RvneTek (Future Tech)

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RvneTek Corp.
Headquarters: Hub
Nationality: Bunkers
Specialty: Machinery and Cybernetics

After World War 3, mankind had retreated to the Vaults, large underground Bunkers megastructures, leaving the task of making the surface inhabitable again to robots, which had originally been designed for colonisation of other planets. The Bunker's life support systems were controlled by the Heart Of Darkness, which the Empire had constructed when building the subterranean systems. The distribution of ressources by the Heart was nowhere sufficient, and the Heart always tried to shut non-aryan human settlements in the bunkers of from fresh air and water. Over time, the population inside the bunkers had shrunk massively, due to the harsh environment and unhealthy living conditions. Human population was scattered in small colonies all over the massive bunker complex. Then, in one of these colonies, a small group of researchers and businessmen, concentrating on the development of cybernetics and weaponry from scavenged technology, developed a method to hack into the Hearts controller interface using a cybernetic brain, the Controller. Using this system, they manged to redirect vast amounts of ressources and life support to their colony. They plugged into the Hearts security systems, allowing them to control the fixed weapon systems of the bunkers to protect their wealth from mutant hordes and envious neighbours. The Vault-Tec corporation, the corporation which had previously operated the Vaults and had existed with intense state control before the war, remained as one of few organizations after the war had ended, and was left without state control. The Vault-Tec picked up the technology of the group to further its influence (Apparently, it was rather the case that the company's leadership was taken over by the group around Jo O'Dean). The wealth of the company soon drew immigrants from all over the Bunkers, the city, which soon became to be known as the Hub, was the dominant superpower of the Bunkers, over which the company exercised full control, using the life support, monitoring and weapon systems. Even far away colonies could be forced into coopoeration by threatening them to shut of their life support. Of course, the Heart did not easily give away control over the Bunkers, which led to the perpetual Digital War, a conflict between the Controller and the Heart, which took place in a digital dimension.

Corporate Technology

Shielding Technology

Corporate Military


<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">HL2Combinesoldier.jpg
  • Abilities: Adv. MG fire OR Laser fire, Stun baton, Grenade toss, Download Hel, Shield
  • Special traits: Immune to poison, radiation, acid, chemical gas, biological weapons

The normal Infantry forces are simply armed and loyal personnel identical in equipment to critical zone workers (except for armament), and they might be, in fact, identical. Infantrymen wear protective overall suits, including tight-sealing helmets with face masks and breathing equipment, that keep them safe from biological, chemical and radiological hazards, and are armed with either a laser rifle or "Advanced Machine Gun", seemingly a weapon mounting three machine gun barrels in one. Some Infantrymen have been seen using special abilities, like using a personal shield device, and rarely, they have the ability to use Spawn_entity/god to create a physical world download of Hel, a primordal ("Source") NetEntity.


  • Abilities: Nailgun fire, Claw swipe

Guardians are cybernetic combat units that patrol RvneTek installations. They consist of a decaying humanoid body, often a mere skeleton, that is kept mobile through motors at the joints. Unlike a common cyborg, the biological tissue of the Guardian is utterly meaningless for the entity to function, and thus, nothing is done to prevent necrosis and decay of tissue. The skeleton only serves as a rough basis for the devices installed into the entity. The motors are controlled and powered by a computer found inside the chest. Some Guardians also have aditional or prolongued limbs with claws attached to their human limbs, allowing them to grasp onto, and climb, comparable steep and slippery surfaces. these can also be used as weapons, but the main method of attack used by these units is a weapon mounted into their mouth. These weapons can be small-caliber firing arms, lasers, flamethrowers, plasma launchers and possibly other alternatives. Also, nothing speaks against arming other parts of Guardian with larger weapons and reprogramming the computer accordingly.

Despite the fact that Guardians are extremely agile compared to humans, their AI seems to be somewhat underdeveloped in other fields than movement control. They are never used in the field as offensive units, but rather, their AI only makes them fit for patrol duty, or to stride in random patterns through critical zones of RvneTek installations, were human personnel in a numbers equaling a Guardian's firepower are either not allowed, or the area is to risky for human forces. In fact, Guardians behave more like Artificial Predators rather than tightly-controlled robotic combat units, giving a hint that their AI may have been the result of a Dawson algorithm or synthetic evolutionary process simulation similar to that of the later Predator Drones / Merciful Doom.

Propably, Guardians are not created from living beings, but from reeingineering corpses. It is uncertain to what extent the Guardians used by the corporation are related to the collection of cybernetic mutant subspecies known Guardians.


  • Abilities: Psiball, Shield

The RvneTek units known as Crawlers are lumps of flesh and machinery, from which a humanoid torso protrudes. They have extensive powers of what seems to be psionic nature, as they are the first beings ever to have been implanted with Qi Extraction devices, turning their lifeforce into physical energy. They can project powerful shielding around themselves and fire balls of pure energy from their (crippled-looking) hands by merely pointing the hand at a target. Crawlers are tightly controlled by the Controller and are used as the corporation's ultimate means of defense or attack, but seem pretty useless for anything else. Different types of non-Rvnetek Crawlers exist in the Bunkers, and the RvneTek simply caputed and re-engineered some of these to create their units.


  • Abilities: Eye-ray, Smash

Loaders are 15m high, synthetic, cybernetic humanoid creatures with no will of their own. They have miniature heads to receive commands from their operators via remote control (or maybe voice command), and process them into neuron commands to their body. Loaders are operated like a machine from a control panel, or portable remote control, by a worker with sufficient training. In fact, these beings are no dedicated military units, but their great power makes them an awe-inspiring weapon in an assault. They can pick up enemy personell and tanks and drop them to a certain death, or bash in enemy fortifications. Loaders also have six "eyes" on their "face", which are, in fact, lasers. Though not as powerful as full-out laser weapons, they have been included to weld things, if necessary, and can be used as a short-range weapon against targets out of reach of the extremely long arms of the creature, though the arms are generally longer than the laser's efficient range. Still, the lasers can be efficient when dealing with targets in cramped spaces, or targets with high maneuverability and speed. At least one Loader scavenged from the ruins of some corporate installation was later reengineered by the United Elite into the Emerald Guardian, to protect the core of the GCl Air.

File:RvneTek logo.jpg RvneTek File:RvneTek logo.jpg
RvneTek (Fantasy Tech)
The Company: Runes, ZAX, Byfroest City, Myspelhym
Events: Ancient War, Guild Wars
Characters: Father, Balder O'Dean, Zero, Loki, Kane, Tao Li, Tao Ryu, Surt, Diane May, Ciara Luna
RvneTek (Future Tech)
Hardware: Coordinator, Hel, Shield
Events: NetWars, Underground City, Zero-One
Characters: Father, Balder O'Dean, Zero, Diane May