Oglethorpian Executive Bureaus

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The Oglethorpian Executive Bureaus are the government departments subordinate to the Executive Office, each designated with a specific area of administration. Of the three Executive Bureaus, the Defense Bureau is the youngest by three years, the Foreign Relations and State Bureaus having been founded shortly after the unification of Oglethorpia.

Each bureau is led by the resident bureau chief; for example, the present Defense Bureau Chief is Terence I. Estes. The three bureau chiefs both serve as senior members of the Executive Office's cabinet, and as the vice heads of state.

Each Executive Bureau is further divided to further cover specialized fields; in the Defense Bureau they are known as departments, in the State Bureau they are authorities, and under the Foreign Relations Bureau they are called agencies.

While it is often the Defense and Foreign Relations Bureaus that are regularly in the news, it is the State Bureau that is largest (evident in its budget) and handles the most tasks of all the three.

Budgets in percentage of GDP

Oglethorpian Executive Bureaus 62221192_17633a0486_o.jpg
Foreign Relations | Defense | State