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Hatomia is a nation founded upon philosophy, the achievments of science and the legacy of several great spiritual, military and political leaders Hatomia claimed for itself. A group of various people from countries all over the world banded together, with the desire to overcome the weakness of the individual human and organize a nation like a single organism with everyone working for the greater good. Critics point out that the organism they created was "an omnivorous amoeba". Such critics often hail from distant and remote small nations that tend to vanish from the maps of the world only weeks later, having been eaten up the amoeba they flamed against. The founders of Hatomia all had one thing in common: they hated their Governments. They shared the view that the past had been better and the future to come was better, a view usually credited to nazism. However, Hatomia's founders were different: They saw that over the entirety of history, few leaders and realms had risen that were sufficient to their demands, but today, there were none. Thus, they began to study history, sociology and various teyts of political philosophy, by great masters like Konfuzius and Machiavelli. They also studied the arts of war of people like Alexander the Great, Jenghis Khan and Julius Caesar, and many religious and scientific concepts. All the while, they were building up a secret underground organization that would finally manifest itself in the nation of Hatomia, which was at that time simply known as the "Ultimate Manifest of The Founders". The Founders selected the first Emperor and established the state system. Their organization took vast lands in Antarctica and other less inhabited parts of the world, and held close ties with groups in the Middle East and various Nazi groups, which gave the nation access to much territory, population and influential relations. When the founders had found everything had been set as they had planned, they fulfilled the last prophecy they had made on the nation: "The day our dream comes to pass, we shall have fulfilled what we were here to do, and we will merge with the soil of what we have created", and they commited suicide. Their story has since become a semi-religious concept. Time went by, and the nation grew. When the first Emperor passed away, the agents of the Dictatorship began to look for a successor everywhere on the globe. Hatomi Shinryu Luchs was an orphan girl who had to fight her way through the slums from the age of six. One day, she stumbled upon one of the Dictatorship's Agents, who sensed in her a great spiritual power. She was abducted and brought to the nation. She was teached the ways of politics, philosophy and strategy and various enhancements were undertaken on her, including cybernetic enhancements and genetic modification.

Government System

The nation of Hatomia is dedicated to creating an highly efficent government robust to corruption, internal turmoil and intrigues that have brought down many grand empires in world's history. To reach this, the nation's founders picked political, sociological, psychological and religious concepts from the entire world histroy to assemble them into the unique and entirely very complex government of Hatomia, commonly known simply as "The Leaders". First to say, Hatomia is a monarchy, an Imperial Crownship, to be more exact. The nation took on the adoption practice of the roman emperors for the selection of the comming emperor, which seemed vastly more effective than the common hereditary crownship. When an Emperor's life of active duty nears its end, government officials begin screening young people all over the country via genetic analysis, various psychological and physiological tests and surveillance systems for their suitability for the job of Emperor. The second instance of the government is the so-called Technocratic Instance, a computronium network less prone to false decisions than the human mind. The third instance is the Oligarchic Council, a council which represents the opionions of various influential members of the Hatomian society. This can be industrial magnates, important scientists, military officials, local politicans of rank and renown and even foreign representants. Remarkably democratic for a first-class dicatorship, the fourth and final instance of the government is the so-called People's Congress. There is only one legal political party in Hatomia, the Global People's Progress Party. Democratically elected representants of various districts and communities speak for their voters, and citizens of major conurbations have the possibility to give their opinion directly via on-line communication. The public opinion is compiled by the computronium and influences the decision-making process later (detailed below). Actually, although Hatomia is a strict dictatorship, the people are actually less oppressed than in most dictatorships and even enjoy a degree of freedom in some areas totally unknown to most nations that pride themselves on being liberal. For example, any Hatomian citizen might say what he want and critise the government, on a logical basis. If the concerns are reasonable, it is likely theywill be assessed and he receives a reward for acting on the behalf of his nation. However, ideologic dissent or militaristic resistance is strictly not tolerated. There are three penalties common to the penalty system (as detailed below): sterilization, deportation and the rarely-drawn capital punishment, which is reserved for enemies of the state. Another common practice is the use of reeducative measures to resocialize criminals or ideologic dissenters, usually coupled with some sort of brain or gene modification.


There is no Legislative in the common sense of the word. There is "Strategic Targets Plan", wich is reassessed everytime it seems necessary and is worked out in consent with the Oligarchic Council and the People's Congress, with approval of the Emperor. The Targets are then formulated as a CODEX, a definite binary instruction scheme which is coded into the Overmind, the nation's governing Computronium. Said computronium then takes into account the information gathered and simulations done by a second computronium, the "Mastermind", makes the necessary decisions that lead to the results desired by the Plan and hands this to the third computronium, the Puppet Master, which acts as the hands of the computronic system. It actively controls all computers and robotic units of Hatomia and also the nation's data grid. However, even with the absence of a true legislation in detail, there are guidelines, a scheme of the CODEX, in which any decision laid out in the Strategic Targets Plan can only change certain variables – for example, there is a law requiring the death penality for bribing. Even with full consent of all participating councils, this cannot be changed, as it a part of the integral principles upon which the nation was founded. Also, another fixed part of the CODEX is the nation's need for expansion and scientific progress. The councils might only change the target nation of expansion or delay expansion for reasonable causes, such as preoccupation with other wars, a natural disaster or the enemy being yet too strong. The computronium also ensures the smooth run of all political processes according to the detailed regulations.

  • The Emperor
  • Oligarchic Council – A council of important individuals of Hatomia's society. This can sometimes be accessed to foreign nationals. Usually, the method of picking the members is similar to choosing the Emperor. While the Oligarchic Council is the actual gathering of these people, the people themselves are referred to as "The Conclave".
  • People's Congress
  • Computronium


There are four main areas Hatomia focuses on: Warfare, Material Goods, Scientific Progress and Spiritual Enlightenment.

  • The Ministry of Global Security – The ministry with this sarcastic name handles the military as well as the police forces. It's main directive is: "Establish security in Hatomia. Establish Hatomia everywhere." When not preoccupied with stamping out civil unrest in freshly annexed territory, the ministry is ever warmongering against various – real or fabricated – threats to Hatomia. It is divided into the Investigation Branch, a sort of police and intelligence service, and the Security Forces, which encompass armed forces and other security personell.
  • The Ministry of Economic Efforts – In order to maintain Hatomia's rapid expansion, the Ministry of Economic Efforts is tasked with streamlining the nation's economy and tailoring it to the government's needs, while incorporating industry and resources of annexed territory. It handles the Financial Department of Hatomia, collects taxes and effectively runs every domestically owned company in the nation (although the companies are given a big deal of freedom in their decisions as long as they produce what the governments wants, pay their taxes and don't interfere with the government's authority). While your average Hatomian citizen is only supplied with the necessities of life, vast resources flow into the Global Security and Progress Ministries. The economic ideology of the Ministry is keynesianism, more specifically military keynesianism. The ministry repeatedly gets into brawls with the Ministry of Global Security because it handles state-admined workforces (much like conscripted military forces), which are frequently requested by the Security Ministry's various Defense Building and Natural Disaster Relief departments, and where the concerns of these two ministires overlap, authority has not yet been clearly defined.
  • The Ministry of Progress – The Ministry of Progress is dedicated to scientific and also spiritual progress. The scientific concept of Hatomia is actually less physics than metaphysical and the vast machinery and awesome firepower that results from the Ministry's various research projects is seen as a useful byproduct of the true purpose of the ministry, which is the understanding of the true nature of the universe and the unleashing of the ultimate god-like power in a presumed final evolutionary step of mankind. When not preoccupied with fighting over budget distribution, the Ministry keeps to itself, dedicated to various experiments and research projects into genetic engineering, cyborg technology, alleged human skills and quantum physics.

There are other, less frequently mentioned ministries:

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Although conquest, genocide and assimilation are the prefered methods of Hatomia to deal with everything outside its borders, some nations are simply to powerful to leave them to the Global Security's hands. For all these nations, there is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Skilled diplomats convince, charm and bribe other nations into cooperation. The ministry works closely with the Security Ministry's Intelligence branch and is actually run by the Intelligence service, however, it has been established as a seperate institution .
  • Ministry of Education - A subordinate branch of the Progress Ministry, the Educative Ministry handles education of junior citizens as well as distribution of information amongst the populace of Hatomia. The ministry gathers and compiles and information, which is then handed to the printer or telecommunications section of the Economics Ministry to be printed or aired on the various state-owned tv channels.
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Maintainance – An important subordinate department of the Economics Ministry, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Maintanance builds civilian and military infrastructure in consent with the needs of the other departments. It runs a conglomerate of large companies and employs brigades of workers of all types and specialization, including engineers and designers that received their training in the Progress Ministry.


While the ministries handle the decision-making, the actual execution of their orders is carried out a level lower, in the Departments, written with a capital "D". Each Ministry has a number of subordinate departments which correspond to various functions of the ministry. Each department in turn, can be made up of several companies, commitees or un-capitalized departments necessary to run smoothly.

  • Securityforce Service – Abbreviated "SS", the Security Service is executive part of the Security Ministry. It is divided into the the Armed Forces Branch, which is the military and police force of Hatomia, and the Intelligence and Investigation Branch, which serves as intel service and takes over the investigate parts of police duty. The Investigation Branch also provides information to the press conglomerates. The Security Service also operates the Technical Restructuring and Disaster Relief Branch, which includes fire brigades and medical services.
  • Labourforce Service – Abbreviated "LS". Similar to conscripted military, the nation of Hatomia also employs state-administered labour force under the Economic Ministry. These workers are regularly used by the Infrastructure Ministry and Security Ministry's Tech Branch.
  • Research Department – The department consists of a number of research facilities and universities and their employees all over Hatomia. It stands in close contact with researchers from private enterprise and also processes the results of industrial spionage abroad by the Intel Branch.
  • Educative Department – This department controls the schools, the educative parts of universities, media and virtually any place or way information can legaly be acessed at in Hatomia.


Though there is no strict legislature in Hatomia, there are several main principles of judication. The penalty for a crime usually depends not only on the severeness of the crime itself, but also on the likelyhood that the criminal will continue his criminal career.

List of Political Parties

Although the Global People's Progress Party is the only official legal party in Hatomia, various factoins have been created within the party to keep the People's Congress as diplomatic as possible, plus, with consent of Hatomia's ally nations, foreign nationals in the country have the power to politically represent parties from their homelands. However, the variosu factions and independant foreign nationals parties are generally a farce, as their numbers are closely administered by the GPPP's chief secretary. Every faction has an official 33% of the seats in parliament, and each foreign nationals party can thus not have any more than 1% of the delegates. Currently, this 1% is equally split between the Muslim Party and the National Socialist Party, both views the government forwards, although it prefers Islam over National Socialism as an ideology. The only true influence for any party can thus only be over the Oligarchic Council, which does have access to foreign nationsal as well, but will eject them if they forward the ideology of their communities in the politcal processes.


The political setting and ideologic concepts of Hatomia's government system are much to present and oppressive for the culture to remain unaffected. However, the common Hatomian citizen is relatively unoppressed in his / her private life. The official motto for cultural and private life is "12 hours of your day belong the state, 12 hours of the day belong to you." On work, each citizen is required to wear the uniform of his/her company. Students are also required to wear the uniform of their institute. Uniforms are identical, but quite stylish, and each uniform displays the "Guild" (job) of the wearer, and the employing company or institution. In their private life, many citizens are still seen wearing their state-sponsored uniforms. Especially in midday and afternoon, between Morning School and Evening School hours, young girls and boys are seen in their school uniforms, spending their freetime downtown. The population of Hatomia was originally made up of substantial migratory groups of German, Russian, Japanese, Arabian, Indian and South American origin, which would normally adhere to an extremely diverse and rich cultural spectrum, which the people of Hatomia practice freely in their freetime. Outside the Industrial hubs, Hatomia is a diverse and wonderful place. The nation is rich in natural resources and if one is ready to shift the eye over obvious violations of political freedoms known in the west, you can spend a wonderful holiday in Hatomia. The Scientific Community is constantly working on developing a language that comes as close as possible to perfect accuracy, and the newest results are taught in Hatomia's school system, which is respected in the world and feared by its students. Still, the pople also speak their native languages, and everyone is taught English, Arabian, Russian and Chinese. There aren't any regulations on religion, although it is seen with scepticism because the loyalty of religious communities usually lies not with the leadership, and harsh smackdowns are led against those who oppose Hatomia's leadership on a religious basis. Normally, these measures include sterilization (a common punishment) or deportation to other countries. Both is seen as a ethical way to deal with any kind of offender, and the nation seldomly draws on capital punishment, no matter the crime. Religion and state are kept seperate, but the government forwards a philosophical view as a kind of "official" state religion. Public Schools are all intergrated of males and females of diffrent races. While it is tried to assess the potentials and skills of each citizen as early as possible, this collides with the desire to give the student time to develop for himself. The educational system, and indeed the political system itself, of Hatomia is unique in that is allows free spirit, but still requests submission of the powers of the free spirit. Generally, those more suited for physical labour leave general education quite early to start their job training in one of the various companies, as in most other nations. There is a wide variety of specialized classes for those that continue their school education to assess their personal preferences, including information technology, economics, physics, philosophy (which is seen as an integral part of the government's decision-making process), engineering and politics. Less officially stressed, but still well-loved are courses like music or art. School is from 9 in the morning to 12h noon and continues at 14h until early evening. School education also includes a military drill in the youth organization of Hatomia, which is cooperatively Education Ministry- amd Security Ministry-run. School kids usually wear uniforms. While uniforms are identical for all schools, different schools have different logos printed on them, and the color scheme changes with the grade. In their free time, People enjoy going to concerts, theater or philosophy clubs or digital simulations. Much communication is done via the nation's highly developed internet system. Hatomia encourages inter-racial marriages and merging of communities of different races. The only nation with more stress on this is Aurono, under the recent reign of Princess Momoko Aurelia Hanasaki (Motto: All should come together as One People!)

Cities & Towns

Metropolis, Greek for city, is the name suffix for any city in Hatomia. The capital is simply called "Capital" and is the largest city in Hatomia. There are other major cities, including vast industrial megastructures that adorn most Metropolii.


In the industrial cities, so-called "Production Hubs", Hatomia has become an industrial slagheap. Other cities are on a very high artistic and cultural level. Outside of the cities, there is a vast range of natural landscapes. Highly industrialized agriculture is common, but the industrialization of agriculture stretches only into the realm of machinery and genetic engineering: despite the massive use of GenEn, odd enough, the use of chemicals like pesticides is strictly banned. Agriculture is still privatised, thus there are many small-scale agricultural settlements. The sociologists of Hatomia could never understand why collectivism increased industrial capacity, but always failed at agriculture. There are still some model communities on agricultural collectivism operated by the research department to see how it works with robots.


Hatomians have access to a wide range of cheap and fast public transport services. Monorails connect all major cities and districts. Cars are quite expensive, and there are laws restricting fuel consumption. Ecologic cars are supported by the government. Still, many people can afford a car.

Diplomatic Relations

Hatomia always seeks countires with ideals it can relate to. While adering to a quite pragmatic view along the line of : "What yre facing? Analyse it. Is it better than you? Absorb it! Is it inferior? Leave it alone, if you really want to, you can also genocide it!", the nation has a certain faible for nations that adhere to to-the-death ideologic schemes. The nation has established ties with national socialist and downright racist nations, and much of its political system is modelled after the Empire of Aryan Eurasia. Within the region of Sudeki, Hatomia has kept close ties to the nations Aurono and Kotaka. While Kotaka is a hereditary monarchy and of a much lower tech level and power, Hatomia has taken a benevolent view on the nation. Hatomi Shinryu Luchs payed an official visit to Princess Konoko in Mont Beaumonde, Kotaka, and thus established the Alliance of Celestial Metropolis. With Aurono, however, the relationship is a more complex one. Aurono is the founder of Sudeki and a rather strictly opposed to the UN and contacts to the nations following the ideology Hatomia freely interacts with. Hatomia also repeatedely clashed with Aurono over the latter's leadership in the region despite lesser RPing experience, especially over Hatomia's good-willed, but not permissioned, alliance-making tours into tne Union of National Socialist. Hatomia's ultimate intention for the rest of the world is domination and the nation can become quite dangerous to those that seem to weak to defend themselves. Not without sarcasm, Hatomia views the UN and several alliances forwarding human rights and democracy as self-blocking marionettes and sometimes even useful tools to plot against enemies. Still, Hatomia interacts diplomatically and even sends humanitarian aid and helps nations develop their industry or infrastructure, when it sees fit.

The Emperor and The Ministers

The Emperor usually elects ministers. Some are also elected by the councils or introduced into their office by the Successor Nomination Agency.