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==Independants League Teams==
==Independants League Teams==
Tratis Brothers
-Tratis Brothers
==Junior League Teams==
==Junior League Teams==

Revision as of 19:48, 1 May 2007

Ultimate Air Racing


The brain child of two farming brothers: Hyrild and Demos. The sport UAR had spread all through southern Friendly Aliens until its eventual state establishment in late 2006. It began with the conversion of flying farming vehicles into the first UAR racers, Hyrild and Demos raced eachother in courses with obstacles like grain silos, water towers and weather balloons.

The sport spread with teenage farmers from all over the southlands coming to race eachother in their own converted vehicles, this however lead to the races first fatality; Demos, one of the founders of the sport had an accident which cost him his life. The press attention this brought to the sport was ironically what gave it life beyond the southern farmlands.

Catching the attention of wealthy young aliens, more and more sophisicated racers came into the circuit, racing in specialised arenas grabbing more and more public focus. Eventually this attracted attention from both corperations and the government simutaniously. The government wanted regulation (with racers becoming so fast that the risk of accidents has grown to rediculous heights) and corperations wanted to expand the sport to a much wider audience (for profits of course).

National Expansion

The government demanded if this sport was to a be made safe for its live specators (which had started reaching its thousands) it must be performed in safe arenas, this lead to the creation of the first purpose built UAR arena: "Vector".

At the same time some of the largest corperations in Friendly Aliens including Friendly Alienways began to create teams using the already experienced riders like Hyrild to pilot their racers.

With the completion of the Vector the National UAR League began with races each week held in the Vector Arena but with the course changed and made more complicated. Viewing rates multiplied at a rediculous rate. More and more corperations joined creating their own teams until even foriegn companies began to join.

Future for UAR

More arenas are planned to be built in more and more exotic locations. Springing up in foreign nations like Super Rome and Jihad Allah. Roudland has expressed particular interest in constructing an arena and holding an event, possibly near the northern city of Ballaham.

Current Leagues

Independants League

Junior League

Professional League

The Independants League teams are not sponsored by large corperations. They are teams with little funding thus slower racers, never the less the races are fun and full of character, as racers are not playing for money. It only has a riders prize which is given to the leading riders at the end of the season.

The Junior League is mainly for the younger racers. They compete for a riders prize and hopefully a position in the Professional League. There is no limits on the corperation sponsorship therefore there is almost always teams from corperations who already have a professional team. This is so they have a stake at the second prize of the Amateur League, the Manufacturers prize.

Finally the Professional League, this is where you see the largest teams. All competing for the Rider and Manufacturer Prize. The races in this league are fast, competative and dangerous attracting billions of fans.

Independants League Teams

-Tratis Brothers - -

Junior League Teams

Team F.A. (Friendly Alienways)

Professional League Teams

Team F.A (Friendly Alienways)