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Elves are a race of Non-humans - several races, in fact. All are generally categorized visually by having pointed ears longer than the human norm, have lighter builds than humans (although this may not equate to lesser strength), be more graceful in their movements and speech than humans, and higher magical or psionic potentials. Differences beyond that vary widely.

Types of Elves

There are several different categories of Elves usually found in NationStates:

  • Tolkien Elves such as the Noldor and Sindar races. Each race has its own particular characteristics but both are essentially immortal (barring violent death) and immune to natural diseases. Their languages are Quenya and Sindarin.
  • Warhammer 40,000 Elves more appropriately known (externally) as the Eldar, who are extremely long-lived but not immortal (?) and generally act in a far more Machiavellian manner than Tolkien Elves.
  • Dungeons & Dragons Elves, who tend to be slightly weaker and actually slightly shorter than humans (although this is open to dispute) and are commonly seen in the form of Drow, better known as "Dark Elves." This is not to be confused with the "Dark Elf" insult used inside Tolkien Elf populations, as the two are quite different.
  • Shadowrun Elves are probably the least different from human "norms," being no more than a metahuman variation on humanity: homo sapiens nobilis. They tend to be a little taller, more charismatic, and a little more dextrous than baseline humans but are otherwise no different than their human opposite numbers.

Besides these there are also many other individual races of Elves, but they tend to be less common. This article will certainly be updated when there is more information to be had.

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