Bolbo Niltani

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Bolbo Niltani
Full Title
Supreme Plutocrat Bolbo Niltani of Promethius Prime
Niltani of Cassius
16th June 1912 AD
Nations Controlled
Promethius Prime , The Dakotian Union, The Valician Union


Bolbo Niltani was born into a middle class family, on the planet of Cassiun Nova, his father Nicoli Niltani, was the grandson of Marius Niltani of Promethius , who united the planet of Promethius Prime as on nation. He lived his early years until the age of 22, on Cassiun Nova, part of Trodenhiem , but following the civil war in Promethius Prime , he found his family tree, and was given control of the nation, and asked to form a government. His first act was to put the nation under democratic plutocracy, and his second was to outlaw the Crimson Guard who started the civil war.