Sala Maraan

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Sala Kalaia Maraan
Sansu-Uaa, Meia 467BDE
Marital Status
Preceded by:
Ambassador Jeran Lume
Reigning Era:
0DE Onward

Ambassador Sala Kalaia Maraan grew up in the coastal city of Dajar, on Kajal Prime, and she showed an interest in politics in her early 100s. Having pursued multiple careers before entering the Diplomatic Corps, she found none to be satisfactory. Once she had been accepted and instated to the Imperial Diplomatic corps, she found the atmosphere oppressive, and the amount of public money funneled to the ambassadors horrifying. While taxpayers struggled to make ends meet, the Diplomatic Corps enjoyed expensive dinners and lavish manors, all paid for by the government. Sala fled to Kajal Mars, where she was involved in the forestry program for a limited time.

After the Democratic Revolution, Maraan was reinstated as one of the Ambassadors to Sol by the new Four Worlds government. She is currently engaged to Citizen Jiraga Shenar, head of the Environmental Party of Kajal.