Trains are Great

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Trains are Great was a region jointly started by Simonvia & BG Rocks so that they could leave the now extinct region of Weatherfield after problems with a nation by the name of Kazzard Doom. Simonvia was the founder and BG Rocks moved in with him. Over time, other nations came including the two current occupiors Rails & British Rails. But after a short period of time, BG Rocks started inviting others in to the region behind Simonvia's back.

Simonvia seeked help from Imperial Aaronia & Scotllia and they all fought BG Rocks in a huge row. It was over as soon as it started and BG Rocks was never seen again. Over time, the nations he invited in faded away.

Synide joined for a short period of time after the collapse of Final Alliance but was thrown out after he caused trouble for the region. He then made the region known as Railway Children as a diguise to get back into the region but was thrown out when his secret was discovered.