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*<s>Don Flanioso</s>
*<s>Don Flanioso</s>
*Red Rose Movement
*Red Rose Movement
*<s>Mushy Pea</s>
*<s>Mushy Pea</s>
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Mushy Pea incapacitated Day Two
Mushy Pea incapacitated Day Two
No Majority = No Execution.
No Majority = No Execution.
===Night Two===
It was the dead of night, Hogwarts was sleeping – well most of it was anyway. In the great hall the ceiling gave a glimpse of the sky outside. It was raining and a streak of lightning bolted across the sky. The few candles that hadn’t been extinguished gave the room a spooky feel – not to mention the passing ghosts.... A Shadow crept through the great hall following Dhatsun as he went looking for a midnight snack. The Shadow slowly neared and an arc of brilliant arcane light issued from the Shadow’s wand. It hit Dhatsun squarely on the chest; Dhatsun’s chest immediately erupted in great gashes and blood poured from his veins. Dhatsun screamed, his life force slowly leaving his body. He collapsed to the floor.
“Morsmordre” the shadow whispered gruffly. The dark mark rose to the ceiling of the great hall telling of the atrocity that had occurred. The Shadow vanished leaving nothing but Dhatsun lying in a pool of his own blood and the dark mark hovering; a harbinger of death.
Dhatsun’s great death scream had awoken the school, the body was discovered and Dumbledore immediately called for. 
“Dhatsun was Fred Weasley, it is a sad thing that we must suffer his death. He was a joker, a gambler, but most of all – a good person.
Dhatsun – killed Night 2 – Fred Weasley – Innocent.

Revision as of 15:29, 11 May 2007

Spectrum Werewolf/ Mafia
Name: Harry Potter
Game: Werewolf
Host: Calumnius
Commenced: 4th May 2007
Winner(s): -

Werewolf: Harry Potter, was a werewolf game hosted in The Spectrum by Calumnius. It was the seventh such game to be played in The Spectrum and saw the return of the moderator of the first Spectrum werewolf game.


  • Enthalpy Change
  • Sherylannia
  • Sabrateur
  • Domas-Porada
  • Don Flanioso
  • Dhatsun
  • Red Rose Movement
  • Mushy Pea
  • Oldham Road
  • Undracor
  • Nintenduu 64
  • Adoggo
  • Buttery Boonswoggles
  • Petersvillia
  • I Know Better Than You


Day 1 - Sabrateur executed by majority vote.




The leaders of the 22 Spectrum nations and a visiting diplomat, Whitmorium, were gathered around a large circular table in the Spectrum parliament building. There was much arguing, ceaseless arguing in fact - nobody was sure who was in charge and who wasn’t! Mushy Pea was clinging to power precariously with several contenders proclaiming their desire to be delegate. Then – amid the raucous assembly – there was a loud CRACK! Like the crack of a whip. Then from nowhere, in the centre of the room stood a strange pedestal; atop the pedestal there was a shallow stone basin. The basin was carved with odd runes and symbols. Its white-silver liquidy contents glowed faintly and the room was silent in awe. So silent in awe that seven Spectrum members had just died from shock. Whitmorium also lay dead, were he not silent in awe before dying, his last words would have undoubtedly been “not again”.

Calumnius, being the most stupid of the group, approached the basin. It had an attractive property; he touched the liquid’s cloud like surface and instantly was sucked into the basin. One by one, the rest of the group were attracted by the basin’s apparent magnetism and were sucked in too.

After being seemingly sucked in, the Spectrites were transported to what was seemingly an office, the surrounding objects were amazing and not before long several portraits on the wall starting moving about in their frames as if woken from a daze. It was suddenly noticed that Calumnius was missing. Yet Oldham Road looked up on the wall in front of them and discovered Calumnius in a frame on the wall. Yet somehow it wasn’t quite Calumnius.

“Calumnius!” Oldham Road shouted...perhaps with a hint of apathy. The rest of the group looked up at the portrait of Calumnius. Somehow Calumnius had managed to grow a beard and had found a rather cool looking hat, but it seemed to be Calumnius all the same. And he began to speak...

“Alas! I have become a portrait. As you may have guessed, I am no longer entirely Calumnius, I am also Dumbledore.” He gave the group a couple of seconds the digest this slightly strange fact – but then again being transported in a basin to a strange room had been strange enough.

“I have been appointed custodian over you, what is to occur, is terrible. Terrible but great. Change is happening to you all too, as it happened to me, but it is on the inside. You will remain outwardly yourselves but inwardly – you are someone else. Some of you already know you are evil, the others may be good – but ultimately it is up to you to decide who is and who isn't. Just remember, After all, to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure. We meet in the department of mysteries at the Ministry of Magic, this very eve to start our journey towards that adventure.”

With that Calumnius / Dumbledore vanished from his portrait to leave the rest of the group bemused.

It is day. Day One Vote: Monday evening, as I want you all to have talked to each other before the first vote. Good luck.

Day One

The group assembled in Courtroom 10, level 10 of the ministry of magic. It was a dark stone room and the walls were lit with dim torches. The group sat in rows of benches on one side of the room while a chair with chains on it sat in the centre of the room.

The portrait of Dumbledore was carried into the room by a man, called Filch, he put the painting down in the middle of the rows of benches and left the room.

“I call to the stand, Mushy Pea,” said Dumbledore loudly. Mushy Pea left the benches and sat in the chair, the chains remained still – for now. “Who here believe her to be evil?”

Hands shot up en mass but then down again quickly until only three hands remained. “I think that puts you in the clear for now, thank you – you may return to your seat.” Mushy Pea left the chair and went back to the benches.

“I call to the stand, Sabrateur” called Dumbledore. Sabrateur got up; he was looking worried, but somewhat resolute. He sat down in the chair. “Who here believe Sabrateur to be evil?”

A bunch of hands shot up, some went down and then back up again. Dumbledore waited, he knew how strange these things were. He counted 8 hands in the air. “That’s enough then. We find the accused guilty!” The chains on the chair moved quickly securing Sabrateur. He muttered something about a fair trial but was ignored.

“I say, Enthalpy, if you wouldn’t mind could you hover Sabrateur down the hall way and follow us. I lost the use of a wand...when....well, when I became a portrait.” Filch came back in, picked up Dumbledore’s portrait and they went out of the door. Enthalpy Change followed with Sabrateur hovering on a chair behind him. The rest of the group was led down the hall way and into the Department of Mysteries.

Dumbledore being Dumbledore chose the correct door right away in the department’s entrance. The one leading to the death chamber. The group sat on the stone ledges, while Filch put Dumbledore down at one side of a dais where there was a strange archway, covered by a veil – the veil was fluttering slightly, as if in a breeze – but there was no breeze. “Enthalpy put him down on the dais” Dumbledore commanded.

“You have made your choice, beyond the veil lies death. We knew there would be deaths – this is but the beginning. Filch, commit him”

Filch pushed the chair backwards and it fell backwards – Sabrateur let out a loud cry as he tumbled backwards and beyond the veil. Then it was over – Sabrateur was gone.

“Now, I can tell you friends, that Sabrateur was Ron. He only ever wanted to protect people. Now you can return to Hogwarts for the night, and we will see what happens next!”

Dumbledore left his portrait and left the group to their own devices.

Vote Day 1 Sabrateur is executed – Protector.

Night One

A cloud-like giant green skull hung over Hogwarts castle ominously, those waking up knew what it meant. Death. Don Flanioso didn’t turn up for breakfast, nobody knew where he’d gone – a search of the castle ensued. On checking Don Flanioso’s dormitory in Gryffindor Tower, there were definite signs of a struggle, the floor was littered with a silvery powder and Don Flanioso’s wand lay discarded on the floor and the large fire in the corner was still burning with a slight green ebb. Dumbledore’s portrait navigated through the various paintings of the castle and came to the dormitory. He told the assembled group that the powder was Floo Powder which is used to travel between fireplaces.

“It seems our dear friend Don Flanioso has been transported to somewhere else...” said Dumbledore. “I think I know where – To the Ministry of Magic!”

The group assembled 15 minutes later in the death chamber they had left a few hours before and found to their dismay more signs of a struggle. There was knitting all over the floor and unintelligible writing on a bag of coins – but Don Flanioso was nowhere to be seen.

“I think we must accept that the worst has happened – our dear friend has been pushed through the veil by some unsavoury character,” stated Dumbledore. “Let us now return to Hogwarts to enjoy the rest of our day, hopefully in peace. “

Don Flanioso – Hermione - Innocent – pushed through the veil Night One.

Day Two

The group assembled in the Ministry of Magic courtroom 10, level 10 once again. The courtroom seemed more ominous this time – everyone knew the seriousness of what could be about to occur. Everyone was taking their seats in the benches and Filch had brought Dumbledore’s portrait into the room. Then amid the raucous talk there was a burst of bright red light! No-one could tell where exactly it came from – but Mushy had Pea dropped to the floor. A few screams went up, Domas-Porada tried shaking her to get her to wake up – but it just wasn’t working. Dumbledore inspected the limp body of Mushy Pea,

“Alas, it would seem that Mushy Pea has been incapacitated for the remainder of our time in this world. She will have no further role in proceedings. Quite conveniently for some of you, she was a Death Eater – Lord Voldemort himself in fact!” At this point many gasps went up as Dumbledore had said the name of he-who-must-not-be-named. “This isn’t over though – the remaining Death Eaters will be hungry for revenge now, watch your backs!”

Filch removed the limp body of Mushy Pea and the room soon settled back down. Dumbledore began the trial.

“I call Dhatsun to the stand” Dhatsun walked down to the chair, looking nervously at the chains and the memory of Sabrateur the last day haunted him somewhat. “Who here believe Dhatsun to be evil?” Only two people raised their hands. Dhatsun returned to the benches thankful that he didn’t have to follow Sabrateur.

“I call Enthalpy Change to the stand” Enthalpy Change was shaking and sweating quite profusely, understandably. “Who here believe him to be evil?”

6 hands shot up into the air...they all looked around at each other as if certain they had a majority, but poor / evil Mushy Pea’s vote had been negated and now there was no majority.

“Well, I think Enthalpy Change has got off quite luckily tonight, because, as you well no know – no majority means no kill” said Dumbledore matter-of-factly. “You may return to Hogwarts, be thankful that there is one less Death Eater among you. Still...watch yourselves.”

With that Dumbledore left his portrait and the rest of the group returned to Hogwarts, they were happy and sad – but most of all – puzzled.

Mushy Pea incapacitated Day Two No Majority = No Execution.

Night Two

It was the dead of night, Hogwarts was sleeping – well most of it was anyway. In the great hall the ceiling gave a glimpse of the sky outside. It was raining and a streak of lightning bolted across the sky. The few candles that hadn’t been extinguished gave the room a spooky feel – not to mention the passing ghosts.... A Shadow crept through the great hall following Dhatsun as he went looking for a midnight snack. The Shadow slowly neared and an arc of brilliant arcane light issued from the Shadow’s wand. It hit Dhatsun squarely on the chest; Dhatsun’s chest immediately erupted in great gashes and blood poured from his veins. Dhatsun screamed, his life force slowly leaving his body. He collapsed to the floor.

“Morsmordre” the shadow whispered gruffly. The dark mark rose to the ceiling of the great hall telling of the atrocity that had occurred. The Shadow vanished leaving nothing but Dhatsun lying in a pool of his own blood and the dark mark hovering; a harbinger of death.

Dhatsun’s great death scream had awoken the school, the body was discovered and Dumbledore immediately called for. “Dhatsun was Fred Weasley, it is a sad thing that we must suffer his death. He was a joker, a gambler, but most of all – a good person.

Dhatsun – killed Night 2 – Fred Weasley – Innocent.


Preceded by:
Mafia: It's Like Werewolf But Better
7th Spectrum
Werewolf / Mafia Game

Succeeded by:
current game