The Grand Confederacy of the South

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The Grand Confederacy
Headquarters: Altanta, Georgia, The Seceded South
Members: 3 nations
Type: Political/Cultural/Military
Forum: [1]

The Grand Confederacy of the South is a loose association of Southern Nations with the goal of protectiong Southern beliefs within the Nationstates World Regions.


It had its humble beginnings when Delegates from all across the South gathered in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, The Seceded South for a Congress of the Grand Confederacy, which had been convened to discuss the recent threat posed by the Native American Nation. This once-in-a-lifetime international legislature was only convened under the most extraordinary circumstances requiring the cooperative effort of the entire Southern community of nations. More than 3,000 delegates from Antebellum South, Chepachet, and The Seceded South were in attendance

After a day-long opening festivities involving several barbecue and Cajun picnics, fireworks displays, military parades by the combined Southern armies, and burning William T. Sherman in effigy, Presidents Tim McGraw from the Seceded South, Nathanael Moore from Antebellum South, and Jeffrey Comstock from Chepachet, jointly opened this session of Congress.

The Congress of the Grand Confederacy deliberated for several hours before approving a declaration entitled the Joint Southern Declaration Regarding the West.

The Joint Declaration stated that there are four threats facing the Western region of what was formerly the United States: 1.) Federal tyranny (e. g. the USNA), 2.) Mexicans (e.g. The Mexican Empire), 3.) Fascism (e.g. Gitchi Goomi), and 4.) Indians (e.g. the Native American Nation).

Of these four threats the greatest threat by far was the Native American Nation. The rampaging red man hordes had already torn up thousands of miles of railroad tracks, dynamited mines, torched crops, and razed civilized settlements throughout the West. The NAN had even threatened to use nuclear weapons, not in self-defense, but as part of their offensive strategy of conquest and expansion.

The Southern nations had therefore entered a pact to contain and neutralize the red man threat. Any attempt by the NAN to further expand its borders would be immediately met with war from all Southern nations. The South also announced that within the next 6 months it would annex an enclave around the old USAF base at Colorado Springs, Colorado, and transform it into a Southern multinational military installation as a base of operations to deter NAN expansionism which they did. The Colorado Springs base, to be named Fort Robert E. Lee,was manned by 6,000,000 soldiers from all the Southern nations. 4,000,000 coming from Antebellum South itself.

After nuetralizing the threat of the NAN, newly elected President of the Seceded South, Jesse A. Helms Jr. suggested that the Congress of the Grand Confederacy should remain a standing body and be the voice for the Grand Confederacy of the South. President Nathanael Moore of Antebellum South wholeheartedly agreed and the Grand Confederacy was born.


In hopes of advancing the cultural, social, and political well-being and independence of the Southern people by all honorable means, We the nations of the great South do here by swear our oath of allegiance to this constitution, and do hereby swear to uphold it's truths in an effort to restore, protect, and preserve the rich cultural history which is the great South.

Article One - Cultural Independence

We the people of the Greater South believe that southern culture is distinct from, and in opposition to the mainstream American culture and for that reason hold these values above all others:

  1. Christian faith
  2. The precedence of family over abstract ties to nations or global communities
  3. Southern art and literature
  4. Ties to the land
  5. Respect for human life

Article Two - Social Independence

We the people of the Greater South believe that the southern social structure is most sacred and thus believe in a society that:

  1. Acknowledges that all men are "spiritually" but not "mechanically" equal
  2. Is structured upon the Biblical notion of hierarchy in which Christ is the head of His Church; husbands are the heads of their families; parents are placed over their children; employers rank above their employees; the teacher is superior to his students, etc.
  3. Reveres traditional Christian marriage and family
  4. Practices good manners and "Southern hospitality"
  5. Perpetuates the chivalric ideal of manhood - respect for, and protection of, our women, and the development of the virtues of honesty, courage, honor, and humility
  6. Upholds freedom of association
  7. Believes in the rule of law and the wise, benevolent, and righteous application of justice

Article Three - Political Independence

We the people of the Greater South believe in the formation of a republic, which will be a confederation of independent southern nations, emphasizing:

  1. The individual sovereignity of each southern nation
  2. Enforcing secure borders and limited immigration
  3. Practicing a policy of non-interference with citizen's natural rights including the most important, the right to bear arms.


President Jesse A. Helms Jr. (The Seceded South)

President Nathanael Moore (Antebellum South)

President Jeffrey Comstock (Chepachet)

Member Nations