Alexius Andralak

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Alexius Andralak
Name of Office (1): Premier of The Revolutionary Bamonian Communist Party
Term of Office: 2052-
Predecessor: Queen Anastastopolis
Date of Birth: March 4th, 2012 (STS)
Place of Birth: Tiumen,Ivorila
Profession: Politician
Political party: The Revolutionary Bamonian Communist Party

Alexius Andralak was born in the nation of Ivorila into a poor family who struggled to make a living working as uranium miners. Alexius lived there until he moved to the newly-formed Queendom of Bamonia searching for opportunities.

Alexius, although having no formal education, found work as a low-level minister in the Royal Government under the despotic monarch, Queen Anastastopolis. He became a reliable and strong-willed man and slowly made his way through the ranks until he was appointed Head Bamonian Foreign Minister.

He continued to work for the Queen until one day he saw a condemned prisoner be publicly beheaded in the Main Forum in Waffleopolis for a minor offense. The event shocked Alexius who from that day, dedicated his life to helping the down-trodden working class, who suffered from the tyranny of the Queen.

He secretly met with others in the Bamonian Government who shared his beliefs in reform and created the Underground Communist Party who hoped to one day overthrow the corrupt dictatorship and establish a Socialist Republic. Their day came when the Bamonia signed a treaty with the hated of Anubinian Empire which disgusted the vast majority of the population. Alexius and the Communists jumped at the chance and staged a coup capturing the Palace and the Queen. By the end of the day, the military had sworn it's loyalty to them and Bamonia was now a nation of the people, with Alexius Andralak as it's first leader. Alexius was voted as the first Premier of Bamonia by the party and was sworn in on the steps of the former royal palace.

During his first months in office, Andralak went about molding Bamonia into a modern communist nation. The Communists undertook a huge reform process to destroy and rebuild the majority of the city to make it a modern, wealthy, and beautiful metropolis. Many of the old slums and ghettos were torn down and new apartments and living quarters were built. Old palaces and forums were renovated to become parks and other public places. And many schools and hospitals were established to give the formerly oppressed and poor citizens of Waffleopolis a better life. He also brokered Bamonia's entry into the powerful COMECON Alliance, which helped boost the country's shattered economy.

During the Dominion Wars, Andralak and the People's Duma voted to play only a minor role in the region-spanning conflict. But in the end, Bamonia entered the war on the side of The Coalition, lending troops and supplies to the defense of Pastocia against the invading armies of the Obsidian Order and played a major role in the joint Zedoljan-Bamonian assault on The Yeti Nation at the war's end.