal alchol, Elenore was hit the hardest, of all. Just as life seemed to get back to normal, things began to deteriate more. Alexis found out her son's were all taking drugs. This came as a shock to Elenore who was always taught to treat her body as a tempel, and not abuse substances that were outlawed for good reason. The night her brothers were busted they snuk out of the house and went to a rave. All of them died from overheating attributed to ecstacy use. The family was torn, everyone was gone, and Elenore had a lot of trouble sleeping. She began to suffer horrific nightmares and spent a great deal of nights sleeping with her mother. A year later Elenore was put in therapy even though Alexis could barley afford it. While they did have the option of going to a free psych-councling clinic which was composed purley of Psychologist, but Alexis felt Elenore need a profesional psychiatrist, although much more expenisve, she went with the profesional.

After Elenore was counciled, she felt a need to make her mother proud. She never learned to drive, she always took public transportation, and she always carried a taser with her as well as a police whistle and mace. This kept her mother relived. And as Elenore entered into Junior high, she began self-teaching her self everything and anything she could, including polotics. Her grades were superbious and she skipped several grades and went to high school early and graduated within 2 years.

Political Education

After her graduation Elenore began educating her self in polotics. She strived to join Parliment and help make her country better, and make her mother proud of her last daughter. She studied up on various parties of Kanami and was rather shocked about some of the parties belifes, especially that of the Liberal Party and Democratic Parties. Both were strving to end the ban on drugs alchol tobbaco and other products of that nature. It made it hard to chose which party to go with and she decided to pick a party later.

Elenore contiuned her hot streak in education, as she aced her way through college, graduating with a Bachelors in Philosophy, Sociology, and Business. She was even given an honary Bachelors in Art. As she began to work for her masters, Elenore met Nancy Novoty who was a strong supporter of the Republican Socialist Party Nancy convinced Elenore The R.S. Party was exactly what Elenore was looking for in her political education, as it had a strong sense of social and moral values. Elenore was convinced and subscribed to the party. Once Elenore had achived her masters at 22, she decided she wouldn't persue an Doctorate or Ph.D. for a while. She applied to join on Parliment but was rejected. However Prime Minister Steven Koolridge was too imprssed by her resume and had to put her somewhere, he appointed her as an ambassador to the United Nations, and she served for about a year but left due to personal discuss of the U.N.'s dictorial policey, and the resolution allowing nuclear weapons.

Campaing for Office

After leaving the U.N. Elenore still didn't get a job on the Parliment but went to work for Nancy Novoty, in the R.S. Head Quarters. Upon Steven Koolridge's early retirement, she was personally nominated by Nancy for office. Elenore ofically was put on the ballot by a narrow margin, and the campaing began. Elenore's primary aims were to gain support by showing her support for the public.


Increase Power to the Public: More Direct Democracy, especially with senators and people addressing the Parliament. More funding into education, continue the ban on smoking, drugs and alcohol. Increase the private sector, but continue to keep it under Government control. Funding for Police and Fire, education, and the National Guard. Find better and cleaner ways of producing energy.

International Relations

Continue with the League of Nations, and continue relations with Kurona. Increase Humanitarian Aid, and Embassies in the world. Continue the spread of Democracy and Kanami’s beliefs. Do not hesitate to restore order in nations in crises, at the risk classified as a menace, and meddler. Increase Military Presence where it is needed, and mostly at the request of Governments.


  • James K. Polk (D) n-000251-tn-202176.jpg
  • Kurogane F. Soma (L) kurogane.jpg
  • Emmaline R. Harris (GP) bt.jpg


The Holy Empire of Naktan and Commonalitarianism completely condoned Elenore, supporting and funding her campaing. However, the supporter of Harris, Alkazar's smear campaign began to swing into action. Video footage of Romney injecting heroin was delivered to several news publication companies, as well as being spread on the internet. Although it was faked, it was incredibly convincing- Helfaer's Homeland Department had plenty of experience. Elenore was able to convince the public it was totaly fake because of her time spent in and out of Parliment and the R.S. and she even showed her arms right in public and went around with sleveless tops for a while. Commonalitarianism also helped with multiple interventions

1) Incredible amount of posters are purchased $300,000. College students and middle class people hired to plaster most major cities with posters proclaiming Romney With A Picture of Her as a Roman Centurion proclaiming Romney Roman Good For You.

2) Advertisements appear in several major newspapers with anonymous donors proclaiming how wonderful Romney is. $200,000.

3) Two minor free rock concerts are funded with pro- romney musicians telling people to "Rock The Vote". $500,000. Paid by anonymous donor.

4) 100 minor journalists are paid $300 a piece to write pro- Romney articles in small magazines all across the Nation. $30,000.

5) Radio spots are put in place which tell how wonderful she is on AM and FM stations. $1000 per spot. 100 stations. $100,000.

6) Small street stands where people stand around handing leaflets, buttons, lawn signs, are set up. 2 Good looking young men and women are hired for 3 days at $10 an hour for 8 hour day $440 for hire plus 560 for materials. $1000. 1000 stands. $1 million.

7) Someone writes several pro-romney popular legislation petitions. Hires petitioners to sign people up on petitions. They are wearing Pro-Romney material. 1 million per petitition. $3 million.

8) Minor adds appear praising the petitions and Romney on television spots in many minor television stations. $5 million dollars.

$10,130,000 for campaign. This has led to some to accuse of vote buying however Elenore feels it isn't because these aren't voters in Kanami. But non-the less very greatfull for their help.

Election Victory

After a long campaing, and some heavy mud slining, Elenore Romeny wins the election for Prime Minister. James Polk of the Democratic Party had this to say: "This just continues the reign of the Republican Socialists." Although few have compalints over Romney's victory. Succeeding a very well like Prime Minister Koolridge, she will have some work to do. Her innaugural address was on the first of March, she mentiond in her speech about a good democratic society. "A good democracy should be ran as a whole by the people who live there. Not by a bunch of fat-cats in the Parliment." Elenore told to us. "Now of course we aren't going to go to complete direct democracy, but we certianlly are going to give more voice to the people."

  • Romney (RS) 66.67%
  • Polk (D) 13.33%
  • Harriss (GP) 20.00%
  • Soma (L) 0.0%


  • Economic Growth Act: Lifted some of the really tight restrictions on business, and eliminated the Doubled Land Tax
  • Further Authorization of Force in Princstable: Authorized the contiunation of intervention in Princstable untill the war lord was brought to justice. (See The Princstable War)
  • The Kanami-Princstable Trade Agreement: Opend traid between Kanami and Princstable.
  • Child Protection Act: Gave special attention to child abuse, and increased laws on it. Now if a child dies from abusive and/or neglectful behavior, a parent and/or guardian can be charged with a max of 1st Degree Murder.
  • 'Amended'-Homosexual Adoption Ruling: After the suprem court ruling that all gay/lesbian couples could adopt, annexations were made in order to maintain stability of the family.

1. Social Services will monotor 2. Background checks will be used when adoption (as are all adoptions) 3. Children should be taught hetrosexualism, and it's values. Once A child reaches the age of teens or adults, they can chose their sexual prefrence. Homosexualiy should not be forced on a child. 4. Special Attention will be taugt about the risks of Same Sex Marriage. (AIDS HIV etc)

  • Kanami Protectorate Pact: Adopted several colonies near Kanami and has Kanami almost acting as a parent nation to protect from foreing invasions, and imperial conquest.
  • Entrance to the Global Alliance of Sovereign Nations Authorized the entrance into GASN.
  • Authorization of Force: Authorized military force to take Hanover in order to protect Kanami soil and Kanami Protectorates
  • Entrance to the [[[International Fair Trade Agreement]]: Entered into IFTA on a trial basis. Later repelead.
  • The Farmers/Ranchers Buisness Protection Act: Inacted upon LifeWyze's bioengeneering breakthroughs that threatend the farms of the world. Restricted Bio projects in that area, and protected the commerce of Farmers and Ranchers against Bioengeneering of genetic animals.
  • Withdrawl from IFTA
  • Entrance to The Global Defence Initiative
  • Withdrawl from GDI
  • Entrance into The Anti-Terrorism World Alliance