Halladi-Hattian Conflict

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Once Mustafa Fenris declared the Capitalist Imperium of Hallad a dictatorship, nations began condemning these acts against politcal freedom. Leading them was Hattia, who was joined by The Island States and several other nations. Fenris, the ruler of Hallad, allied with the nations of Shildonia and Grunge-France who were pro-dictatorship and pro-capitalist. The Halladi government soon arrested members of the True Directorate. The division turned into a fragile Cold War.

Hattian commandos made an attempt to assasinate Fenris, however, they failed. The botched operation led to the execution of the commando group and the bodies of the men were strung up in Erse's town square. Outrage followed as the Hattian government demanded the bodies of the soldiers returned for proper burial. The Halladi government refused and the Hattian's passed a bill legalising the assassination of Mustafa Fenris. To directly counter the legislation, the Halladi government passed a bill legalising the murder of Hattians in Hallad with citizenship to the Capitalist Imperium.

Soon a coup was attempted in Erse. A group known as the Federated Directorate took the city in hours. Claimed Allah had told them to cleanse Hallad of the evils of Capitalism. Hattia took this time to strike. They led an assualt, aiding the rebels. Meanwhile, Shessaran forces in the area declared martial law over the city. Several thousand civilians were slaughtered by the forces of Shessara during the occupation, which eventually led to the Halladi-Shessaran War.

Only a day later Braedd Laeryn, comander of the Shessara forces declared his intentions to destroy the Halladi government and execute Mustafa Fenris. The Halladi government, seeing the futility of the situation, gave into the demands of Hattia and Federated Directorate. They released True Directorate members and promised elections after a war against Shessara. The Halladi-Hattian Conflict ended - the Halladi-Shessaran War began.