Ti Amero

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Ti Amero was a nation part of The Spectrum. The territory lay in the estuary of the Synaptic Gulf, halfway between Enthalpy Change and White-Rose. However, in the early hours of 15/9/2007, it was reported that the landmass had been totally destroyed after an IKBTY naval bombardment. It was blamed on an administrative error, but it was also reported that the Sabratese navy had evacuated the island's populace shortly beforehand due to a reported SARS outbreak.

News Bulletins and Developments on the Destruction

    • A news bulletin from SabVoT**

A shocking development in the Ti Amero affair has occured tonight; news that the landmass once occupied by the Ti Amerian people has been destroyed has transpired. It is reported that at 22:14, the Sabratese navy, until recently assigned to aid the Ti Amerian refugees, docked on the island and ordered an evacuation of the island on grounds of a reported outbreak of the SARS virus. However, after the evacuation was complete, at around 02:03, an unmarked vessel approached the Ti Amerian waters and set off a barrage of missiles aimed at the landmass, desecrating the island.

The SNM spoke to Sabratese Defense Secretary Edward Balackk regarding the incident.

'I have recently been given word that the island formerly know as Ti Amero has been destroyed. I did indeed order an evacuation of the island due to a reported SARS outbreak, however I believe the destruction was down to an administrative error. The Sabratese navy was given instructions to 'evacuate Ti Amero' whilst the IKBTY forces, drafted to aid the citizens, were, unfortunately, told to 'extricate Ti Amero'. As regrettable as this oversight is, we are confident that the populace was evacuated and no human fatalities have arisen.

The matter continues.

Excerpt from the press release from IKBTY

The IKBTY Office of the Admiralty has issued a statement of its deep regret over the incident that led to the annihilation of Ti Amero. The "administrative error" has been discovered to have centered around a "dodgy" telephone line that crackled at a rather unfortunate moment, leading to the request being mis-heard.

Technicians investigating the cause of the problem reported that the fault was most likely due to the communiqué being routed through the Calumnian telecoms network, a "creaky old tangle of pretty crappy communist infrastructure" as one expert called it. Whether this is in fact his expert opinion, or simply a stereotypical viewpoint is hard to determine.

Extract from 'MPTiv - Ti Amero P&R Crisis Over?'

Due to the "administrative error" of the IKBTY forces, all of the demolition work scheduled for the ‘Purification and Reconstruction’ of Ti Amero has been cancelled. Before, the ‘P&R’ scheme had been seen by the Mushy Pean public as “outrageous” and “A waste of our hard earned Ghiblis”, however, with the purification having been dealt with in a more cost effective manner for the Mushy Peans, the plan has been given the go ahead.

Construction will begin on the island commencing the 19.9.2007, yet it is not entirely clear what is to be built. Rumours have been knocked back by the Mushy Pean government about the island being turned into a military base. On a concluding note, a Golden Gourmet Gift Basket has been sent to The IKBTY Office of the Admiralty as a thank you for their ‘outstanding’ contribution to the project.


  • Due to an administrative error, the nation was, for a short time, called The The Tyrannical Territory of Ti Amero.