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== Additional Materials ==
== Additional Materials ==
*[[United Nations]]
*[[Passed UN Resolutions]]
*[http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=430910 UN Forum Debate: Civil Rights Post War]
*[http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=430910 UN Forum Debate: Civil Rights Post War]
*[[United Nations]]
*[[UN Timeline]]
[[Category:UN Resolutions]]
[[Category:UN Resolutions]]

Revision as of 18:58, 31 July 2005

History of the Resolution

Summary of UN Debate

One of the major points of contention with this resolution focused on the clause prohibiting the searches of children. Many nations raised objections to this provision stating that their governments felt it likely that terrorist organizations would use children to smuggle weapons or bombs. The provision concerning the requirement that females be searched by females was objected to by a number of nations, however, several UN members pointed out that this was already their standard operating procedure. At one point during the UN debate it was questioned why the rights provided in this resolution were limited to only civilians, however Waterana pointed out that the Wolfish Convention on POW already spelled out the rights for POWs and added that their resolution was an extension upon that basic idea.

Text of the Resolution

Civil Rights Post War
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights Strength: Strong Proposed By: Waterana

Recognising war is an inevitable part of the NationStates world.

Fully aware there is a standing resolution already protecting the rights of POWs.

Alarmed by the absence of protections for non-combatants living in an occupied nation after a war has ended, and the possible abuses that can and are being perpetrated against conquered civilians by invading nations.

Convinced measures are necessary for the protection and fair treatment of non-combatants not involved in the armed forces of any nation involved in the war.

A non-combatant is a civilian of any age who did not take up arms against the invading nation either before or after the cessation of hostilities. The invading nation(s) is those who are in occupation of all or part of the conquered nation after the cessation of hostilities.

Declares that immediately following the cessation of hostilities in any war all UN invader nation(s) involved in the occupation will implement the following...

  • All conquered non-combatants must be treated with dignity and respect regardless of sex, age, position in society, religion or cultural group
  • The invading nation must, immediately after cessation of hostilities, provide protection and security to the conquered civilian population against violence and looting.
  • No non-combatant will be prevented from leaving the conquered nation with any personal possessions they wish to take, however the invading nation is within its rights to prevent anyone entering said nation.

  • No non-combatant will be subjected to summary execution.
  • No arrests are allowed without just cause and any person who is detained must be charged with a recognised crime and brought to trial as quickly as possible.
  • No searches of private homes, businesses or places of worship may be carried out without just cause.
  • Body searches of non-combatants are not allowed without just cause and if done the procedure must be carried out in a private setting. Any searches of women must be carried out by and only in the presence of female soldiers or police. No such searches of children are permitted.
  • No non-combatants will be forcibly removed from their home or district and relocated unless such a move is necessary for their own safety in cases of unsafe structures, insurgent activity or other just reasons. They must be allowed to return as soon as possible after the problem is solved.

  • The invading nation must rapidly restore medical services and hospitals within the conquered nation and provide medical aid to those non-combatants who require it.
  • The invading nation must rapidly restore any essential services, including but not limited to water, sewerage, electricity and food distribution networks destroyed or disrupted because of the war.
  • The invading nation must repair any infrastructure, including but not limited to bridges, roads, homes, places of worship, schools and businesses destroyed or damaged because of the war.
  • Any non-combatants drafted to assist the rebuilding must be paid a fair wage for their work.

Any civilian who takes up arms after the cessation of hostilities and actively seeks confrontation with the invading nation may no longer be considered a non-combatant.

Votes For: 10,532
Votes Against: 4,068
Implemented: Wed Jul 13 2005

Additional Materials