The League of Dictatorships

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The League of Dictatorships
Forum: Our Forum
Population: 140 nations
Delegate: Weezer007
Founder: The Holy Ekaj Monarchy
Info: NSEconomy RC XML


Our Regional Flag

Background Information

We are a strong region governed by a small goverment and a very loose constitution. We belive that all government types should be respected but not accpeted. (like democracy) I formed this region as a haven to get away from democratic nations who hates dictatorships with a passion. Founded in early-mid July our region is growing larger, stronger and more influencal around the NationStates world. We are not quite a dictatorships but more of a Father Knows Best State. We were founded on the powerfull belif that UN was sucking all the nation into democarcy. We are a main resistance to that UN flow and one of the largest self craeted regions. Based on Imperial Law we belive in the right of free speech when it does not invole the governent. In all though democracy is hated and New York Times Democracys are often ejected. WE hope to dominate NationStates and rule the NS World!

The Government

The Head of State; or King: It is my pernament postion. Unless my nation dies that position is mine. I am the ultimate ruler of LoD the King Dictator whatever!

UN Delegate: We have a UN deleagte which we vote for.

Diplomat: We have a diplomat who handles diplomacy but I do have the right to make treatys without his consent. So his job more or less in to reprsent us in other regions and to get freindly.

Vice-Head of State: Paul Dion is our Vice-Head of State The Vice-Head of State takes care of things when I'm gone and handles other miscellaneous things.

Senators: Represents the Region in The Inquistor House

Inquistor Speaker:' ' Speaker of the Inquistor House

We are Currently a Total Monarchy

Lodarmyde6.jpg Our Military Flag

Our Military

We have a General (Dark SithLord Exar) which is voted on in an election when the last general dies

Foreign Affairs


The Land of Kings and Emperors, Dreams of a Ridiculos Dictators, The Aeazen Combine, Corporate Conservative, The Great Green Federation, A member of Pactium Imperium, Member of The Grand Alliance


Cingeta The Confederation of Nations

At War With:

The Red Liberty Alliance

Current Events

Joined War against RLA Crushed Two Government coups

Current Postions

Head of State: The Holy Ekaj Monarchy

Vice-Head of State: Paul Dion

UN Delegate: Weezer007

Vice UN Delagate: Paul Dion

Military General: Dark Sithlord Exar

Speaker of The Inquistion:' Vacent


Regional Website

Regional Forum


Our Region