Elrohir Cúthalion

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Elrohir i Úmanya Elladanion carte Cúthaliono Herú Belfalas
Date of Birth
Yestarë 28 Corana in Atan (18 March 1925)
Place of Birth
Minas Ringolo, Belfalas
Political Affilliation
Marduuk Party
Position in Empire
Minister of Law & Order, Judicator, Procurator General

Military and Political Carrier

Cúthalion, like his father Elladan, went to the Belfalas Naval Academy for his education, as well as, military training. He graduated from the Naval Academy with high honors before attending the Naval Univeristy of Law, he later graduated with a degree in Law and Naval Military tactics.

After Univeristy he made a carrier in the Navy, becoming a Commodore of the Amdir, during the Azreaonian Sea War, Cúthalion and his squadron defeated the Sultan's First Royal Fleet and won a decisive victory for Tomania. He was then promoted to Fleet Admiral and took command of the 13th Imperial Belegaer Fleet.

In 1963, Cúthalion was appointed Minister of the Navy under the Ardatomani government. He began to further study Law and the workings of government. He became very dis-satisfied with government and began to secretly support the Marduuk, then in 1972 when the Ardatomani government collapsed Cúthalion joined the Marduuk regime and the Navy gave support to Miklós Hedikai.

In 1977, the Marduuk reigned victorious over Tomania. Cúthalion and Hedikai began to rewrite Tomanian Law, Cúthalion was originally the Deputy Executor under Lord Hedikai, however, in 1979 Hediaki set up a new ministry, the infamous Ministry of Law & Order, with Elrohir Cúthalion in charge.

The Doomsman

In 1980, the Marduuk had mostly solidified its control over the Empire. However, there were still many Neo-Ardatomani supports throughout Tomania. Therefore, Cúthalion began a program known as "Solution Protocal 67," which would systematically weed out any traitors and Ardatomani supporters. Thus, beginning the First Great Purges which ended in 1982 with the deaths of over ten million traitors. Cúthalion, has become the most feared man in Tomania as is known forever as "the Doomsman".

  • He is married to Lady Celebrían Teleporniel Undómiel and has nine children 6 boys and three girls
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Fun Facts

  • Doomsman was a nickname given to him by colleague, Camthal Nénharma
  • Is an amateur herbalist