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The Sasaka were extremely late arrivals into the crime filled areas of the immigrant districts but they took power quickly one reason of which is because of their organisation apon arrival, being force to leave the DSUT in such large numbers as a consequence entire extended families reached the immigrant districts in one go allowing for immediate cohesion. The families all lived in each immigrant district and began to immediatly organise themselves into different areas and all the families were loyal to eachother based on their shared descendancy. Meaning the Sasaka had little to no problems with internal fighting, unlike the Damoskinos.
The Sasaka were extremely late arrivals into the crime filled areas of the immigrant districts but they took power quickly one reason of which is because of their organisation apon arrival, being force to leave the DSUT in such large numbers as a consequence entire extended families reached the immigrant districts in one go allowing for immediate cohesion. The families all lived in each immigrant district and began to immediatly organise themselves into different areas and all the families were loyal to eachother based on their shared descendancy. Meaning the Sasaka had little to no problems with internal fighting, unlike the Damoskinos.
Each Sasuka family has its own representative (normally the oldest member) sent to a meeting of all the family representatives when needed, at these meetings they discuss national progress, intentions over the next term and they give praise to any particular family who has performed well in their illegal activities.  
Each Sasuka family has its own representative (normally the oldest member) sent to a meeting of all the family representatives when needed, at these meetings they discuss national progress, intentions over the next term and they give praise to any particular family who has performed well in their illegal activities.
Each family or group of families is incharge of its own area in each immigrant district and in trouble nearby families bring reinforcements. If a family should fail on a particular area it is the responsibilty of the surrounding familes to not only avenge but also control the area lost.

Revision as of 19:01, 6 February 2007


The Sasaka was a criminal organisation of increadible power with bases found in every Friendly Alien super city.

Members were mainly immigrants from the Southern Continent who entered the country illegally through the eastern border and the sea, without a chance of getting work legally they choose to lead a life of crime to support themselves and thinking of Friendly Aliens as a "light touch" towards crime they began their new lives confidently.

Friendly Aliens did not help their "light touch" image because initially they ignored the threatening new wave of crime sweeping over the immigrant district.

Eventually violence esculated with the gangs fighting for territory and business within the immigrant districts of each super city. At first this fighting was contained and off the streets with there only being at worse fist fights for "turf" but then as one side invested in fire arms so did the other leading to full blown fire fights between gangs.

The reaction from the government was one of shock, not used to civil disturbances on such a violent level they decided to send regular police patrols into the violent areas to keep the peace. But the Sasaka were not threatened by this petty show of power and continued business. It would have been more beneficial for the Friendly Alien police forces to show at least a respectable show of power to try and threaten the Sasaka.

Violence esculated further as the Damoskinos entered a gang war with the Sasaka, without ranged weaponry the police had no point but to retreat from these areas. They had to make a decision whether to equip themselves with weapons and continue to try and continue to enforce these areas or to simply stand back and see what the two gangs do to each other. So they did not esculate the problem the police decided to retreat from the violent areas completely and contain them. If they got weapons the criminals would have got armour and the problems would have got completly out of hand.

Years later, with these violent areas becoming extremely decadent and poor the warring Damoskinos and Sasaka made a truce with the intention of joining together and expanding their combined zones of control.

Violence erupted into previously peaceful areas of the immigrant sectors then it spread into the normal districts of the super cities effecting normal Friendly Alien citizens. The police in an attempt to stop it made frequent arrests but then the Damoskinos crossed the line killing in cold blood three Friendly Alien police officers during a raid.

This cued a huge public appeal for the police to be given firearms to counter this threat once and for all, but BazZeRg did not want to escualate this violence into a never ending war on the streets and he made a public announcement (one of his most famous infact).

He publically declared the Damoskinos Clan and the Sasaka enemies of the state, invading the good nation of Friendly Aliens from the inside. He offered the ultimatum that any Damoskinos Clan or Sasuka member who doesn't surrender their weapons and stop the violence immediatly will be treated as enemies of the state and this began the Friendly Alien war on its two largest criminal organisations.

Immediatly a huge task force was created with the intention of collecting all know information about the two organisations and formulating plans to destroy them. BazZeRg had no intention of giving these organisations any mercy and thus he allowed the task force to call apon every resource needed to get the job done. The task force called apon the GIGA Eldars, the Predator Squads, the Super Mutants and the Green Eye to help them.


Sasaka were "late arrivals" into the Friendly Alien immigrant sectors, coming up to Friendly Aliens during the creation of the DSUT, they were exiled for their "unorthodox" political and civil rights views. Most were content leaving the DSUT and setting up a new life in Friendly Aliens and other Alliance nations but some were bitter at there treatment and decided to start lives of crime.

The Sasaka were extremely late arrivals into the crime filled areas of the immigrant districts but they took power quickly one reason of which is because of their organisation apon arrival, being force to leave the DSUT in such large numbers as a consequence entire extended families reached the immigrant districts in one go allowing for immediate cohesion. The families all lived in each immigrant district and began to immediatly organise themselves into different areas and all the families were loyal to eachother based on their shared descendancy. Meaning the Sasaka had little to no problems with internal fighting, unlike the Damoskinos.

Each Sasuka family has its own representative (normally the oldest member) sent to a meeting of all the family representatives when needed, at these meetings they discuss national progress, intentions over the next term and they give praise to any particular family who has performed well in their illegal activities.

Each family or group of families is incharge of its own area in each immigrant district and in trouble nearby families bring reinforcements. If a family should fail on a particular area it is the responsibilty of the surrounding familes to not only avenge but also control the area lost.
