Hallevoric Socialist Party

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The Socialist Party
Leader (none)
Chairperson Benedict Sullivan
Spokesperson Donald White
Founded 8 February 1982
Headquarters 616 Heights Bvd. Nyrenton
Political ideology Social Democracy
International affiliation Progressive Alliance
Website www.socialist.hal.gov

The Hallevoric Socialist Party (SP) is a major political party in the FMRH.


The Trotsky Socialists who became disillusioned with Socialism after the Graham era founded a party who's creed became that Socialism works but Tyranny doesn't. This infuriated people who were still getting over the destruction that Graham's tyrannical abuse wraught upon the land. The leader of this controversial movement was a welfare state activist and advocate of Trotskyist named Darryl Peterman. Peterman was shot four years later during a rally.

The Socialist Party has raised very many civil rights efforts on an regional scale. They've also been invalueable at cop funding and de-militarizing the culture Post-Graham Hallevor. They are known for being at polar opposites on issues with the Traditionalist Party. This was satirized numerous times, most notably by an episode of "Outside" when the guest character (a Communist) falls in love with a girl (a Nazi) in World War 2 times.


Key tenets of the Socialist Party Manifesto are: