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The Great Empire of Aramatherius

Year Founded: 1875 A.D.
Year of Independence: 1882 A.D.
Government type: Monarchy (Sultanate)
Region: Torino
Motto: No Official Motto
Map: See Cartography
Official Language(s): English, Arabic
Capital: Al-Khali
Population: 2.5 billion (November 2006)
Currency: Gold Piece
Currency Code: GP
Leader: President Archduke Mohammed Ali Dijhad of Alligar and Torino
Major Religion(s): Islam
Time Zone: GMT
Internet TLD: .co.ara
Phone Code: +90901
Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML


The People's Sultanate of Aramatherius is a massive, devout nation, renowned for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 2.434 billion are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

The enormous, corrupt government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Religion & Spirituality. The average income tax rate is 26%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Beef-Based Agriculture industry, followed by Book Publishing and Automobile Manufacturing.

Pronunciation and Terminology

Nation Name: Aramatherius (Pron: Ar-ram-math-ear-ee-us) Nationality: Aramatheriun (Pron: Ar-ram-math-ear-ee-un) Empire: Aramatheriun Capital: Al-Khali (Pron: Al-Kal-ee)


Aramatherius is a nation with many ethnicities, the dominant race in numbers is the Aram race, seconded by the Arami Arab subrace (of Aram and Arab), both races have dark skin similar to that of the peoples of Arab ethnicity, the main differing factor is the Aram's morer tall and sinewy build, that and the striking blue eyes. Kavoans are also found in Aramatherius, primarily in Aramatheriun Kavo, Kavoans have jet black hair and olive skin, and steel grey eyes. They tend to be thicker set and more muscular than the Aram people. Torinoans also feature, largely on the Southern Plains, remnants of the Torinoan colonial period when almost all of Torino was ruled by the Torinoan Empire. Torinoans are basically Italian in appearance.

Cartography, Geography and Climate

Political Map

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">colourpoliticalmaparamacg2.png
This Map Shows the Local Area of Aramatherius.

The Great Empire of Aramatherius (Light Orange) is located in the south of Torino and encompasses a vast area of land in Torinoa Alligaro. Aside from ruling the largest land holdings in the Colony of Torino, Aramatherius also encompasses more than 60% of Torino Alligaro's area, largely due to the hereditory land claims afforded to the Sultan, who also holds the title of Archduke of Alligar among other titles. Aramatherius Also rules the nation marked in darker orange, which is called Aramatheriun Kavo (Made up of East Kavo, North Kavo and South Kavo) following a short war in which Aramatherius siezed much of the Kavoan Federation's (Dark Red), land before signing the treaty of Joljova that ended the war.

Geographical Map

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">geographicalaramatheriuql5.png
This Map Shows the Local Area of Aramatherius.


  • Blue Lines - Superhighways
  • Yellow Lines - Highways
  • Green Lines - Major Seatrade Routes
  • Aqua Lines - Major Ferry Lines
  • Red Square - Capital, Al-Khali
  • Red Circles - Major Cities

This map shows the geographical nature of Aramatherius, as you can see the land is mostly rugged and mountainous. However do not be fooled by the Green colouring, this is due to the fact that this picture was taken in Spring. Most of the year Aramatherius is a parched land full of scrub land and savanna, but during the wet season (March, April, May) the land comes to life. The central bowl sandwiched between the two main mountain ranges (The Kavoan Mountains (West), The Central Alligaro Range (East)) is mostly desert, due to the vast population that dwells there, and the large number of roads and raillines that pass through the area. The mountains are more sparsely populated, however there are still many settlements in valleys, sheltered from the blizzard conditions that plague the mountains in the Wet season. The Eastern Plains are largely flat, and as such this is the major Argicultural centre, largely pasture, as the tough grass and cacti grow here all year long, however silk and cotton plantations are commonplace too. The Eastern Mountain ranges are rich in Gold, however the lack of iron has been detrimental in past eras, to the developement of the Empire's economy. But with the recent discovery of Oil in the Southern Plains has resulted in the creation of much of the nation's present wealth. The main primary trading resources of Aramatherius are Oil, Gold and Cattle, Cows have been the staple of the Aramatheriun diet and economy since the founding of the nation, as such Cattle Farmers are held in high regard by the people of Aramatherius. Gold was discovered early on too, and this too has provided a rich source of income to the Empire, Aramatherius is full of skilled Goldsmiths and Artisans who work this precious metal into intricate designs and jewellry that is sold accross Torino and is in high demand.

The Colonial Era

Aramatherius was first founded 1875 A.D. by James Le Raey, an expeditionary from the old Torinian Empire, the land had previously been explored by Le Raey so he knew it well.

The native Aram people were initially welcoming to the colonials, and traded with them, and a period of peace had started, the Aram were a nomadic people who practiced the Islamic religion, and were seen by the Christian Torinian Empire as sacreligious. In 1877 the Archbishop George Monterrey declared the Aram heretics and placed a ban on trade with them. However when a large Torinian smuggling network was uncovered by the Archbishop's soldiers in January 1878 the Archbishop declared the smugglers as innocent ensnared by the treacherous lures of the Aram tribes. This sparked outrage among the leaders of the three main Aram tribes, the Dihjad, the Jihal and the Aviv, and the marched to the principle port of the colonials Port Vincent, and demanded an apology from the Archbishop. However when the guards saw the approaching tribes they opened fire, believing it to be a full scale raid, and though horribly out numbered and outgunned by the Aram they managed to see the peaceful tribes off quickly.

The Dijhad-Torino War

This is believed to be the reason for the Dihjad-Torino war, the Dihjad, being the largest tribe were the most influencial, and rallied the smaller tribes and groups together, and readied themselves for war, it is estimated that over 200,000 warriors joined the cause. In 1779 the Dijhad marched on Fort Raey, the military stronghold of the colony. Immediately they took thier enemy by surprise and attacked a small training camp outside the fortress walls, successfully stealing some gunpowder and howitzers.

The Dihjad lay siege to the fort, and began firing inexpertly at the walls the next day, thier lack of artillary training an knowledge lead to few accurate hits, and several injuries, but none-the-less on the 28th of April 1879 the walls were breached. By this time the defenders had been under siege for about two weeks, and were running low on supplies, thier casualties had been many and as the tribal warriors rode in many Torinian soldiers were left with no heads and even more simply routed. This initial victory outraged the Emperor of the Torinian Empire, Emperor Timothy II, and he ordered that the 1st and 2nd armies be sent to Aramatherius to quell the resistance.

The 1st and 2nd Armies were Torino's elite, and the Emperor had left his nation in the hands of the 3rd Army and the conscripted militia rabble the 4th Army.

The Massacre at Port Vincent

On the 8th May 1879 the 2nd Army landed near Port Vincent, only to find the city in flames, and that they were now under attack from a large number of mounted riflemen. The initial landing group fled back to thier boats and were slaughtered. The incoming boats kept going forwards, as they were now confused and misenterpretted the order to retreat. The second and third waves were sunk and drowned before they got within 200 metres of the shoreline.

The leader of the assault General Oliver Thomas was frantic, he'd just lost over 20,000 soldiers and many more were coming back wounded, he simply hadn't foreseen how effective the weapons the Aram possessed would be against the fragile boats. He ordered for the fleet to begin the bombradment of the shoreline, in a vain attempt to rout the warriors, however the naval guns were far too inaccurate to hit and of the losely formed warriors who were now riding back over the coastal hill. Then when he heard news from the TIS Invincible that they had run aground and were taking on water, he seemed to lose his mind. He ordered for the fleet to retreat, and regroup near the small town of Jamestown, however it was too late, as the Aram had launched a small fleet of Dhow, fast boats that outran the large cruisers, from these the Aram managed to board the Invincible, the Illustrious and the Oberon, and capture them. The sea was red with blood so say reports from the time, and the bodies of dead Torinian mariners floated everywhere.

The jamestown Landing

The fleet regrouped at Jamestown (now also in flames) and once again attempted a landing, however the Aram had anticipated this move too, and had placed stolen gatling guns at the top of the coastal hill, they fired down upon the small boats, and it was even more of a slaughter than before, reports indicate that the casualties were some 50,000 soldiers dead, however the General's diary indicates that it may have been far higher.

Once again the Torinians fled, the 1st Army now in tatters, the hospital ships over laden, and the troop ships barely handling the number of casualties that were being redirected there.

In a shocking move the Dhow fleet attacked and boarded the hospital ship TIS Guidance, and scuttled it, sinking thousands of wounded and drowning countless mariners, docters and medical staff. General Thomas finally gave up, close to tears he ordered a full retreat. Not only had the Aram destroyed the first army, but they had bested the Torinian fleet with little more than a few wooden Dhows, and some camel riders.

Fall of Torino

Upon the return of the 1st Army (or rather what was left of it) riots broke out, the people lost faith in thier leaders and thier army, and General Thomas later hung himself in shame. With only the regulars and the conscripts remaining to try and supress the riots, the Emperor sent out calls for foreign help. Unfortunately Torino was not very popular, and the nearby nation of Lelandia invaded from the north, with the military stretched to breaking point Torino collapsed. The 2nd amry returned home to find the Empire they fought for destroyed.

Upon the victory of the Dijhad, the Dijhad leader called a meeting of the three major tribes.


The Aram tribes placed Mehnir Aviv in charge of the new Aram nation, and he was declared Sultan Menhir I. However though Torino was defeated the 2nd Army had returned and sought under the guidance of Lord Ralph Olivers, to build a new Torinian nation.

Mehnir soon got wind of this and rode North to the coast with an army of warriors and attacked Olivers' capital Ralphton. The battle was short and bloody, the scared and outnumbered Torinians were cut down, and in March 1882 Mehnir declared independance.

No official constitution was written and so by the consent of the Tribal Leaders Menhir declared himself Sultan, and set about building his power. First ihe gained the support of the local tribes and nomads, and secured firm borders, then he set about building a modern nation.

Cities were set up and people flocked to them, mines were opened and by 1897 Oil had been found. Wealth poured into Aramatherius. However all was not well as the Sultan became corrupt and embezzled national funds to live his own life of luxury.

The Industrial Era

With the creation of cities, and an eager workforce, and the recent introduction of currency, industrialists flocked to Aramatherius, setting up factories, farms, mines and foundries all over the expansive Sultanate. The Sultan naturally set high tax rates, but this did not stem the flow of industrialism.

Aramatherius' economy boomed, from a small basketcase to a strong industrial power. However the deserts were harsh, and sandstorms were deadly, and soon the Sultan was forced to lower taxes or face the Industrialists leaving Aramatherius.

By 1902 Aramatherius was the region of Torino's chief exporter of Oil, Iron, Steel, Precious Gems and Metal Ores, as well as producing silks, spices, perfumes and incense. It was in this year that the Opium business really took a hold of the economy. Opium Dens opened all over Aramatherius and Torino, and Aramatherius was now one of the main suppliers.

In 1919 when the mainstream Opium trade was banned, Aramatherius was hit hard, the Opium Farmers were forced for low prices to blackmarket dealers, and many went out of business, but the Opium business final crashed in 1922 when the Sultan, under the wieght of foreign pressure made the trade, use and possession of Opium illegal in Aramatherius, most farmers burned thier crops or let them rot in the fields, and went to grow food and produce wine and spirits. But some refused and continued to produce Opium, when the Sultan sent troops to stop this, they were met by armed militia and mercenaries, and so started three days of violence.

The Opium War

On the 18th June 1922, the Sultan sent 1,000 armed soldiers to Korr the 'Opium Country' to destroy the Opium crops being illegally grown, refined and exported there. However the Opium dealers had foreseen this and had hired Militia and Mercenaries to protect thier businesses. The Sultan's men, taken by surprise retreated to the empoverished village of Ansyria.

Ansyria had been empoverished by the Opium dealers who had come and stolen thier crops, burned thier homes and taken thier valuables, and amny of the villagers joined the Aramatheriun troops. At 14:05 the Sultan's men, with the rabble of angry villagers left Ansyria to strike the nearby Al-Haed Plantaition. The soldiers attacked being superior to the militia and mercenaries guarding it, the plantation was overrun and the crops destroyed by the villagers, who proceded to loot and plunder the lands.

The day continued and in total three of the five plantations were destroyed an plundered by the rising number of villagers, backed up by the Sultan's soldiers. The 19th saw the abandonment of the other two plantations, the owners and mercenaries fleeing for thier lives, and destroying thier crops, the soldiers folled but the fleeing Opium Lords were attacked and killed by an angry mob, before the soldiers got there.

The Industrial Progression

Following the Opium War industry flourished. The Sultan had proven his ability to rule and defend his own and gained the respect of his foreign neighbours, and more and more factories were built. However in 1942 the new Sultan Mehnir II tested biological weapons.

The Dijhad Massacre

This was a sad and painful event that hit Aramatheriun Citizens hard. The Sultan decided to test biological weapons on the densly populated region of Dijhad. Millions died.