Vuhifellian Empire

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A Nation on the continent of Vuhifell, in the Pacific Ocean between Japan and North America.


The Vuhifellian Federation is based on a strong Federal Constitution, which breaks down the powers of government into four main bodies. (Note: sometimes these may be grouped as three, since the Supreme Council and President do the same duties)

The Presidency

The President of Vuhifell is elected through an electoral vote, each electoral vote is gained, not by an electoral college, but by popular vote in each state.

Greykan: 1 Electoral Vote
Tylian: 2 Electoral Votes
Erusea: 3 Electoral Votes
Osea: 4 Electoral Votes
Yuktobania: 5 Electoral Votes
Usea: 6 Electoral Votes
North Belka: 7 Electoral Votes
South Belka: 8 Electoral Votes
Valgan: 9 Electoral Votes
East Point: 10 Electoral Votes

The President has the job of appointing Council Leaders, Supreme Court Leaders, and Department Leaders. He has the power to approve or veto bills, negotiate with other world leaders, and has the power to vote in the U.N. Also has complete command of troops during wartime.

Federational Congress

Senate Three senators are elected from each province (for the Special Refugee Regions of North Osea and Daijima, only one senator is allowed).


High Court

Is the highest ranking court in the continent. The state legislature of each province elect the High Judge of that province to the High Court directly. A Supreme Judge for the court is also elected by the Federational Congress. Each judge's term may only end if:

  • The judge resigns
  • The judge dies
  • The Administrator for the judge's province calls new elections (President may call Supreme Judge elections. This may only occur once in an Administrator's/President's term)

The High Court presides over cases such as: provincial disputes, impeachment of a high-ranking government official, et cetera.



Each council consists of five members, the five members vote on the policies of their respective councils. Councils are broken down into sub-divisions of Ministries (e.g. Council of War, Ministry of Defense); these sub-divisions are further broken down into sub-sub-divisions of Departments (e.g. Council of War, Ministry of Defense, Department of the Defense of North Belka)

A simple majority is needed to pass decisions in each council, when a tie is declared, the Supreme Councilor's vote counts twice. A Supreme Councilor may only vote YEA or NAY in his/her council (however in the Supreme Council they may also ABSTAIN).

Domestic History

The Continent of Vuhifell was discovered in 2002(Real Life Time, 1000's A.D. game time)

The tribes living in the continent at the time were known as the Comonas, Greykans, Tylians, Erusians, and Valgans, hence either a state or a commonwealth was named in honor of them. The Easterners who colonized the East Coast, had named that part of the continent East Point, a name that is still in use today.

The technology of the early people was primitive compared to the settlers, but they had amazing cultural works that were scattered around Vuhifell. One example of success of the early tribes was the great monument in the Goldberg Desert, a towering obelisk that stood 700 feet high, was meant to honor the Sun God, Pulfis. The monument however, was destroyed not too long after the fall of New Vuhifell, successor to Vuhifell and predecessor to The Vuhifellian States. However great temples were not only built there, in the Katuri Jungle, Northwest of the city of Comberth, an ancient Erusian Temple dating back to 500 B.C. was discovered housing the shrine to Lucian, God of Nature. The temple had a hole in the cieling to let in sunlight, and in the middle of the alter stood a statue of Lucian kneeling towards the Ruler God, Tyth.

A few centuries ahead and our history goes into the founding of the oringinal Vuhifellian Nation, named "Vuhifell" after the continent it took up, The settlers began taming the tribes until they defected and became one with our modern culture. Vuhifell was founded around 1697 A.D. For the next 100 years life was tough, until Vuhifell united the entire continent into one nation in 1787, establishing the oringinal capital at Hivez, a rich port between Comberth and Golden Skies City.

In the year 1799, civil war broke out, The Greykan's demanded independence, and they were fighting a tough fight for it. By the end of the war in 1803 Half of Greykan lay in ruins, and the death toll had mointed to over a million on both sides. Another Civil War from Greykan two years later brought the nation into complete Anarchy. The first Vuhifellian Revolution had begun!

By the end of this war however, 60% of the country lay in ruin, and the death toll had reached 20 million. Eager to end the war the natives of Erusea and Valgan rebelled also. The end of the socialist regime of Vuhifell had ended, and when New Vuhifell was founded in 1849, a civil war broke out again. The Greykans did not want to be treated the best by the government, they wanted their plain independence. This war lasted only 18 Months but put a major dent into the young nation born out of Vuhifell's ashes. By 1865 The fifth Vuhifellian Civil War had begun, again erupting in Greykan. This War took over 12 Million lives in total and by the war's end, even though Vuhifellian Troops had managed to succeed in keeping New Vuhifell together, it felt that soon the nation would break apart. In 1956 the sixth Vuhifellian Civil War erupted in Erusea, convinced by propaganda from Greykan. This time the rebels almost succeeded in taking control, they had marched right up to the Capital and killed everybody inside the Capital Building. Bloody battles followed as Federal Troops were pushed back into Comberth and Shellfish Falls. The main stalinist supporter of the campaign was Malcolm Rodriguez, a Tylian who was greatly inspired by the achievements of Stalin. Days after the incident at the Capital former President Michael Daniels, Great-Grandfather of the current President, Stevan Daniels, appeared on T.V. He urged for reinforcments and in time they grew, but some nations supported the stalinists, crushing the last Democratic resistance in the Eastern Half of the Country. Finally at the last moment, HIARC Scientists developed Vuhifell's three deadliest superweapons.

  • Megalith Missile Silos: Can carry 500 ICBM's in one silo, has 25 silos...
  • Stonehenge Artillery Battery: 8 Huge Cannons with enough destructive force to leave a mile wide crater in the Earth. Range: 3000 Miles
  • Ion Cannon: Space Based Weapons Platform that fires an extremely powerful laser down to Earth, is the only weapon known to Vuhifell to incinerate every atom it touches.

With these new weapons the Allied Forces continually pounded Greykan until they finally had surrendered. In total, over 95 Million lives were lost, and 446 Million crippled. This is the only war that Vuhifell has fought in where we have lost so many troops and civilians. It is hard to imagine that just five years later, in 1983, a revolution would occur, though only losing 200,000 troops, the government collapsed, and in the ensueing chaos, several ancient sites such as the Goldberg Desert Temple were destroyed. Federal troops lost so fast in battles that Allied Commanders told them to use "Planet Busters", Missiles from MEGALITH that can scorch a square mile of Earth in 10 seconds. The Vuhifellian Continent is still recovering from these explosions.

Finally in A.D. 2065 the last Civil War breaks out, at first the Elite Black Guard Units and the soldiers with MOLIGNAR Armor are losing, but eventually are unstoppable. To prevent further Civil Chaos, New Hivez has ordered that all Greykans be deported. Finally with only 3 soldiers dead, and a 65 Billion dollar reconstuction bill, the Vuhifellian Continent can see Peace.

Foreign history

Vuhifell has been in little wars abroad and, besides the occasional standoff with Doujin, has had very little activity on the world stage. It was not until Michael Daniels became President when Vuhifell started to act up, voting in the U.N., joining alliances, and sending troops overseas. Michael Daniels' Great-Grandson, Stevan Daniels, is the current President and is opening up new opportunities.

The Vuhifellian States is currently a member of the Following Alliances:

Culture & Society

Modern Vuhifellian Society is very complex, much more complicated than the society of the indinginous peoples before the settlers arrived. Because Vuhifell lies on an island continent, Vuhifellians see themselves as isolated, when actually, the regional mainland is just 230 miles away.

Ancient Culture

The native Vuhifellians: The Comonas, Greykans, Tylians, Erusians, and Valgans, had a simple culture. Based entirely around their polytheistic religion, the native tribes forbid warring amongst villages and tribes, and thus, true peace was achieved.

Once the first settlers arrived in the 1500's, life became very different. The natives adopted English as a language and began assimilating to outside culture. What was once blasphemy was now common action and language.

After the founding of Vuhifell, colonial culture started to appear in great numbers, fine music, the arts, entertainment, capitalistic taverns and corporations, and civil and political rights began to appear.

A Time of Religion

The arrival of Christianity by the settlers brought about a new time of religious prosperity. Thus the patriarch of Hivez became the second most powerful person on the continent before the President. When the government officially became atheist in 1777, the power of the church began to decline, and Vuhifellians based their actions not on religion, but on capitalistic gain.

Modern Times

The majority of modern Vuhifellians enjoy a host of several green technologies, entertainment venues and programs, and other luxuries.

Vuhifellians have many expensive tastes, fortunately, many of the needs and wants of Vuhifell are produced by one domestic Corporation, Foxtecha. Since tens of millions of Vuhifellians live in Golden Skies City alone, an adequate transit system was needed. The Vuhifellian Magnetic Transport Tube(MTT) is a system of magnetic trains, streets, and transport tubes that move citizens from place to place in the enormous city.

Since green technology has made pollution down to almost zero, even the air in Golden Skies City is clean and fresh, thus healthcare can be overlooked in some areas due to better overall health in the nation than 100 years ago.

Map of Vuhifell


Education is paramount in Vuhifellian society, starting at age 3, the curriculum for Vuhifellian Schools is as follows:

Elementary School

-Grade 0-5

  • Foreign and Domestic History
  • Basic Mathematics
  • Basic Science
  • Basic and Complex Grammer
  • Physical Training (Sub-Military Grade)
  • A choice of an Arts class, music class, cooking class, sewing class, foreign language, computer skills, or craftsmanship class.
  • Health Class
  • Environment Class
  • Advanced Economics

Middle School

-Grade 6-8

  • Foreign and Domestic History
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Advanced Science
  • Complex Grammer
  • Physical Training (Military Grade)
  • Basic Physics
  • Basic Chemistry
  • Health Class
  • Environment Class
  • Post-Advanced Economics

High School

-Grade 9-12

  • Foreign and Domestic History
  • Post-Advanced Mathematics
  • Post-Advanced Science
  • Post-Advanced Grammer
  • Advanced Physics
  • Advanced Chemistry
  • Physical Training (Elite Black Guard Grade)
  • Health Class
  • Environment Class
  • Post-High School Preperation


  • Domestic Degree-2 Years
  • Basic Degree-4 Years
  • Advanced Degree-6 Years
  • Post-Advanced Degree-8 Years
  • Foxtecha Degree-10 Years


The growing popularity of cybernetics in Vuhifellian Society has made it into the fourth largest industry in Vuhifell after Automobile Manufacture, Book Publishing, and IT Technology.

Civilian Cybernetics can improve memory, senses, and thought.

Military Cybernetics can make the perfect soldier, including computerized muscles, eyes, ears, brain, nerves, and spine. As well as machine organs.
Vuhifellian Federation
Law before Justice
RegionCnC Universe
Population±3.86 Billion
Official LanguageJapanese, Russian, English
CapitalNew Hivez
Tech LevelPost Modern Tech
LeaderPresident Alicia Daniels
National AnthemAdmirable Beauty
National AnimalData Angel
Internet TLD .vuh
MapMap of Vuhifell
Stats: Vuhifellian States NSEconomy Vuhifellian States XML