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Early Life

Faramir Jacob Tessler was born in Linberg, New Britannia. On April 30th 1970. Faramir grew up, in a town called Cropsfield. Faramir worked a simple childhood on a farm. Rasing money for his father, after his mother had passed away. Michael Tessler, Faramir's father. Was a soldier. He had fought in many massive wars. He was a hero to some, mostly his son. Michael was brothers with Caleb. There father was King of The New Britannian Empire. Michael did not know he was related to the royal blood line. He was adopted by Mel and Sally Tessler. Why his father left him is still unclear. Michael had met Caleb, after a massive victory for the Empire. "Michael Tessler, I know pronounce you a Knight of New Britannia. You may rise." as Michael did. They looked at each other, they say they were each wearing a necklace. The same one, the one Caleb's mother had given to him and the one found on Michael's neck when he was adopted. After the ceremony they had blood test done. They found out they were brothers. When they did, Faramir and Michael and gotten much financal aid from King Caleb. Caleb asked Michael to set up a colony.

Founding Fondor

After Caleb asked for Michael to build a colony. Mike and Faramir got moving quick. In 20 days they had gotten a fleet of ships to take 6000 people to the island of 'Findora" meaning "Moon of The Sea" in Ojibway. Findora's name was changed after Michael's favorite nation to visit. Thus Gondor and Findora mixed creating, Fondor. With in the next few years, Michael had created a Republic of Nations that lived on Fondor. Until one day, Michael was killed after a Riordonian Assualt. The Fondorian Government did not know what to do. All hope was lost.

King Faramir Tessler I

With a week after, Chancellor Tessler's death. Hundreds of people were trying to take leadership. The Republic had been destroyed. Faramir Tessler, had gone and rallied many people who defended the Republic. They fought against the rebels and won. The Republic was weak, and Fondor needed a strong good leader. They choose the most humble man out there. Faramir Tessler. They doved him King of The Republic. He is now the ruler of Fondor.

Eowyn of Rohan

Faramir took a trip, to Gondor. When we was there, a group of Riordonian Soldiers had attacked him. Faramir was saved by Lady Eowyn of Rohan. When they first met they fell in love. Eowyn and Faramir have had a child Prince Theodon B. Tessler.

Pictures of Faramir Tessler and Eowyn Tessler

King Tessler I (Casual)


King Tessler I (Royal Armor/Wedding)


King Tessler I and Queen Eowyn I at The White City of Gondor


New Linberg Palace

New Linberg Palace is The Capital Building of Fondor. Located in the city New Linberg. This capital reigns over the entire Empire. Proving to be one of the most well built palaces of all time. Faramir, Eowyn, and Theodon all live in New Linberg Palace.
