Altanar UN Mission

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The Altanari UN Mission is housed on the 15th floor of the UN Building. It consists of an Ambassador, a Deputy Ambassador, a Security Chief/Advisor and six Royal Guardsmen assigned to the Mission Security Detail.

The delegates of the Altanari UN Mission are:


The Noble Jaris Krytellin, Scion of the Third Generation, House Krytellin
Ambassador to the United Nations, Kingdom of Altanar

Jaris Krytellin is the former Prime Minister of Altanar (the office was abolished by King Aelkyn in August 2006). He is the son of Lord Jaxatha Krytellin of Nalioka. Ambassador Krytellin holds a master's degree in Public Affairs from the Royal University of Ael Khalas. This is his first diplomatic posting overseas, but as the former Prime Minister, he brings a great deal of experience to the position. The Ambassador is 34 years old, and hails from Altanar's largest city, Nalioka.


The Honorable Jinella Agaranth
Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations, Kingdom of Altanar

Jinella Agaranth has been with the Altanari Ministry of State since April 2005. The Deputy Ambassador holds a master's degree in Government from the University of the Akamas. This is her first diplomatic posting. The Deputy Ambassador is 29 years old, and is from the city of Nara.


Cmdr. Delren Meleketh, Royal Guards 1st Brigade, Kingdom of Altanar
Assistant Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations for Security and Military Concerns Security Chief, Altanari UN Mission

Cmdr. Delren Meleketh is an officer with the Altanari Royal Guards, and is tasked with heading the security detail for the Altanari UN Mission. He also serves as an advisor for security and military concerns to the delegation. Cmdr. Meleketh has served the Kingdom of Altanar for fifteen years. He is 33 years old, and is originally from the city of Draskatar.