Punkass dove

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An artist's rendering of a Domestica Insurgia, . The "Punkass Dove" does has never been successfully photographed. No photographer has survived the attempt.

The Columba Livia Domestica Insurgia, colloquially known as the "punkass dove" is widely regarded as a mascot of the Federated Anarchist Communes and Workers' Collectives of Free Outer Eugenia. The Domestica Insurgia is a variation of the common pigeon with a propensity for dropping excrement, small pebbles and burning twigs on the heads of priests, capitalists and bureaucrats. Though they were nearly wiped out in the colonial period, they have made a strong comeback since the revolution. A small village commune in the Big Rock Candy Mountains once attempted to cultivate the Domestica Insurgia as a food source. The project (and the commune itself) had to be abandoned shortly afterwards. There have been recent reports that some Domestica Insurgia have learned to construct and use small incendiary devices.