Galactic Church of Pentecost

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The Galactic Church of Pentecost has a large following in Almohed, where the Church has a following of over 75% of the nation.


The Trinity

Pentecost Christians (Pentecosts, as not to refer to the protestant Christians who call themselves 'Pentecostals') believe in a single God who is both three and one—Triune—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, "one in essence and undivided." The Holy Trinity is three "unconfused" distinct divine persons (hypostases), with no overlap or modality among them, who share one divine essence (ousia)—uncreated, immaterial and eternal. In discussing God's relationship to his creation a distinction is made between God's eternal essence and uncreated energies, though it is understood that this distinction is artificial and that there is no real separation in God. Energies and essence are both inseparably God. This distinction is used by theologians to explain how it is, that God can be both transcendent (His "essence" lies outside and infinitely distant from his creation), while at the same time he can touch his creation (His "uncreated energies" interact with His creation). It is also in His energies that we can perceive the three distinct persons of the Trinity.


Man, in Pentecost belief, was created perfect: an exact likeness of God, but through his own deeds he embraced evil through disobedience to God. Because of Man's fall, he was condemned to go to Hell when he died, if he did not follow God's laws. It is believed that all Godly men, from Adam to John the Baptist, went to a holding place after they died: Purgatory. But when Jesus came into the world, he himself was perfect man, and perfect God united. So that when Christ died, all those in Purgatory, were admitted into Heaven. The Pentecosts believe that entrence into Heaven is not gained by works. Nothing a man can do, can get him into Heaven. But if a man accepts Christ as his Lord and Savior, entrance to Heaven, and eternal life is granted. This concept is best explained by John 3:16: ‘‘“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, and whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”’’

The ultimate goals of the Pentecost Christian are: to be as Christ-like as possible, to bring as many people to the Christian faith as possible, and to ensure their place in Heaven.

The Bible

The Pentecost Christian interprets the Bible as literal as can be. Pentecosts believe that God did not have the Bible written to confuse His Creation, but for it to be as simple as possible to understand. Pentecosts never doubt the written Word of God.

Sin and Redemption

Pentecost Christians do not believe the ‘Once Saved, Always Saved’ theory. Pentecosts believe that if you intentionally defy God’s laws, then when you die, you will go to Hell, if you do not truly repent first. Pentecosts do not believe however, that if you commit a few unintentional sins, without repenting, that God will send you to Hell when you die.

Unlike the Catholic or Orthodox churches, Pentecosts do not confess their sins to a spiritual leader. Pentecost Christians believe that a person’s sins are between them and God. Pentecosts also believe that there is no median between man and God, except for Christ. All prayers are directed to Christ. In Pentecost beliefs, to pray or talk to a saint or Mary is a sin.

The Incarnation

"God became man so that man could become god" is a commonly misused and misrepresented phrase to express the significance of the Incarnation in relation to the salvation of Man. Man will never become a god nor should he seek to become a god. This was the cause of the fall of Satan. The statement should reflect that Jesus Christ, the Word of God, fully became a man through the complete submission of the Mary the Mother of Jesus while she was still a virgin. By doing so, the Church of Pentecost believes, God was able to show mankind that we were created in his image out of his love to fellowship with him for eternity. The incarnation starts the process of reconcilliation as only God could reconcile man due to man's fall into sin through Adam. He also gave us the ability to know God through his Son and enabled the Resurrection, which is the very core of the Orthodox Christian faith.

The Resurrection

The Resurrection is taken in very literal terms to the Church of Pentecost. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was crucified and died, descended into Hell, battled Death, and won. Through these events, He became the ultimate sacrifice, so that animal sacrifices to God were no longer needed. Thus causing the ultimate salvation of the world.


Homosexuality is viewed upon as a sin by the Church. The Church does not discriminate against those of the homosexual origin, but forbids any of its members to participate or encourage homosexual activities. The Church's position being as it is, the Church refuses to perform marriages involving homosexual couples.


Abortions are against Church beliefs, as the Church looks upon it as murder.


The Church forbids cloning of any sort, as the Church looks upon it as 'trying to play God'.

Other Religions

The Church maintains the belief that Christianity is the only TRUE religion, although those who practice Judaism and Islam claim to worship the same God. Though the Church maintains this belief, the Church believes that people have the right to worship however they choose. The Church believes that God gave men 'free will': the choice to acknowledge God or to deny Him.


The Galactic Churches of Pentecost are a communion comprising the collective body of fourteen or fifteen seperate hiearchal churches that recognize each other as "canonical" Churches of Pentecost.

Parishes, whether territorial or person-based, within a diocese are normally in the charge of a priest, known as the parish priest or the pastor.

Bishops are the successors of the apostles in the governance of the Church. The typical role of a bishop is to provide pastoral governance for a diocese.

From the Bishops of important churches, Cardinals are appointed by the Patriarch of the Galactic Church of Pentecost. Cardinals have the charge of electing the next Pontiff, if the current Pontiff dies. Thus there has been a limit of how many Cardinals there can be at one time: five. Each cardinal is given charge over a seperate region. Each region consists of several dioceses, complete with bishops and priests.

The Pontiff of the Galactic Church of Pentecost ranks above any other spiritual leader. There is only one Pontiff, and he is the figurehead of the Galactic Church of Pentecost. The Pontiff is to be a guide to the galaxies on how a proper Christian should act and behave.


To the Church of Pentecost, a saint is anyone who has been a living example of what a Christian should be. There are four requirements:

  • Be a true follower of Christ.
  • Be a witness of Christ.
  • Behave and act as the Bible says you should act.
  • Be an example to Christians and non-Christians.

Once a person dies, and it is realized by the Pontiff that they have completed these four deeds, sainthood is granted as a way of honoring them for living as they should.

National Religion

The following are countries that recognize the Galactic Church of Pentecost as the national religion: