The Ozean

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The Ozean is the Imperial Navy of Axt,among the powers of the United Isle,Axt has one of the finest navies around,using modern equipment from the German Navy,Axt is assured safe waters in the empire.


NATO Equivalent Ozean
OF11 Grand Imperial Admiral
OF10 Admiral
OF9 Squadron Vice-Admiral
OF8 Vice-Admiral
OF7 Rear-Admiral
OF6 Line Captain
OF5 Destroyer Captain
OF4 Torpedo Captain
OF3 Lieutenant
OF2 Ensign First Class
OF1 Ensign Second Class
OR9 Warrant Officer Major
OR7 Master Chief Petty Officer
OR6 Master Petty Officer (First Class)
OR5 Master Petty Officer (Second Class)
OR4 Petty Officer
OR2 Able Sailor
OR1 Sailor

Ozean Ships


Within an Imperial Fleet,there are supply ships as well as troop and vehicle transporters



The Imperial Navy of Axt was commisend in 1913,with the upcoming war aganst Nicherobert Axt had to land troops on the island,so they bought ships from the German Empire,and began there attack by blockading and landing troops and marines.

The Marinen

The Marinen are the elite infantry of the Axt Ozean,these are the first troops to hit beaches and attack hostile nations. The Marinen are better trained and better equipped than

The Akshana

The Akshana is the pride and joy of the Ozean,a Axtian Class Dreadnaught,this is one of the most feared ships in the world! With the size 2x that of a Bismark class,and triple the firepower it should be.